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Reading a Phylogenetic Tree

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Presentation on theme: "Reading a Phylogenetic Tree"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading a Phylogenetic Tree
The Meaning of Monophyletic Groups by David Baum Nature Education 2008 PowerPoint presentation prepared by Larry Flammer ENSI Webmaster

2 What an Evolutionary Tree Represents

3 Zoooooming out…


5 Branching pattern of four species

6 Phylogenetic terminology
Terminals / Taxa

7 A monophyletic group = CLADE

8 How to Read an Evolutionary Tree
Information on patterns of evolutionary decent is the same regardless of the lengths of branches

9 These trees depict equivalent relationships despite different styles

10 Equivalent relationships, even though internal branches rotated

11 Tree shows relative timing of nodes only when nodes are on same path from root

12 The Importance of Phylogenetic Trees
1. Increasing use of phylogenetic trees in the biological sciences 2. Need to know what trees diagrams do and do not communicate 3. Provide an efficient structure for organizing biodiversity info 4. Develop accurate conception of totality of evolutionary history 5. Important for aspiring biologists to develop this understanding

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