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Distances, difficulties and travel cognition : Spatial and psychological conditions of children’s independant mobility in urban environnements Université.

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Presentation on theme: "Distances, difficulties and travel cognition : Spatial and psychological conditions of children’s independant mobility in urban environnements Université."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distances, difficulties and travel cognition : Spatial and psychological conditions of children’s independant mobility in urban environnements Université René Descartes – Paris 5 Institut de Psychologie Laboratoire de Psychologie environnementale – CNRS UMR 8069- Sandrine DEPEAU 18th Iaps Conference EVALUATION IN PROGRESS - Vienna

2  Is there a better place to live for children and to develop urban mobility? Question

3 Overview - 1/ Introduction / Issue - 2/ Main questions - 3/ Methods and data sources - 4/ Results - 5/ Discussion

4 To Understand differences in the emergence of autonomy Spatial conditions Distances Difficulties Social conditions Accompaniment Cognitive map Spatial Structure Environmental conditions Urban structure 1 2 3 4 The study of home-school trip

5 - 83 children between 10 and 12 years of age - interviewed at school - different types of methods Participants

6 Traditional site (1) Few playgrounds Important social density Social heterogeneity Functionnal mixity Density of shops Roads with high cars density Normative road safety system Environmental conditions

7 Leisure outdoor spaces in each residential area. Social homogeneity Functionnal organisation Green spaces Traffic Functional separation New Town (2) Environmental conditions

8 Mixed site – (3) Mixed roads: pedestrian and main street Few crossing-road on small streets Few leisure spaces outside Pedestrian street transformed into leisure spaces Environmental conditions

9 Sketch-map of home-school trip Procedures

10 They map out their trip on a map…

11 École Home-school trip distance quality and number of pedestrian crossings Pedestrian-crossing difficulties  Difficulty +++: pedestrian crossings situated on small double- way roads without any traffic signs or pedestrian priority signs.  Difficulty ++: light protected pedestrian-crossings on small or double-way large roads.  Difficulty +: pedestrian-crossing protected by a traffic policeman or protected by pedestrian-priority lights only.  No difficulty: without any pedestrian-crossings.

12 1/ - Inter-environmental description on the social and spatial conditions to characterize the home-school trip. 2/ - Bayesian results answering to the main questions Social conditions and distances Social conditions and road difficulties Social conditions and the stucture of cognitive map. Results / Overview

13 Mean distance: 397 meters Mean of pedestrian crossings: 3,53 Traditional site (1) Parents escorting: distance

14 New town site (2) Mean distance: 303,7 meters Mean of pedestrian crossings: 2,25 Peers escorting: pedestrian crossings

15 Mixed site (3) Mean distance: 285,7 meters Mean of pedestrian crossings: 2,63

16 15 48.4% Totaux Intermediary ]250-450 m] 5 16.1% 6 19.4% 9 47.4% (+) 6 31.6% 14 Metric distances Home-school trip Accompaniment ParentsPeersAloneSiblings Total population Low 0-250 m 6 18.2% 13 39.4% 7 21.2% 33 100% 31 100% Long ]450- 900 m[ 2 10.5% 19 100% 21 7 21.2% 5 16.1% 2 10.5% 1434 83 Distances and social conditions

17 Accompaniment for home-school trip Cognitive mapParentsPeersAloneSiblings Survey map n % Column 7 33,3 4 28,6 17 50,0 6 42,9 Route map n % Column 11 52,4 6 42,8 13 38,3 5 35,7 Intermediate map n % Column 3 14,3 4 28,6 4 11,7 3 21,4 Social conditions and structure of cognitive map

18 1 7,1 Accompaniment Pedestrian crossing difficulties Parents Peers Alone Siblings Difficulty ++ n % in line 8 34,8 14 48,3 6 20,7 No difficulty n % in line Difficulty +++ n % in line 5 29,4 8 (+) 47,1 3 (-) 17,6 1 5,9 1 4,4 10 43,4 4 17,4 Difficulty + % in line 5 17,2 4 13,8 3 21,5 7 50,0 3 21,4 Difficulties and social conditions

19 Micro-environmental exploration => - ways of learning to move around in the city - normative traffic system => spatial legibility - peers group There is no best environment just environment where children develop different competencies. - traditional context => cognitive comlpetencies? - new town context => social competencies. Traffic seems better handle in traditional context than in New town where mobility functions are separated. Conclusions

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