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Ron Remillard, MIT Primary Collaborator, Jeff McClintock CfA

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1 Ron Remillard, MIT Primary Collaborator, Jeff McClintock CfA
The X-ray States and High Frequency Oscillations of Black Holes Binaries Ron Remillard, MIT Primary Collaborator, Jeff McClintock CfA

2 Outline Three States of Active Accretion (1035 > Lx > 1039 erg/s) Frequent, Rapid Transitions ; Distinct Spectral and Timing Properties Quantitative Definitions ; Select Data to test Physical Models 3-state versus 2-state Prescriptions for States Study Accretion in Strong Gravity Thermal State: Relativistic Accretion Disk Hard State: Steady Radio Jets ; Broad Fe Line Steep Power Law: Poorly Understood; High-Frequency Oscillations High-Frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillations Observational Properties Frequency Link to radii, R < 10 Rg

3 Companion star: early K III
BH Outbursts & States Companion star: early K III Mx = M (Orosz et al. 2002) XTE J discovered, Sep. 6, 1998

4 BH Outbursts & States X-ray states: Thermal x Hard (jet) g
Steep Power Law D Intermediate O

5 Thermal State disk emits > 75% of energy
Energy spectra Power density spectra State Definition accretion disk disk emits > 75% of energy thermal power continuum: rms < no QPO with rms > 0.005 weak power continuum ______ | | weak power law

6 Hard State G1 G2 thermal disk energy fraction < 0.2
Energy spectra Power density spectra State Definition thermal disk energy fraction < 0.2 hard state power law spectrum: G1 < 2.1 power continuum rms > 0.1 Broken power law G G2 |______| strong power continuum Fe line

7 Steep Power Law State power law G > 2.4
Energy spectra Power density spectra State Definition Steep power law Quasi-Periodic Oscillations Hz: | | power law G > 2.4 steep power law disk fraction < QPO (0.1 – 30 Hz) continuum rms < 0.075 thermal hard state disk Fe

8 Physical Models for BHB States
Energy spectra Power density spectra State Physical Model Disk + ?? steep power law thermal hard state

9 X-ray States: The Movie

10 X-ray States: The Movie

11 States of Black Hole Binaries
Sources “Agreeable” Problems (high % intermediate) LMC X-3 LMC X-1 (soft, but high rms, G) XTE J U (50% int.; bad fits) GS V4641 Sgr (embedded; highly var.) 4U GRS /steady (high rms, G) XTE J Cyg X-1 (very cool disk) XTE J GRO J GX339-4 H (gaps between state parameters [4] SL are more frequently occupied XTE J in “problem” sources) XTE J XTE J XTE J XTE J

12 Unified Model for Jets in BH Binaries
Fender, Belloni, & Gallo 2004 Remillard 2005 Thermal x Hard (jet) g Steep Power Law D Intermediate O Hard Color

13 BH States: Overview Plots
GRO J outburst Thermal x Hard (jet) g Steep Power Law D Intermediate O

14 BH States Overview H1743-322 Mx unknown (ISM dust)
HEAO-1 outburst: 1977 RXTE: 2003; smaller 2005 + 5 faint ones Thermal x Hard (jet) g Steep Power Law D Intermediate O

15 BH States Overview 4U1543-47 Mx = 10 + 1.2 Mo Outbursts 2002 Thermal x
Hard (jet) g Steep Power Law D Intermediate O

16 BH States Overview XTE J1859+226 Mx = + 1.2 Mo Outburst 1999 Thermal x
Hard (jet) g Steep Power Law D Intermediate O

17 + 3 faint hard-state outbursts 2001, 2002, 2003
BH States Overview XTEJ Mx = Mo Outburst 1998 ; smaller, 2000; + 3 faint hard-state outbursts 2001, 2002, 2003 Thermal x Hard (jet) g Steep Power Law D Intermediate O

18 Short-cut to Sates Classification?
80-90% success in regions of plane: Normalized hard color vs. 1-s flickering

19 3-State Prescription vs. Hard/Soft States
Why is Steep Power Law a Distinct Type of Soft State? Accretion disk theory (thermal state) does not naturally provide: ‘Corona’ of 10 – 500 keV (perhaps higher) Means to convert up to 90% of the energy into a corona Frequent and variable low-frequency QPOs ( Hz) High-frequency QPOs > 100 Hz The SPL is also different from the Hard State: SPL is radio-dim or radio-off Power-law photon index ~2.5 (vs. 1.7 for hard state) Power-density spectrum lacks the strong rms of the hard state

