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TECHNICAL OFFICIALS COURSE 26 – 27 March 2013 Hamburg, Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "TECHNICAL OFFICIALS COURSE 26 – 27 March 2013 Hamburg, Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 TECHNICAL OFFICIALS COURSE 26 – 27 March 2013 Hamburg, Germany

2 JUDGES JOB DESCRIPTION Keep time Keep scores Check names of players and officials Check starting line up Check sticks Check players kit Check GKs kit and equipment Check passports Check nets, goals, field markings Assist TD and TO as required

3 ……. JD continued Contribute to the smooth running of the tournament Assist/support the TD and TO Ensure matches are recorded properly Be a team player – support your colleagues Support the umpires

4 QUALITIES / SKILLS Know the rules/regulations Keep calm under pressure Be punctual Concentrate Firm but fair IT skills Neat and tidy – professional Be discrete BE PREPARED

5 PRE EVENT PREPARATION Read the following: FIH / EHF Tournament Regulations XX YY FIH Guidelines for Team Managers FIH Code of Conduct FIH/EHF pre Match Protocol

6 GET ORGANISED Reply to all correspondence promptly Make travel arrangements – passport/visa/money Keep in touch with the tournament organisers/TD Ask – don’t try to blag it! Bring with you any personal equipment e.g. stop watch, tape measure, rules book, stick ring/barrel Check what kit to bring – EHF/FIH Check if any social events

7 TECHNICAL TABLE PAPERS Match report Form (2 copies) Tournament regulations Appointment sheet – colours etc Team Entry Forms Starting Line Up Forms Team Officials List Injury Report Form Card Registration Form Penalty Stroke/Shoot out Form Rules of Hockey

8 PRE MATCH Report 30 mins before match Check tournament papers are all there Check table equipment is there and working Stick checks (if needed) Check uniforms/colours are correct Check captains’ arm bands Check balls/ball patrols are there

9 DURING THE MATCH Check starting 11 Note time subs go on Register all match information (goals, scorers, cards, time, injuries) Judge on clock confirm all stoppages and restarts with the umpire Time injuries and green/yellow cards

10 HALF TIME Make sure a clock is running to time half time If teams leave the field make sure sticks & GK equipment is left behind Check information on match report for first half – print if needed

11 END OF MATCH Note time match ends Check and complete match report form Make sure managers, umpires, officials sign the sheet Check reasons for cards with the umpires Ensure benches are cleared Deliver all papers to the TD Return technical equipment to the office





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