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Cr Andrew Sullivan Chairperson City Centre Strategic Sites Working Group Recommendations of the working group.

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Presentation on theme: "Cr Andrew Sullivan Chairperson City Centre Strategic Sites Working Group Recommendations of the working group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cr Andrew Sullivan Chairperson City Centre Strategic Sites Working Group Recommendations of the working group

2 To provide response and feedback to the council in the development of possible amendments to Local Planning Scheme No. 4 to facilitate the redevelopment of key strategic sites within the Fremantle CBD. Project delegation

3 Members Brad Pettitt Andrew Sullivan John Dowson Graeme Mackenzie Phil St John Ian James Ian Alexander Ian Scott Richard Longley Madeleine Hug Don Whittington Peter Nolin

4 Agree on broad employment, retail and population targets for the Fremantle CBD (meaning the city centre zone in LPS 4) Determine the key strategic sites to be examined Liaise with the owners of the subject sites to discuss development issues, options and aspirations Examine and evaluate development options, issues and requirements, including liaison with the design advisory committee as appropriate Determine and recommend to council the development principles for the key sites Develop draft Local Planning Scheme and policy provisions to embody agreed development principles Methodology

5 Floorspace 1990 2007

6 Employment Fremantle Subiaco

7 CBD population & density Population Density


9 Targets CurrentTargetRateApprox. extra floorspace reqd Workers6200Increase x 2 to 12,400 1 job / 15 sqm93,000 sqm Residents830Increase x 4 to 3320 1.7 residents / 100 sqm unit 146,500 sqm TOTAL239,500 sqm


11 Queen and Adelaide Streets Our new shopping streets Includes: Widening Queen St at the rail station end Fully activated frontages Primary retailing Small – medium scale shop frontages Continuous weather protection Urban connection to rail station

12 Other streets Cantonment, Elder, Point, High Streets Mix of retail, residential and commercial Frontages to provide interest, variety and surveillence

13 Land use requirements Upper levels: –Office / commercial, residential, educational, hotel, hospitality Larger lots must provide at least 15% office floor space A range of residential unit sizes required in larger developments

14 Permitted max. frontage heights

15 Other development principles Min street frontage height 10m Min 4.5m floor to floor height at ground level Fully activated frontages to Queen St, Adelaide St and King Square High standard of design Continuous weather protection

16 Additional discretionary height Subject to all of the following: An exceptional standard of design quality and distinctive architecture that is supported by the City’s design advisory committee. Min lot size 3000 sqm No significant adverse effect on the amenity of surrounding open spaces. Best practice in environmentally sustainable design. Provides a high quality landscaped and publicly accessible pedestrian environment at ground level, including: –East-west mid-block pedestrian links as part of a broader pedestrian network in the area. –The area of any required front setbacks being transferred at no cost to council.

17 Planning20 July Council27 July Council initiativesAugust –Planning scheme amendment based on working group recommendation The way forward

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