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SHORT STORIES TAKE OUT YOUR BOOKS RULE OFF FROM LAST CLASS WRITE IN TODAYS DATE Starter: DO NOW Write down at least 5 words that you think of when you.

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Presentation on theme: "SHORT STORIES TAKE OUT YOUR BOOKS RULE OFF FROM LAST CLASS WRITE IN TODAYS DATE Starter: DO NOW Write down at least 5 words that you think of when you."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHORT STORIES TAKE OUT YOUR BOOKS RULE OFF FROM LAST CLASS WRITE IN TODAYS DATE Starter: DO NOW Write down at least 5 words that you think of when you think of short stories.


3 Features of Short Stories 1. Can be read in one sitting 2. Usually have a single main event and one or two main characters. 3. Use a technique called economy of style (minimal or only important details included due to limitations created by length.) 4. Have a climax 5. Some may have a twist at the end 6. Have a sense of a single completed experience

4 Features of Short Stories A short story uses an economy of style to get the message across. Only a few details of plot or description are given and characters are not developed fully. There is no time to set a scene or give background information so writers launch straight into the story and we learn as much as we need as the story progresses. There is usually a climax or a crucial point to the story where the conflict may be sorted out and mysteries become clear.

5 Features of Short Stories As with a novel, short stories contain: Characters Plot Setting Theme Style Viewpoint

6 Types of Short Stories Slice of Life Story of Incident Story of Character Surprise Ending Story of Atmosphere Story of Narration

7 The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury

8 The Pedestrian Questions 1. What did Mr Leonard Mead most love to do? 2. What year is the story set? 3. Why did Mr Leonard Mead change to sneakers? 4. Who does Leonard Mead ask, “What’s up on channel 4, channel 7, channel 9?”

9 The Pedestrian Questions 5. What is Leonard Mead’s attitude towards the shows on television? Provide support for your answer. 6.How many years has Leonard Mead been walking as he does? 7. How many people live in the city? 8. How many police cars are there? 9. Where was Mr Mead on his way to when he was stopped by the police car?

10 The Pedestrian Questions 10. What is Mead’s profession? 11. Why does the voice from the police car respond “No profession”? 12. What does Mead’s profession reveal about his character and his place in society? 13. What is significant about the following simile? How does it add to the mood and/or theme? The light held him fixed, like a museum specimen, needle thrust through chest.

11 The Pedestrian Questions 14. What crime did Mr Mead commit? 15. What commentary does Bradbury make about television’s role in society through this story?

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