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Decent Employment in Transport: What can World Bank Programmes Contribute? Transport and Social Responsibility Thematic Group Peter Roberts 24 March 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Decent Employment in Transport: What can World Bank Programmes Contribute? Transport and Social Responsibility Thematic Group Peter Roberts 24 March 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decent Employment in Transport: What can World Bank Programmes Contribute? Transport and Social Responsibility Thematic Group Peter Roberts 24 March 2004

2 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting2 Objective To strengthen understanding of key social issues related to transport and to help develop guidance for optimizing the social impacts of transport policies and investments

3 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting3 Issues Build on work of transport and other sectors for: Inclusion: for gender, age, disability etc; Coping with Change: issues of access and mobility, construction practice, environmental impact, safety and with inhibiting the transmission of communicable disease; Responsibility: public, private sector, individual

4 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting4 Specific areas of work  “ Access for All ” in the context of fighting poverty: - urban transport design for inclusion of disabled; aged etc.  Mainstreaming gender and transport issues – cases and resources;  Inhibiting disease (particularly HIV/AIDS) transmission;  Fostering good employment practice in transport  relate to lessons from key transport safety issues – headlines and links from Highways TG and other sub-sectors; – incentives for socially responsible transport operations – public and private responsibilities

5 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting5 Next steps ToR for Group: finalized (by mid-April) work plan for 2004 to be agreed establish web page and links Prepare programme for 2005 next meeting: 7 April aim for first Wednesday every month

6 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting6 Coping with change: Employment Initiative: Social Aspects of Construction Financed by DFID, UK Field studies in: Ghana: formal contracting – bridge construction; India (Kerala): decent ’ d – community contracting; Zambia: participatory unpaid work – water + sanit. Consultation and publish guidance

7 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting7 Implementing Labour Standards in Construction: A sourcebook www.

8 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting8 What can we do? Define a way ahead Agree roles and responsibilities Identify which Labour Standards to focus on Implement Consultation Address concerns, capacity, costs Review contracts Ensure communication Monitor: for compliance Use of incentives or sanctions? Measure the impact Institutionalise Documentation Develop responsibilities Develop a strategy

9 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting9 Early output – Indicators Examples: Core Labour Standards: Are the Core Labour Standards of the International Labour Organisation legislated by the Government and actively implemented by the construction and transport industries? Health and Safety: Are appropriate Health and Safety standards legislated by the Government and actively practised, monitored and reported by the construction and transport industries? Is there significant application of the spirit of these requirements?

10 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting10 China estimated 200,000 industrial fatalities per year (Ref. The 2 nd China International Forum on Work Safety; China International Work Safety & Occupational Health Exhibition, Sept. 1-4, 2004, Beijing PR China

11 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting11 China context Review procurement procedures Has a strong influence on approaches Addressing the “ big picture ”, while the detail is worked on Review current contracting procedures and compare with site practice Identify gaps Priority areas for China Who is doing what? Opportunities to take forward Who will be involved?

12 24 Mar 2004 Transport and Social Responsibility - second meeting12 Cambodia and Philippines PRIP – Cambodia Government has signed up to the ILO conventions on labour TTL ensured this was included in the standard bidding documents/contracts: covering wages rates, age limits, gender equality, fair selection of labor etc.

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