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Facilitators: Rogeair Purnell Eva Schiorring Case Studies of Three Successful Programs Accelerating & Diversifying the Engineering Transfer Path in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitators: Rogeair Purnell Eva Schiorring Case Studies of Three Successful Programs Accelerating & Diversifying the Engineering Transfer Path in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitators: Rogeair Purnell Eva Schiorring Case Studies of Three Successful Programs Accelerating & Diversifying the Engineering Transfer Path in the Community Colleges

2 Colleges & Programs East Los Angeles College (ELAC): Engineering Transfer Pathway Program (ETP)  Bootcamps in Math, Chemistry, and Physics  Junior Engineering & Technologies Academy (JETA) Cañada College: Student On-ramp Leading to Engineering & Sciences (SOLES)  MathJam  Summer Engineering Institute at SFSU (SEI) Cabrillo College: Science, Technology and Energy: Expanding Potential (STEEP)  Pre-Calculus Preparedness Seminar (PREP)  Summer Energy Laboratory Academy

3 ELAC BOOTCAMPS CAÑADA MATHJAM CABRILLO PREP Math Preparation & Acceleration Programs

4 ELAC Bootcamps Location: East Los Angeles Subjects: Math, Chemistry, Physics Goal:  Reduce time to transfer by accelerating path through math and science sequence Schedule:  Summer and Winter Breaks  5 weeks, 4-5 days/week Target: Freshmen students interested in STEM

5 ELAC Bootcamps cont. Components: 3 different levels of math bootcamps as well as physics and chemistry Lectures Tutoring Online tutorials and homework Math assessment and placement exams

6 ELAC Bootcamps cont. Duration: 2009-2011 (ongoing) Enrollment: 266 students Demographics:  25%+ female  69% URMs (African Americans & Latinos) Outcomes (Math):  Completion Rate = 68-78%  Pass Rate = 32-51%  56-65% of completers moved to a higher level of math

7 ELAC Bootcamps cont. I want to take advantage of everything they have to offer before I move on to the next thing…ELAC is the only community college in the area that has an engineering program. You get a lot more attention from the professors there; everything there is small scale, more accessible. You can make friends that help you in your studies. Alexander Chau ELAC Math Bootcamp

8 Cañada College MathJam Location: Redwood City Subject: Math Goal: Reduce time to transfer by accelerating path through math sequence, develop learning community, introduce students to CC resources Schedule: Summer and winter breaks 2 weeks, 6.5 hours/day Target: Freshmen students and ongoing students testing at least at the pre-algebra level

9 Cañada College MathJam cont. Components: Lectures Online testing & assessment Workshops on college success skills Overcoming math anxiety Group study sessions One-on-one tutoring

10 Cañada College MathJam cont. Time Period: 2009-2011 (ongoing) Enrollment: 376 students Demographics: 60% female 60% Latino 45% first-generation college students Outcomes (Math): Completion Rate = 83% 90% improved math placement scores 64-71% placed at a higher level of math than in previous test(s)

11 Cañada College MathJam cont. If I made it this far, I know I can go farther—even though I will face a lot of challenges, I can overcome those challenges. The hardest part for me was taking that first math test because everyone is afraid of math. Javier Encarcion Cañada MathJam

12 Cabrillo PREP Location: Aptos Subject: Math/Trigonometry Goal: Prepare students to succeed in pre-calculus Schedule: Summer breaks 2 weeks, 4 hours/day 2 hour/weekly problem sessions in following semester as students re-take pre-calculus Target: STEM majors struggling in pre-calculus

13 Cabrillo PREP cont. Components: Math review & small group sessions Peer mentoring Student-directed learning Games & applied projects Ongoing peer support sessions through pre-calculus courses Stipends for completers

14 Cabrillo PREP cont. Time Period: 2009-2013 Enrollment: ~60 students to date Demographics: 34% female (all STEEP programs) 50% Latino (all STEEP programs) Outcomes (Math): Participants were as or more likely to successfully complete a subsequent Pre-calculus course as other students despite being at risk of failing (preliminary outcomes).

15 Cabrillo PREP cont. The group presentations in PREP contributed the most to my math learning skills because I was forced to re-learn the math to be able to present it to the entire class. Thank you! It's not easy to put into words the amount I've gained from this program, but I feel eternally grateful that this opportunity crossed my path… Alex Estuesta Cabrillo PREP & SEA

16 Math Acceleration & Preparation Programs ELAC Bootcamps Cañada MathJam Cabrillo PREP Subjects:Math, Chemistry & Physics MathMath & Trigonometry Schedule:Summer & winter break Summer breakSummer break & following semester Time Commitment: 5 weeks, 4-5 days/week 2 weeks, 6.5 hrs/day 4 weeks, 4 hrs/day Purpose:Reduce time to transfer by accelerating path through math & science sequence Reduce time to transfer by accelerating path through math sequence Prepare students to succeed in pre-calculus

