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Decent Work, Decent Life for Women
ITUC Represents 170 million workers
in 158 countries and territories and has 316 national affiliates
ITUC Equality Department
Gender and equality policies, programs and campaigns Migrants - Domestic workers Other issues: Racism and Xenophobia LGTB Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Elderly Disabled
Women in trade unions Average women membership rate is 40%
Women are under represented in elected and leadership positions
ITUC Constitution Aims at gender parity in leadership positions at national, regional and international level Congress: gender parity in trade union delegations is required Executive Board: 30% of its members are women
ITUC Women’s Committee
Women’s Committee and representation in the General Council and Executive Bureau Once in the 4 years: Women’s Conference – October 2009 33 titualr members – represnetation from all the regions
Women’s Committees National Centers ETUC + PERC Americas Africa
Asia/ Pacific Trade unions International/ regional structures of the Global Union Federations Pan European Regional Council
Global Facts and Figures
Today 40% of the world labour force are women (1.2 billion); Women account for an increasing proportion (60% - 70%) of the world’s poor and working poor; Informal economy: 60% or more are women workers Export Processing Zones: 80/90 % of the workers are young women. Global supply chains: MNE’s take advantage of less well paid and organised labour Informal economy: self employed/ paid employment without contracts, no social protection: maternity leave, no access to services: child and health care - earn less then a dollar a day EPZ: 80 million workers, no maternity protection rights, sexual harassment, great difficulaties to organise, form trade unions Global Supply chains: work is outsourced, a way MNE’s do not take responsibility for working conditions and wages. All kinds of products – and trade in services, tourism, flowers, fruits, vegetables
Global Facts and Figures
Women earn 10% of the world’s income. Work two-thirds of the world unpaid work. Those in waged employment earn an average of three- fourths of the male wage for the same work, or work of equal value. Gender Equality Report on 8 March: Global Pay Gap in 2008: 16,5 % in 2009: 22 % Earnings between men and women widens with age The higher the education– the higher the negative impact Trade union membership has a positive influence on the gender pay gap Women receive less promotions and are less compensated for working overtime – compared to men Report II: covers gender pay gap, women’s postion on the labour market during periods of economic crisis
Decent Work, decent Life for Women
Global Facts and Figures
violence and sexual harassment at or near the workplace – 1 out of 3 women experienced violence in her life; women between 15 – 44 are more at risk of death/ disability through domestic violence then through cancer, motor accidents, war and malaria.
Global Policies on gender equality
ILO DECENT WORK AGENDA: The four pillars of Decent Work: Standards and rights at work, Employment creation Social protection Social dialogue. ILO Conference 2009: Conclusions and recommendations on gender equality Trade unions: key role to get decent work for women on the agenda – MDG’s and international donor assistance
Global Policies on gender equality
Calling for a review of national labour legislation: Urging governments to ratify and implement ILO Conventions e.g. : C. 183, Maternity protection C. 156, Workers with Family responsibilities C. 100, Equal Remuneration C. 111, Discrimination Ireland Ratified: 100 (167), 111 (169), Not ratified: 183 (17), 156 (40)
Global Policies on gender equality
Urging governments to implement: CEDAW (United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women), international statement of women’s rights signed by 185 countries – agenda for national action The Beijing Global Platform for Action which commits governments to “ensuring that gender perspective is reflected in all our policies and programmes” and the Beijing Declaration which includes ‘Section F’ on Women and the Economy. Mullenium Declaration, adopted by 189 nations and signed by 147 Heads of State
Global Policies on gender equality
The UN Millennium Development Goals 2015: (1) Hunger and poverty – refers to decent work - including women and youth (3) Gender equality - increasing number of women in wage employment and (5) maternal health
Global Campaign for Decent Work, Decent Life for Women
Objectives: Decent work for women Organising women workers and achieving gender equality in trade union structures, policies and activities
Campaign Previous achievements of International campaigns for women:
Increase women membership - up to 150%; Increase of women in elected positions; Unions intensified policies/ actions on gender equality at work e.g. maternity protection (183), child care, pay equity, protection from sexual harassment.
Since the launch of the Campaign on 8 March 2008
102 National Centers in 64 Countries join the Campaign Activities focus on: Maternity protection rights – ILO Convention 183 Child care facilities, Work – life balance – ILO Convention 156 Pay Equity – ILO Convention 100 Gender equality in trade unions
Decent Work, decent Life for Women
Campaign actions Gender Equality at the centre of collective bargaining and social dialogue More women in elected positions and increase of women membership rates
Campaign actions
Campaign actions Ratification/ implementation of ILO Conventions on gender equality Encourage involvement at national level: CEDAW, MDG, Beijing Platform of Action UN Commission on the Status of Women Conclusions of the ILO Conference on gender Equality
Campaign Actions
Campaign Actions
Focusing on Key Dates 8 March - International Women’s Day
7 October World Day for Decent Work 25 November - UN Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women .
Campaign Actions
Achievements Current Campaign
Croatia, 2008: the Croatian parliament has approved a new gender equality law Australia, 2009: Paid maternity leave for working mothers Korea: 2008: Legislation on Equal Employment and support for the Reconciliation of Work and Family New Zealand, 2008: introduced legislation for breastfeeding breaks
Achievements Current Campaign
Gender Pay Gap Report World wide media coverage of the first ITUC report on the Gender Pay Gap on 8 March 2008 Major international organizations/ institutions start to include the issue into their annual reports (ILO, UN, NGO’s). The report is the most hit item on the ITUC website.
Achievements Current Campaign
Decisions for Life Project: 2009: Reached 5000 young women in the service sector Trade union Campaign teams – Web journalist teams in 14 countries Cooperation between ITUC – UNI – WageIndicator Foundation – University of Amsterdam Project: Web part and trade union campaign part. Young Women – integrated in Decent Work, decent Life for Women Campaign
Campaign Methods used:
Questionnaire/ reports – media attention Coalitions/ networking: women in unions, women in parliament, NGO’ s Preparing changes/ amendments to labor law/ collective agreements Organize discussions in trade unions to develop model clauses on gender equality for collective agreements Training on gender equality Organising women workers
ITUC Materials on Gender Equality
Publications ITUC Campaign Guide: Decent Work, Decent Life for Women Achieving Gender Equality, Trade Union Manual Action Program on achieving gender equality in trade unions Trade Unions say NO to Violence Against Women Stopping Sexual Harassment at Work Women’s Charter
ITUC Materials on Gender Equality
Reports: The Global Gender Pay Gap Gender Inequality at Work The Decent Work Agenda: A Gender Perspective Resolutions: Violence Against Women Statements For the UN Commission on the status of Women
Women Conference webpage: - click on ‘equality’, ‘women’ Campaign webpage: - click on ‘equality’ list –
Decent Work, Decent Life for Women Campaign
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