20 Steep Power Law Mechanisms
(Inverse Compton scattering is the expected radiation mechanism, but “a corona of unspecified origin” is inadequate !) Bulk Motion Comptonization in Plunging Region (Titarchuk 1997; Montanari et al ; Titarchuk & Seifina 2009) … but how do you get 90% energy in the power law? Shocks at Transition to Radial Flow (S. Charkrabarti 1990; Kinsuck et al. 2010) … not confirmed by other groups Strongly Magnetized Disks (vs. weakly magn. MRI in thermal state) Mag. Spiral Waves (Tagger & Pellat 1998; Tagger & Varniere 2006 Fu & Lai 2009) … can MHD simulations confirm this concept?

21 High Frequency QPOs (100-450 Hz)
8 Black Hole Binaries with transient HFQPOs 4 with two QPOs (seldom at the same time) 4 seen solo several require multiple observations to gain a single detection

22 Preferred HFQPO Frequencies
HFQPO stability Variable n ? constant to 5% outliers can shift 15% n correlation 3:2 ratio X-ray state Steep Power Law Luminosity range factors ~ 3-6

23 High Frequency QPOs source Frequency (Hz) GRO J1655-40 300, 450
XTE J , 276 GRS , 67, 113, 168 XTE J 4U XTE J H , 242 Cyg X

24 High Frequency QPOs 4 HFQPO pairs with frequencies in 3:2 ratio
source Frequency (Hz) GRO J , 450 XTE J , 276 GRS , 67, 113, 168 XTE J 4U XTE J H , 241 Cyg X 4 HFQPO pairs with frequencies in 3:2 ratio

25 HFQPO Frequencies vs. BH Mass
no = 931 Hz / Mx Same QPO mechanism and similar spin Compare subclasses while model efforts continue

26 HFQPO Frequencies vs. BH Mass
+2 BHBs with single HFQPO (Q~4; broad energy range;  harmonic 2) Increase Mass accuracy (McClintock et al. ; CfA and MIT time at Magellan)

27 HFQPOs Mechanisms Diskoseismology (Wagoner 1999 ; Kato 2001)
 obs. frequencies require nonlinear modes? Resonance in Inner Disk (Abramowicz & Kluzniak 2001). Parametric Resonance (coupling in GR frequencies for {r, q} Kluzniak et all. 2005; Horak & Karas 2006; Stuchlik et al. 2008) Resonance with Global Disk Warp (S. Kato 2004) Torus Models (Rezzolla et al. 2003; Fragile et al. 2005; Bursa 2007; Horak 2008) Spiral Waves in a Magnetized Disk (AEI) (Tagger & Varniere 2006) p-modes in Magnetized Disks (Fu & Lai 2009) MHD Simulations and HFQPOs (Y. Kato 2004… retracted ?) with spin-disk tilt (Fragile & Blaes 2009)

28 HFQPOs and States: GROJ1655-40 (1996)
300 Hz only ; 7-30 keV both HFQPOs 450 Hz only ; keV

29 Dynamical Frequencies in General Relativity
nf “Keplerian” frequency

30 Dynamical Frequencies in General Relativity
nq polar angle frequency

31 Dynamical Frequencies in General Relativity
nr radial frequency ISCO Innermost Stable Circular Orbit

32 Disk Radiation in General Relativity
Radius of peak emissivity Page & Thorne 1974

33 QPO Frequencies High-frequency QPOs

34 QPO Frequencies High-frequency QPOs \

35 QPO Frequencies QPOs:168 113 Hz 67

36 67 Hz Detections in GRS 28 detections > 4 s ; stable to 2 Hz over 12 years

37 Quantitative Applications for General Relativity
Thermal State Relativistic accretion disk theory MHD simulations: viscosity from magneto-rotational instability Hard State Models for steady jets from accreting black holes Impulsive, relativistic jets while crossing state boundaries Model Fe line profiles to deduce spin MHD simulations: effects of global B-field Steep Power Law Stable HFQPOs near dynamical frequencies for disk radii, R < 10 Rg and 3:2 frequency ratio MHD simulations: what seed conditions  strongly magnetized disk? Steep power law spectrum (and HFQPOs) need your attention !

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