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6 th December 2002Mobile Network Presentation to the ESRC Mobile Network seminar series, seminar 5, The pleasures of different modes of travel Frances.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th December 2002Mobile Network Presentation to the ESRC Mobile Network seminar series, seminar 5, The pleasures of different modes of travel Frances."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th December 2002Mobile Network Presentation to the ESRC Mobile Network seminar series, seminar 5, The pleasures of different modes of travel Frances Hodgson Institute for Transport Studies University of Leeds

2 6 th December 2002Mobile Network “what’s so good about walking anyway?” Institute for Transport Studies University of Leeds

3 6 th December 2002Mobile Network Trends in walking Walking declining, but still important –Miles fallen by 21% 89/91 to 98/00 –Proportion of number of trips down from 34% in 85/86 to 27% in 97/99 –Still a high proportion of trips under 1 mile (80% in 97/99, down from 83% in 85/86) Government guidance seeks to encouraging walking

4 6 th December 2002Mobile Network Types of pedestrian Journey purpose –Time constrained Commuting –Non time constrained Shopping Leisure Physical ability/luggage Escorting or travelling as a group Other characteristics

5 6 th December 2002Mobile Network Who walks? Poor Low car ownership Women Children Elderly

6 6 th December 2002Mobile Network Interactions and walking Environment Other users Land usePedestrians Urban formCar drivers Networketc… Management and I

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