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WUP: TOC = “Objective – Day 3”

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1 WUP: TOC = “Objective – Day 3” I will be able to interpret topographic maps to identify land and erosional features by taking notes and completing worksheets. TOC = “Topo Notes”

2 Topographic Map Shows shape (landforms) and elevation (height) of land by using contour lines Landforms – Feature of the Earth's surface, e.g. a valley, mountain, plain, volcano, sink hole, canyon, or river Elevation – height above sea level Contour Line – shows points of equal elevation

3 Topographic Map Name/locate features
River or Canyon Mountains

4 Topographical maps are looking down (like helicopter view)
Facts: Topographical maps are looking down (like helicopter view) 0 is sea level Example Topographic Map: Gradual slope – lines farther apart Gradual Steep Steep slope – lines close together Example Topographic profile: view illustrating a cross-section.

5 Tick marks: indicate a depression (volcano or sink hole)

6 Water flows DOWN Hill South is NOT Down Some rivers flow north, some south some east and some west, but all flow towards the ocean and away from mountains

7 Determining River Flows:
1. The "V" shape contour lines points UPHILL Path of water 2. Water flows from higher elevation to lower elevation.

8 What is the elevation for point: A? B? C? D? E?

9 B 10 B Which is higher, hill A or hill B?
Which is steeper, hill A or hill B? How many feet of elevation are there between contour lines? 10 B

10 C A B D Which Topographic map best matches this cross-section profile?
Mountain - on left side - left steep (close lines) C A Mountain - in middle B D Mountain - on right Mountain - in middle

11 What is the interval for Bonham Peak
What is the interval for Bonham Peak? What is the highest point of elevation on the map? What landform is located on the northeast corner of the map? What side of the mountain would be easier to climb? 2000 1950 1900 1850 1800 1750 1700 2050 Bonham Peak 1600 B A 50 2000+ Sink hole east







18 TOC = “Topo Map Drawing” Draw this in your journal and then draw your interpretation of what it would look like from a side view.

19 On new page complete this drawing
On new page complete this drawing. Draw this in your journal and then draw your interpretation of what it would look like from a side view.

20 Where is the cabin? Why there?
Which way would be easiest to climb hill? What is the contour interval? Which way is water flowing? Why?

21 Reflection: Tell how you might use a topographic map if you were selecting:
A route for a hike? The best location for an airport? A route for a new road?

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