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Outcomes of the SIDS Conference (September 1 st – 4 th 2014, Apia, Samoa) Kate Brown, GLISPA Prepared for Special meeting on the Guadeloupe Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcomes of the SIDS Conference (September 1 st – 4 th 2014, Apia, Samoa) Kate Brown, GLISPA Prepared for Special meeting on the Guadeloupe Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcomes of the SIDS Conference (September 1 st – 4 th 2014, Apia, Samoa) Kate Brown, GLISPA Prepared for Special meeting on the Guadeloupe Conference

2 Partipation 1.115 countries attended approximately 4000 people. 2.Agency heads – good showing – Head of UNFCC Sec, CBD Sec, GEF Sec, UNDP, Commonwealth Secretariat to name a few. 3.Meagre media coverage 4.Relatively low level participation of non SIDS high level people

3 Outcomes Outcome Document: SIDS accelerated modalities of action (SAMOA) Document. SIDS remain a special case for sustainable development but it recognises SIDS ownership and leadering to overcome their SD challenges. SUSTAINED AND SUSTAINABLE, INCLUSIVE AND EQUITABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH WITH DECENT WORK FOR ALL Climate Change Sustainable energy DRR Oceans and Seas Food security and nutrition Water and Sanitation Sustainable Transport Sustainable consumption and production Health and NCDs Gender Equality and women’s empowerment Social development Biodiversity Invasive Alien Species

4 Outcomes Outcome Document: SIDS accelerated modalities of action (SAMOA) Document. Means of Implementation Financing Trade Capacity Building Technology Data and statistsics Institutional Support for SIDS SIDS Priorities for the post 2015-Agenda Monitoring and accountability Big themes: Oceans, Energy, People

5 Outcomes Partnerships Theme 297 partnerships were registered before the meeting between governments, businesses and civil society organisations UN estimates the total value of these commitments at over USD $1.9 Billion. Notable partnerships GLISPA SIDSDOCK Climate Resilient Islands Partnership (Commsec) See all the partnerships at:

6 GLISPA @ UNSIDS Arrival & Welcome of the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage GLISPA Leaders Sail on Board the Hōkūle’a in Celebration of International Year of SIDS Island Bright Spot Exchange & Kava-Side Chat Participation in Partnership Panel on Oceans, Seas and Biodiversity Leaders Inspiring Action High Level Event: A celebration of commitments to build resilient and sustainable island communities through innovative partnerships Results Catalyzed significant leadership from 11 countries and 2 organizations making commitments and 6 new and strengthened partnerships towards conservation of island biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods 16 bright spots were identified and shared that have potential to be scaled and replicated GLISPA EVENT SPOTLIGHT RELEASED SHORTLY






12 Links SIDS Meeting Summary of the Meeting: IISD Link to Samoa Pathways Document Link to partnerships database: GLISPA Coverage of the Arrival and UNSG: Oiwi Television News Coverage Ban Ki Moon’s Climate Summit Blog “This Is Our Chance”“This Is Our Chance” National Geographic “Hōkūleʻa Welcomes the United Nations Secretary- General”Hōkūleʻa Welcomes the United Nations Secretary- General” Huffington Post “Aboard the Hokulea: Sailboats, Small Islands and the Stewardship of Nature”“Aboard the Hokulea: Sailboats, Small Islands and the Stewardship of Nature” Coverage of GLISPA High Level Event IISD “Island Leaders Commit to New Partnerships through GLISPA”“Island Leaders Commit to New Partnerships through GLISPA” Le Matinal “Pour le PEID, l’heure n’est plus aux débats mais à l’action”“Pour le PEID, l’heure n’est plus aux débats mais à l’action” NRDC “Stringing a Lei of Action Around the World”“Stringing a Lei of Action Around the World” Coverage of Bright Spots Event Watch Oiwi TV Coverage Island Bright Spots in Conservation and Sustainability Booklet

13 Moving Forward CBD COP12, October, Korea. International Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change: from Strategies to Action, 22 to 25 October 2014, Guadeloupe, Milan Expo Island Summit including the GLISPA Steering Committee, 2015, Italy. Worldwide Voyage arrival in New York City and DC, mid-2016, USA.

14 Thank you Contact for further information Go to

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