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Trashketball Drama Unit (Animal Farm)Review DLT: I can distinguish the characteristics of dramatic literature.

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Presentation on theme: "Trashketball Drama Unit (Animal Farm)Review DLT: I can distinguish the characteristics of dramatic literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trashketball Drama Unit (Animal Farm)Review DLT: I can distinguish the characteristics of dramatic literature

2 Rules of Trashketball 1.Stay in your seats at all times. 2.You will have 30-60 seconds to discuss the answer to a question AND 3.Write ONE response to the question on a sheet of paper. 4.All teams will hold up their answers. 5.If you are correct, your team will get the opportunity to shoot the correct response into the trashcan from a 1, 2, or 3 point line. 6.If the shot is made, the team gets extra- credit. 7.Shots will be made after ALL the questions have been answered.

3 1 Q.1) Describe theme

4 Answer The big idea or what the story is about.

5 2 Q. 2- How is plot described?

6 Answer The action or sequence of events

7 3 What is the point of view in a story, poem, essay, or drama?

8 Answer The point of view comes from the person who is telling the story, whether it is a narrator or character

9 4 What is the definition of fiction?

10 Answer Literature in which the plot and characters are imaginary.

11 5 When an object stands for or represents something else, what literary device is the writer using?

12 Answer Symbolism

13 6 What is the term that is used for good word choice?

14 Answer Diction

15 7 What is the definition of the climax of a story?

16 Answer The high point of interest or suspense

17 8 What is the denouement or falling action in fiction or drama?

18 Answer The resolution of the conflict after the climax in the fiction or drama and thus providing an outcome to the plot situation

19 9 What is dialogue?

20 Answer Someone talking within the play or story set off by quotation marks.

21 10 Rising action, considering plot and narrative, is best described as what?

22 Answer Events or sequence that build up to the climax

23 11 When a character gives a speech, what term best describes this?

24 Answer Monologue

25 12 What term best describes a long speech expressing the thoughts or feelings by a character on stage who is trying to make a decision that is very serious and difficult?

26 Answer Soliloquy

27 13 A stage performer may make comments intended to be heard only by the audience and supposedly not by the characters. What do we call this?

28 Answer Aside

29 14 What kind of comparison is being used in the phrase “her words fell on me like a load of bricks”?

30 Answer Simile

31 15 Dramatic irony is a particular kind of irony that involves the character in fiction or drama. Describe this technique.

32 Answer An event that directly contradicts what is expected. The readers know something the character do not.

33 16 The following is an example of ______: The car huffed and puffed all the way up the hill

34 Answer Personifcation

35 17 A character who serves as a contrast or conflict to another character, similar to the protagonist, is a _________character.

36 Answer A foil character

37 18 What kind of comparison is being used in the following: “His eyes were piercing darts into my soul.”

38 Answer Metaphor

39 19 What is an allegory?

40 Answer The characters stand for virtues and vices. There is more than 1 level of meaning.

41 20 What is a fabel?

42 Answer A story/play that has more than one level of meaning.

43 21 Which animals seem to represent ordinary, decent citizens?

44 Answer Jessie and Muriel

45 22 What is the moral of Animal Farm?

46 Answer An idealistic system can easily be corrupted.

47 23 Which character symbolizes positive leadership for the revolution?

48 Answer Snowball

49 24 George Orwell wrote Animal Farm because of his…

50 Answer Hatred for injustice and political lying

51 25 Which character does not represent a satirical character : –Squealer –Napoleon –Mr. Jones –Boxer

52 Answer Boxer

53 26 What are the themes for Animal Farm

54 Answer Freedom and individual dignity should be guarded. Weakness can be dominated by strength, fear, and trickery. Vision and hope must be kept alive Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Language is a powerful tool, used improperly it can enslave us.

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