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Metropolitan Transportation Plan/ Sustainable Communities Strategy MTP—Regional transportation plan developed every four years. SCS—New SB 375 requirement.

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Presentation on theme: "Metropolitan Transportation Plan/ Sustainable Communities Strategy MTP—Regional transportation plan developed every four years. SCS—New SB 375 requirement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/ Sustainable Communities Strategy MTP—Regional transportation plan developed every four years. SCS—New SB 375 requirement to better integrate land use with transportation planning. Environmental Justice (EJ) analysis required by federal and state law concerning benefits and impacts of MTP/SCS on low-income and minority populations.

2 CRC Topic Areas and EJ Analysis for the MTP/SCS Demographics Social Vulnerability Indicators Opportunity Indicators

3 Demographics Demographic IndicatorsSACOG Use RaceEJ Area definition — minority community AgeEJ Area vulnerability definition — 75+ Education (% of 25+ without HS diploma) EJ Area vulnerability definition ImmigrantsEJ Area vulnerability definition — linguistic isolation

4 Social Vulnerability Social Vulnerability IndicatorsSACOG Use Inadequate economic opportunities (% of hhs ≤ 200% of poverty level) EJ Area definition — low-income community Poor business opportunities (shrinking/dying businesses) More research Inadequate housing opportunities (% of hhs paying > 50% of income for housing) EJ Area vulnerability definition

5 Social Vulnerability Vulnerability IndicatorsSACOG Use Social vulnerabilities (linguistic isolation) EJ Area vulnerability definition Social vulnerabilities (single parent households) EJ Area vulnerability definition Insufficient transportation options (improved to look at accessibility) Moved to EJ Performance Measure Poor neighborhood quality (% of housing units vacant) Working on vacancy monitoring

6 Opportunity Opportunity IndicatorsSACOG Use Good and balanced economic opportunities EJ Area access to jobs; more research on high-wage job growth, middle income households Good neighborhood business climate Population in TPAs, growth in jobs by type; more research on small business growth Affordable and decent housing Growth in Community Types, housing product mix; margin of error issues with homeownership rate below county/MSA level

7 Opportunity Opportunity IndicatorsSACOG Use High quality neighborhood and environment Access to park acreage Diverse, accessible and affordable transportation opportunities Mode share, transit accessibility measures

8 Defining EJ Areas Low-Income Communities (required) Minority Communities (required) Vulnerable Communities (not required, new)

9 Defining EJ Areas Low-Income Communities: Census Tracts where 45% or more of the population earns 200% or less of the federal poverty level, based on 2005-2009 ACS data. Includes 19% of regional population

10 Income Map: 45% of Population below 200% of Poverty Line

11 Income Map: 45% of Population below 150% of Poverty Line

12 Income Map: 45% of Population below 100% of Poverty Line

13 Federal Poverty Level2009 Poverty Guidelines Family Size 100% of Poverty 150% of Poverty 200% of Poverty 1$10,830$16,245$21,660 2$14,570$21,855$29,140 3$18,310$27,465$36,620 4$22,050$33,075$44,100 5$25,790$38,685$51,580 6$29,530$44,295$59,060 7$33,270$49,905$66,540 8$37,010$55,515$74,020 For each additional person: $3,740$5,610$7,480 SOURCE: Federal Register, Vol. 64, No. 52, March 18, 1999, pp. 13428-13430. Federal Poverty Rate

14 Defining EJ Areas Minority Communities: Census Block Groups where 70% or more of the population is Asian/Pacific Islander, African American, Hispanic, Native American or other Non-White ethnic group, based on 2010 Census data. Includes 19% of regional population

15 Map: 60% of Population from Minority Group

16 Map: 70% of Population from Minority Group

17 County Total Minority Population 2000 Total Minority Population 2010 El Dorado15%20% Placer17%24% Sacramento42%52% Sutter40%50% Yolo42%50% Yuba35%41% Region36%44% Regional Increase in Diversity 2000 to 2010

18 Defining EJ Areas Vulnerable Communities: Block groups in region in the top quintile on at least four of five measures: Housing cost burden Single parent households Population aged 75 and older Population 25+ with less than high school degree Households where English is not the primary language and is not spoken very well Includes 1% of regional population

19 Map of Housing Cost Burden: % of renter- & owner-occupied units paying over 50% of household income for housing

20 Older population: Percentage of population aged 75 and older

21 Single parent households: % of households with own children under age 18 with single householder

22 Educational attainment: % of population 25 years and older with less than a high school degree

23 Linguistic isolation: % of households where English is not primary language and is not spoken very well

24 Vulnerable communities: Areas with 4-5 indicators

25 EJ Area Map: 26.5% of Regional Population

26 Opportunity Opportunity IndicatorsSACOG Use Good and balanced economic opportunities EJ Area access to jobs; more research on high-wage job growth, middle income households Good neighborhood business climate Population in TPAs, growth in jobs by type; more research on small business growth Affordable and decent housing Growth in Community Types, housing product mix; margin of error issues with homeownership rate below county/MSA level

27 Opportunity Opportunity IndicatorsSACOG Use High quality neighborhood and environment Access to park acreage Diverse, accessible and affordable transportation opportunities Mode share, transit accessibility measures

28 Opportunity IndicatorsSACOG Use Job Access Accessibility from EJ Areas within 30 minutes by transit (or car) to job (include retail and medical) Access to Higher Education Accessibility from EJ Areas within 30 minutes by transit (or car) to higher education enrollments Performance Measures — Good and balanced economic opportunities

29 Average Access to Jobs from EJ and Non-EJ Areas

30 Average Access to Retail Jobs from EJ and Non-EJ Areas

31 Average Access to Medical Jobs from EJ and Non-EJ Areas

32 Average Access to Higher Education Enrollments from EJ and Non-EJ Areas

33 IndicatorSpecific Measure Land UsePopulation in Community Types: Centers & Corridors, Established Communities, Developing Communities, Transit Priority Areas, etc. Housing product mixPercentage of attached homes, small-lot single family, large-lot single family, rural residential **Future MeasuresJobs-Housing Fit Housing + Transportation Costs Performance Measures — Affordable and Decent Housing

34 Residential Growth in the MTP/SCS Percent Change from 2008 to 2035

35 Performance Measures — Diverse, accessible and affordable transportation opportunities IndicatorSpecific Measure Transit proximity Population in EJ Areas within 1/2-mile of 15-minute Transit Lines Mode share EJ Area changes in transit, bike and walk shares Transit serviceVehicle Service Hours

36 Mode Share Increase Percent Change from 2008 to 2035

37 IndicatorSpecific Measure Access to ParksAccessibility from EJ Areas within 30 minutes by transit (or car) to park acres Air ContaminantsPopulation within 500 feet of high-volume roadways Performance Measures — High quality neighborhood and environment

38 Average Access to Acres of Parks from EJ and Non-EJ Areas

39 Research Under Development IndicatorSpecific Measure Housing FitJobs-Housing Fit Tool under development with stakeholder groups Housing and Transportation Affordability Housing+Transportation Cost Measure: similar methodology to Jobs-Housing Fit, working with Center for Neighborhood Tech Air ContaminantsProximity to sources of TACs Poor business opportunities Looking at National Establishment Time Series Database, ES-202, Board of Equalization, etc.

40 Other Future Work Refine performance measures related to medical services, higher education, parks, health, youth

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