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Developing and Implementing DWCP’s Priorities and Outcomes Giuseppe Casale Director Labour Administration and Inspection Programme LAB/ADMIN

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Presentation on theme: "Developing and Implementing DWCP’s Priorities and Outcomes Giuseppe Casale Director Labour Administration and Inspection Programme LAB/ADMIN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing and Implementing DWCP’s Priorities and Outcomes Giuseppe Casale Director Labour Administration and Inspection Programme LAB/ADMIN

2 Decent Work Country Programmes DWCP  Announced and established in 2004  A tool for the promotion of Decent Work at the country level

3 Decent Work Four strategic objectives  Fundamental principles and rights at work and international labour standards  Employment and income opportunities  Social protection and social security  Social dialogue and tripartism

4 Decent Work Country Programme  Framework to determine national priority areas of cooperation in accordance with ILO mandate and strategic objectives  Tool to ensure commitment of governments and social partners towards specific areas (participation in formulation, implementation and evaluation)  Tool to align ILO’s activities with national needs within ILO strategy: definition of outcomes as a basis for programming and resources  Length: 3- 5 years

5 DWCP and Labour Administration/Inspection Aligning ILO action and resources Example: DWCP Albania  Outcome: Labour administration, including labour inspection effectively implements ILS through national legislation  Creation of country priority outcome: Linking of resources Internal fundraising and justification for project activities

6 DWCP and Labour Administration/Inspection Example: TC Project on enhancing labour inspection effectiveness (Norwegian funds)  National level:labour inspection audits; labour inspection action plans; implementation activities (e.g. training)  Global (HQ) level:development of training modules; web site; expert meetings

7 Challenges  ILO activities and resources to be dedicated to country priority outcomes  Need to highlight labour administration/inspection activities in the preparation and implementation of DWCPs  Expanding the network of labour inspectorates  Monitoring the labour inspection programmes in member States  Emphasis on quality services

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