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Managing Change February 2010 Fasset Update. Scarce Skills Trainees to qualify as accountants and auditors Bookkeepers and accounting technicians Financial.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Change February 2010 Fasset Update. Scarce Skills Trainees to qualify as accountants and auditors Bookkeepers and accounting technicians Financial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Change February 2010 Fasset Update

2 Scarce Skills Trainees to qualify as accountants and auditors Bookkeepers and accounting technicians Financial officers, SCM Support staff in public sector Internal auditors Taxation practitioners (local & international) Managers in finance and accounting

3 Fasset Grants Update OutgoingIncoming Deadline Mandatory Grant30 June 2009*30 June 2010 Old Learnership Cash Grant31 March 201031 March 2011 Strategic Cash Grant31 March 201031 March 2011 New SMME Grant31 March 2011 Assessor Grant31 March 2011 * or within 6 months of registration of a new firm

4 Pilot Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME) Grant Due 31 March 2011 Based on need to support SMMEs who do not traditionally participate in learnerships Amount will be limited to R11,000 per five employees employed in the SMME organisation SizeAmount 1 – 5R 11,000 6 – 10R 22,000 11 – 15R 33,000 16 – 20R 44,000 21 – 25R 55,000 26 – 30R 66,000 31 – 35R 77,000 36 – 40R 88,000 41 – 45R 99,000 45 – 49R 110,000

5 Assessor Training Grant Available from 1 April 2010 Reimburse cost of training, provided the assessor or moderator registers against a Fasset qualification The assessor requires approval from the relevant professional body The application form to be made available in March 2010

6 Fasset Skills Advisors (FSA) Limited service to be offered, after 10 years of support 1-on-1 visits to large and medium, new SDL-paying members, changed SDFs SDFs previously assisted will be offered telephonic assistance with completion of the Mandatory Grant Employers are encouraged to submit, independent of FSAs Details can be found on Fasset’s website

7 Learnership Update Learnership Tax Deductions Available for all learners, regardless of population group, through SARS Increase in allowance for multi-year learnerships Pro-rated for learners who leave the employer before the end of the learnership Higher amount available for learners with a disability

8 L’ship Tax Deductions Change AllowanceAllowance (With Disability) MonthsCommenceCompletionCommenceCompletion 12 (1yr)R 30,000 R 50,000 24 (2yr)R 30,000 R 50,000 36 (3yr)R 30,000 R 50,000 R 90,000 R 150,000 Income Tax Act 2009

9 OFO Organising Framework for Occupations Skill-based coded classification system for occupations Occupations represent a category that encompass a number of jobs or specialisations e.g. occupation “General Accountant” covers specialisations such as “Insolvency Practitioner” Identified occupations are classified according to two criteria: skill level and skill specialisation

10 OFO cont. Skill level measured by level / amount of 1) Formal education and/or training 2) Previous experience in a related occupation 3) On-the job training required to perform set of tasks Occupations divided into Major, Sub-Major, Minor, and Unit groupings Occupational descriptors will provide description of the associated tasks for every grouping

11 QCTO Quality Council for Trades and Occupations Coordinate learning towards occupational competence within a national learning system to address specific scarce skills Fit-for-purpose qualifications to be certificated as National Occupational Awards or National Skills Certificates. Award will name relevant occupation that learner is competent to practice To contribute to increased employment & productivity

12 Development Projects To address shortage of scarce professionals in sector Workplace readiness skills funded e.g. soft skills, financial skills Learners are black and/or disabled Once employed on a learnership they may be put forward for a Learnership Cash Grant (LCG) Guarantee Trust, Tusanani (SHA), IRBA Support Bridging programmes funded by Fasset. Degreed learners and learners with Grade 12

13 Free Lifelong Learning Feb 10Managing Change Feb 10Essential Office Etiquette Mar 102010 Budget & Tax Update May 10Role of SDF 2010 Aug 10Building & Maintaining a Team Sep & Oct 10Complying with Changes in Legislation Feb 11SDF event (TBA) Mar 112011 Budget and Tax Update Apr 11Role of SDF 2011 Register at Certificates

14 Seta Landscape Move to the Department of Higher Education and Training provides an opportunity to ensure that education and training is more closely aligned Status quo will remain unchanged for another year Seta landscape and NSDS 2 will be rolled-over for another year

15 Statistics SA 49 million people – 79.3% Black, 9% Coloured, 9% White, 2.6% Indian (StatsSA mid-year population statistic 2009) SA’s goal to half poverty and employment by 2014 Global economic downturn placing pressure on SA’s development goals and employment figures Minister of Finance expects global economic growth to slow for several years. GDP to decline

16 Unemployment in SA (Stats SA) Unemployment increased by 0.9% to 24.9% in the 3rd Q of 2009 Loss of 484 000 jobs – 283 000 in the formal sector Manufacturing and wholesale industries greatest losses In poor households, income derives from remittances and family support 50 000 to 70 000 school leavers enter labour market each year with 50% chance of finding a job before the age of 24 Very few people in SA have any kind of employment such as self- employment or a paid job

17 Unemployment Statistics SA Population, total (millions)49.3 Population growth (annual percentage)1.07 Life expectancy at birth, total (years)53.5 M & 57.2 F GDP growth (annual percentage)3.1 Inflation, consumer prices (2008%)11.5 Unemployment (% of total labour force)23.6 Internet users per 1000n people (2004 figure)109 Source: World Development Indicators 2008 and South African Official Statistics 2009

18 Decent Work Opportunities for women and men to obtain work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity International Labour Organisation (ILO) Concept has led to international consensus that productive employment and decent work are key elements to achieving poverty reduction

19 Decent Work cont. Aspirations of people in their working lives Job opportunities and sufficient incomes Rights at work Representation and a voice in the workplace Family stability and personal development Fairness and gender equality

20 Fasset’s Strategy Training and skills development Identifying scarce skills Objective 4: Assisting designated groups, including new entrants to participate in accredited work, integrated learning and work-based programmes to acquire critical skills to enter the labour market and self-employment

21 Thank you Fasset Call Centre 086 101 0001

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