17 Math Acceleration & Preparation Programs cont. ELAC Bootcamps Cañada MathJamCabrillo PREP Target:Freshmen students interested in STEM Freshmen & continuing students testing at pre- algebra level+ STEM majors struggling in pre- calculus Program Components: Lectures, tutoring, online tutorials & homework, math assessment & placement exams; 3 levels of bootcamps Lectures, tutoring, online testing & assessment, workshops on college success skills & overcoming math anxiety, group study sessions Math review & small group sessions, peer mentoring, student- directed learning, games & applied projects; peer support sessions through pre- calculus courses; completer stipends

18 Math Acceleration & Preparation Programs cont. ELAC Bootcamp Cañada MathJamCabrillo PREP Duration:2009-2011+ (ongoing) 2009-2011+ (ongoing) 2009-2013 (ongoing) Enrollment:266 students376 students 190-220 students projected Demographics:25%+ female 69% URMs (African Americans & Latinos) 60% female 60% Latino 45% first- generation college students 34% female 50% Latino

19 Math Acceleration & Preparation Programs cont. ELAC BootcampsCañada MathJamCabrillo PREP Outcomes:Completion Rate=68-78% Pass Rate= 62-100% 56-65% of completers moved to a higher level of math Completion Rate=83% 64-71% of completers placed at a higher level of math Participants had a higher success rate in subsequent semester math courses than course average (62.3% vs. 50.5%). 49+% success rate at second attempt at pre-calculus Success rate at or higher than that of non-participants (avg 43%)


21 ELAC Junior Engineering & Technologies Academy (JETA) Locations: High schools, ELAC and CSULA Target: High school juniors at 7 local high schools Goal: Foster high school students’ interest in engineering Schedule: School year via concurrent enrollment Subjects: Robotics, Renewable Energy Systems, Engineering Graphics

22 ELAC JETA cont. Format: Lectures / guest speakers Hands-on labs & projects Tutoring Outcomes: Enrollment in Engineering & Technologies has more than doubled. Latino student enrollment in engineering courses increased by 59% and female student enrollment increased by 126% in 2009-2010

23 Cañada Summer Engineering Institute (SEI) Location: Residential program at SF State University Target: High school seniors planning to attend Cañada College or SFSU as engineering majors in Fall Current Cañada students majoring in engineering Engineering students from any Bay Area community college intending to transfer to SFSU Goal: Recruit students into engineering Schedule: 2 weeks during summer break

24 Cañada SEI cont. Topics: Bridge design, renewable energy, thermodynamics, iPhone development, microncontrollers, robotics Format: Lectures Guest speakers Group projects Hands on-workshops Field trips Outcomes: 80.5% increase in enrollment in engineering for non-minority students; 200% increase for minority students (2008-10)

25 Cabrillo Summer Energy Academy (SEA) Locations: Cabrillo physics lab Target: Recent high school graduates who plan to attend Cabrillo in the Fall Continuing Cabrillo students Especially interested in students from underrepresented groups Goal: Increase # the number of STEM majors Schedule: 4 weeks during summer break, 4 hours/day Topics: Climate change, energy, green technology

26 Cabrillo SEA cont. Format: Hands-on projects, educational games, field trips, group discussions, community service event, just- in-time instruction, internships, stipends for completers Outcomes:  Participants had higher rate of enrolling in math next semester than comparison group & were more likely to complete transferable STEM math (35% v. 12% in 2009)  Increases in STEM majors and completions overall and for URMs  Program participants change majors to STEM majors as a result of participation

27 New Student Outreach Programs ELAC JETACañada SEICabrillo SEA Subjects:Robotics Renewable energy systems Engineering graphics Bridge design, Renewable energy Thermodynamics iPhone development Microncontrollers Robotics Climate Change Energy Green technology Schedule:School year via concurrent enrollment Summer break, 2 weeks Summer break, 4 weeks Locations:High schools, ELAC Residential program at SF State University Cabrillo physics lab

28 New Student Outreach Programs cont. ELAC JETACañada SEICabrillo SEA Goal:Foster high school students’ interest in engineering Recruit students into engineering Increase number of STEM majors at Cabrillo Format:Lectures Guest speakers Hands-on labs & projects Tutoring Lectures Guest speakers Group projects Hands on- workshops Field trips Lectures Educational games Hands-on projects Field trips Group discussions, community service Internships Stipends for completers

29 New Student Outreach Programs cont. ELAC JETACañada SEICabrillo SEA Target:High school juniors at 7 local high schools High school seniors planning to attend Cañada College or SFSU as engineering majors in fall Current Cañada students majoring in engineering Engineering students from any Bay Area community college intending to transfer to SFSU Recent high school graduates planning to attend Cabrillo in fall Continuing Cabrillo students, particularly URMs

30 New Student Outreach Programs cont. ELAC JETACañada SEICabrillo SEA Outcomes:Enrollment in engineering courses doubled Latino student enrollment increased by 60%; female student enrollment by 125% Fall-to-fall persistence in engineering courses increased (2007-09) 80.5% increase in enrollment in engineering for nonminority students 200% increase for minority students More likely to complete transferable STEM math (35% v.12% in 2009) than matched comparison group Increases in STEM majors, completions overall and for URMs

31 ELAC JETA engineering students design and build a solar hybrid tricycle Cabrillo SEA students visit an off-the-grid home

32 Questions? Eva Schiorring 510-559-9154

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