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VISION FOR A KEARNY TOD February 27, 2008 Rob Lane Regional Plan Association.

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Presentation on theme: "VISION FOR A KEARNY TOD February 27, 2008 Rob Lane Regional Plan Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 VISION FOR A KEARNY TOD February 27, 2008 Rob Lane Regional Plan Association

2 Project Goals and Objectives To create a community-based vision for a future transit-oriented place near Bergen Avenue and the Kingsland Line. Policy Objectives Leverage investment in a new station to advance the goals and objectives of Kearny’s plans: Schuyler Avenue Redevelopment, Vision Plan Promote the economic well being of Kearny Design Objectives Create a pedestrian environment around a future station area. Create Connections from a future Station Area to surrounding destinations, and especially along Bergen Avenue to Kearny Avenue Promote and anticipate development patterns that are transit- oriented. Kearny TOD Study

3 Who We Are Regional Plan Association Robert Lane, Paolo Ikezoe community visioning, urban design Phillips Preiss Shapiro Assoc. Paul Grygiel land use regulation, economic development Eng Wong Taub Susan O’Donnell traffic, mobility, pedestrian issues Kearny TOD Study

4 Tonight’s Meeting 1. Launch this process with the Working Group 2. “Where We Are”: A Planning Framework for a Kearny TOD 3. “What Could Be”: What is TOD? Preliminary Market Reconnaissance Preliminary Traffic / Pedestrian Reconnaissance 4. Discussion: Did we get it right Where do we want to go? 5. Next Steps Kearny TOD Study

5 Regional Context Proximity to NY CBD Access to intercity rail Access to interstate highways Balance access with identity Kearny TOD Study

6 Sub-Regional Context Proximity to Meadowlands Green infrastructure: rivers, wetlands Proximity to Newark Redevelopment in the larger study area Kearny TOD Study

7 Where We Are: Study Area Context Kearny TOD Study

8 Where We Are: Study Area Context Clear residential edge Schuyler Ave and industrial area: marginal business and buildings Kearny TOD Study

9 Where We Are: Study Area Context Pedestrian issues: traffic, topography Kearny TOD Study

10 Where We Are: Study Area Context Bergen Avenue Corridor Kearny Avenue “Main St. Corridor Kearny TOD Study

11 Where We Are: Planning Framework Kearny TOD Study Bergen Avenue Kearny Avenue Schuyler Avenue

12 Where We Are: Planning Framework Kearny TOD Study Bergen Avenue Kearny Avenue Schuyler Avenue

13 Where We Are: Planning Framework Kearny TOD Study Bergen Avenue Kearny Avenue Schuyler Avenue

14 What Could Be: What Is TOD? A mix of housing, shops, restaurants, offices, civics buildings and open space in a compact, pedestrian-friendly environment within walking distance of a train station, and that supports both community character and transit ridership. Connects the surrounding area to the transit facility by creating an environment that accommodates the automobile but favors alternative forms of mobility, pedestrians, bicyclists buses. Makes the Station area a community destination: identity, activities Orients buildings towards streets and public spaces and solves the parking problem creatively. Encourages building architecture that is scaled to pedestrian activity. Favors uses that support compact, mixed-use environments a opposed to auto-dependent uses. Kearny TOD Study

15 What Could Be: What Is TOD? A mix of housing, shops, restaurants, offices, civics buildings and open space in a compact, pedestrian-friendly environment within walking distance of a train station, and that supports both community character and transit ridership. Connects the surrounding area to the transit facility by creating an environment that accommodates the automobile but favors alternative forms of mobility, pedestrians, bicyclists buses. Kearny TOD Study

16 What Could Be: What Is TOD? A mix of housing, shops, restaurants, offices, civics buildings and open space in a compact, pedestrian-friendly environment within walking distance of a train station, and that supports both community character and transit ridership. Makes the Station area a community destination: identity, activities Kearny TOD Study

17 What Could Be: What Is TOD? A mix of housing, shops, restaurants, offices, civics buildings and open space in a compact, pedestrian-friendly environment within walking distance of a train station, and that supports both community character and transit ridership. Orients buildings towards streets and public spaces and solves the parking problem creatively. Kearny TOD Study

18 What Could Be: What Is TOD? A mix of housing, shops, restaurants, offices, civics buildings and open space in a compact, pedestrian-friendly environment within walking distance of a train station, and that supports both community character and transit ridership. Encourages building architecture that is scaled to pedestrian activity. Kearny TOD Study

19 What Could Be: What Is TOD? A mix of housing, shops, restaurants, offices, civics buildings and open space in a compact, pedestrian-friendly environment within walking distance of a train station, and that supports both community character and transit ridership. Favors uses that support compact, mixed-use environments as opposed to auto-dependent uses. Kearny TOD Study

20 Residential: Single-family 5 du/acre$100,000$(-1,800)/du Two-family7100,000 (-5,700) Townhouse12300,000600 Stacked townhouse22700,0001,700 Apartments (2-3 story)30800,0003,100 Apartments (4+ story)40600,000700 Age-restricted40600,000900 Assisted living24200,000800 Net TODNet ValueTypical Net UseDensity(per acre)Fiscal Impact TOD housing is “ratable” What Could Be: What Is TOD? Kearny TOD Study

21 Where We Are: What’s the Market What uses are viable from a market perspective? Minimal new residential in Kearny But substantial competition (e.g., Harrison and Secaucus) Limited market for retail and office Possibly limited industry/artisans further from station Kearny TOD Study

22 What Could Be: What’s the Market Fiscal implications for redevelopment TOD generally positive Fewer schoolchildren than typical residential Higher value housing Non-residential ratables Limited new services required Kearny TOD Study

23 Where We Are: Traffic and Mobility Traffic Challenges Bergen and Schuyler Avenue intersection - over capacity –Heavy turning volumes –Trucks –Tough turning radius (especially for trucks) –Limited capacity on Schuyler Avenue Bergen Avenue and Newark Turnpike – over capacity –Trucks –Volume Kearny TOD Study

24 What Could Be: Traffic and Mobility Kearny TOD Study Traffic Opportunities Operational improvements proposed as part of the Meadowlands District Plan Design improvements could be considered for Bergen and Schuyler Avenues Within the site roads can be designed to meet anticipated capacity

25 Where We Are: Traffic and Mobility Kearny TOD Study Pedestrian and Bicycle Challenges Narrow or non-existent sidewalks No designated bicycle lanes Topography on Bergen Avenue heading toward Kearny Avenue

26 What Could Be: Traffic and Mobility Kearny TOD Study Pedestrian and Bicycle Opportunities People are walking and bicycling now Bergen Avenue is wide so sidewalks could be widened and/or added An off-road bike path is proposed as part of the Meadowlands District Plan

27 What Could Be: Traffic and Mobility Kearny TOD Study Next Steps Develop Three alternative land-use and design scenarios. Evaluate the Three Alternatives in terms of market and fiscal implications and in terms of Traffic and mobility implications. Convene a Stakeholder Working Session around the Three Alternatives

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