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WHAT YOUR REGIONAL AGENCY CAN DO FOR YOU! Bike/Ped Planning in the Alamo Area MPO.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT YOUR REGIONAL AGENCY CAN DO FOR YOU! Bike/Ped Planning in the Alamo Area MPO."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT YOUR REGIONAL AGENCY CAN DO FOR YOU! Bike/Ped Planning in the Alamo Area MPO

2 Getting bike and pedestrian planning rolling in the Alamo Area MPO involves explaining the influence a good transportation system has on encouraging physical activity 1 in 8 San Antonians is diabetic 1 in 8 San Antonians is diabetic Adult obesity of 35.1% Adult obesity of 35.1% 0.2% share of bicycle commuters 0.2% share of bicycle commuters (above) Photo by David Kozlowski; (below) photo by Javion Ray

3 A key outcome of transportation planning is a community vision for the transportation system investment priorities residents would like to see in the future 1.5 million or 70% more Alamo Area residents by 2040

4 The 3-C process is a requirement of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) cooperative continuous comprehensive No single agency has responsibility for the entire transportation system Encompasses all transportation modes and all local land use and economic development plans Planning should address both short-term needs and a long-term vision

5 The Transportation Policy Board (TPB) is made up of local elected and appointed officials  Councilman Ray Lopez, MPO ChairCity of San Antonio  Commissioner Kevin Wolff, MPO Vice-ChairBexar County  Gerald Lee, Board MemberAdvanced Transportation District  John Clamp, ChairmanAlamo Regional Mobility Authority  Commissioner Tommy AdkissonBexar County  Commissioner Sergio RodriguezBexar County  Renee Green, County EngineerBexar County  Commissioner Kevin WebbComal County  Councilman Jeff Haberstroh City of Boerne  Mayor Gale PospisilCity of New Braunfels  Councilmember Diego BernalCity of San Antonio  Councilmember Shirley GonzalesCity of San Antonio  Councilmember Ron NirenbergCity of San Antonio  John Dugan, Planning Director City of San Antonio  Mike Frisbie, TCI DirectorCity of San Antonio  Mayor Don KeilCity of Seguin  Mayor Chris Riley, Leon ValleyGreater Bexar County Council of Cities  Commissioner Kyle KutscherGuadalupe County  Mayor Tom Daly, City of SelmaNortheast Partnership  Mario Jorge, District EngineerTxDOT, San Antonio District  Dr. Richard Gambitta, Board MemberVIA Metropolitan Transit 21 voting members 21 voting members

6 Long-Range Plan Short- Range Plan Budget Bike and pedestrian projects and policies are integrated into three key documents required of MPOs 2 years Unified Planning Work Program 2 years Unified Planning Work Program 25 years Metropolitan Transportation Plan 25 years Metropolitan Transportation Plan 4-5 years Transportation Improvement Program 4-5 years Transportation Improvement Program

7 Proactively engaging the public is one of the core functions of the MPO with public input identifying needs and priorities that set the goals for the region

8 Photo from The Alamo Area MPO’s Walkable Community Program is made up of three activities Bike Rodeos Bike Safety Talks Walkable Community Workshops

9 The annual Walk & Roll Rally is a chance for the public to learn about the benefits of active transportation and to rally around community leaders who support the many efforts to make our community healthier 18 th Annual Walk & Roll Rally on May 2 nd, 2014 18 th Annual Walk & Roll Rally on May 2 nd, 2014

10 The MPO’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committees (BMAC and PMAC) have a history of interagency coordination

11 It’s important that data the MPO collects on numbers and attitudes gets out to the community 325,000 residents ride a bike each month 325,000 residents ride a bike each month 72% of residents want better bike facilities 72% of residents want better bike facilities Bicyclists or pedestrians were 27% of 2012 traffic fatalities Bicyclists or pedestrians were 27% of 2012 traffic fatalities

12 The MPO uses GIS mapping to help policy makers and the public visualize transportation issues ArcGIS Online & the 4 th Edition Regional Bike Map ArcGIS Online & the 4 th Edition Regional Bike Map 34 miles of bike facilities in 2000 34 miles of bike facilities in 2000 240 miles in 2012 (plus 100 miles of trails!) 240 miles in 2012 (plus 100 miles of trails!)

13 The MPO supports planning efforts and funds local bike and pedestrian projects through the TIP and other federal programs Hays Street Bridge B-cycle Expansion

14 MAP-21 changed how bicycling and walking projects are funded. Funding was consolidated and reduced and new application procedures established with the creation of the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) in MAP-21 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) SAFETEA-LU MAP-21 50% for anywhere (state DOTs) 50% for MPOS >200,000

15 $11 million over 2013-2016 $11 million over 2013-2016 May 1, 2014 agency call for projects May 1, 2014 agency call for projects The Alamo Area MPO plans to issue a call for projects in May 2014 and award TAP project funds in January 2015

16 Photo from What’s next? Síclovía on Sunday, March 30 th opens the streets for all sorts of car-free activity Allison “Allie” Blazosky Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Planner 210-230-6911 Allison “Allie” Blazosky Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Planner 210-230-6911

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