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T RIBAL S AFETY C HAMPIONS W ORKSHOP December 2 – 3, 2014 Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center Norman, Oklahoma Proven Safety Countermeasures Huy A.

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Presentation on theme: "T RIBAL S AFETY C HAMPIONS W ORKSHOP December 2 – 3, 2014 Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center Norman, Oklahoma Proven Safety Countermeasures Huy A."— Presentation transcript:

1 T RIBAL S AFETY C HAMPIONS W ORKSHOP December 2 – 3, 2014 Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center Norman, Oklahoma Proven Safety Countermeasures Huy A. Nguyen, PE FHWA Safety Engineer Oklahoma City, OK


3 Oklahoma Cable Barrier Rumblestrip Interstates (Head-on Fatalities) 2001 – 2007 (7 yrs): 33 2007 – Now (7+): 19 36% reduction

4 Roundabouts Corridor Access Management Backplates w/ Retroreflective Borders Rumblestrip / Rumblestripes Enhanced Delineation High Friction Safety Edge Median / Pedestrian Crossing Islands Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Road Diet

5 Roundabouts  IT’S NOT THE OLD TRAFFIC CIRCLES / ROTARY!!!  Smaller / Central Raised Island  Slower Entry / Circulating / Exit Speeds  Splitter Islands  Very Efficiency in term of Traffic Operations and Safety

6 Roundabouts N. Walker & NW 10 th, Oklahoma City

7 Roundabouts  Eliminate 90 o angle high speed accidents to side swipe low speed collisions  No traffic signal to retime  No signal hardware to maintenance  48% reduction in overall crashes  78% reduction in severe (injury/fatal) crashes  No traffic delay (yield conditions)  Lots of negative public perception (lack of awareness)

8 Corridor Access Management  Control of entry / exit points (driveways / intersections) - Relocate / consolidate  Reduce conflict points  Preserved land-use  Reduce congestion  Balance between -safety & mobility  Myth: impacting business

9 Corridor Access Management  Part of EDC Initiatives – Intersections / Interchange - Restricted Crossing U-Turns (Super Street, J-Turn) - Median U-Turn & ThrU-Turn (Michigan Turn) - Displaced Left Turn (Continuous Flow Intersections)

10 Backplates with Retroreflective Borders  More conspicuous  15% crash reduction  Very low cost


12 Rumblestrips / RumbleStripEs  Milled / Rolled / Formed / Raised

13 Rumblestrips / RumbleStripEs  Effective: drowsiness / fatigue  Shoulder 2L: 36% reduction of fatal / injury crashes  Centerline Rumblestrips  Narrow Shoulder rumblestrips  Cyclists

14 Enhanced Delineation / Friction for Horizontal Curves  28% fatal crashes at curves  2L undivided: 12-38% reduction  Dynamic sequential (LED)

15 Enhanced Delineation / Friction for Horizontal Curves  High Friction Surface Treatment  32% and 65% wet condition

16 Median / Pedestrian Crossing Islands  Midblock: 70% pedestrian fatalities  A safe place to stop  46% reduction in pedestrian crashes  Significant mixtures

17 Safety Edge  Overcorrected  2”  Improve Pavement Life

18 Safety Edge  Cost is almost negligible  Very easy to install  30 degree

19 Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (H.A.W.K)  High intensity Activated crossWalK)  Stay dark until activated  Use with pavement marking  Midblock pedestrian crossings  29% reduction of total crashes  69% reduction of pedestrian crashes

20 Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (H.A.W.K)

21 Road Diet 29% reduction of all roadway crashes

22 Road Diet  29% reduction in all roadway crashes  Fewer midblock crossing locations  Reducing vehicle speeds  Improve mobility and access  Improve livability and quality of life.


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