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Wave Impacts due to Steep Fronted Waves Bas Buchner and Arjan Voogt.

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Presentation on theme: "Wave Impacts due to Steep Fronted Waves Bas Buchner and Arjan Voogt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wave Impacts due to Steep Fronted Waves Bas Buchner and Arjan Voogt

2 Damage to Schiehallion Bow Early storm, max ship response 2-6 hours later Estimated sea state: Hs=14m Tp=11s Severe steepness

3 Experiments on floating FPSO segmented bow

4 Schematic bow tests

5 Typical stages during impact

6 time step between profiles is 0.31 s MWL 6 m R4R5R3 R2 R1 R6 Spatial wave profile

7 Impact Time trace of wave steepness

8 d  dt wave time trace velocity d  dx steepness spatial wave profile Vertical Free Surface Velocity wave celerity

9 Time trace of d  /dt Significant wave impact time [s] Vertical free surface velocity [m/s]

10 d  /dt linear6 2 nd order10 measured12 measured 2 nd order linear Wave modeling to get d  /dt

11 Exceedance probability Vertical free surface velocity [m/s] Probability of Exceedance

12 Local impulse versus

13 Conclusions Wave steepness drives the impact Linear wave theory underestimates wave steepness 2 nd order wave theory results in improved prediction Good probabilistic models needed to predict extreme wave steepness

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