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Ped or Pod = foot. The camera sat on the tripod.

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Presentation on theme: "Ped or Pod = foot. The camera sat on the tripod."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ped or Pod = foot

2 The camera sat on the tripod.

3 Tripod (Noun) a three –footed stand often used to balance a camera

4 A fox is a quadruped.

5 Quadruped (Noun) a four- footed creature

6 I have a niece who gets a pedicure at least once a month.

7 Pedicure (Noun) a foot treatment that could include soaking the feet and polishing the toenails

8 All pedestrians have the right of way.

9 Pedestrian (Noun) a person who walks across the street on foot

10 The peddler tried to sell his wares.

11 Peddler (Noun) a person who goes from door to door on foot trying to sell a product

12 Keep your foot on the pedal.

13 Pedal (Noun) a lever that is moved with one’s foot

14 How many feet does a millipede have?

15 Millipede (Noun) a creature with 1,000 feet (scientifically – 2 pairs of legs per body segment)

16 His speech impediment kept him from a speaking part in the play.

17 Impediment (Noun) something that stands in one’s way; an object

18 I found a centipede among the leaves.

19 Centipede (Noun) a creature with 100 feet (scientifically – 1 pair of legs per body segment)

20 Human beings are known as bipeds.

21 Biped (Noun) a creature with two feet

22 Place the statue on the pedestal.

23 Pedestal (Noun) the support at the foot of a vase or statue

24 I have to see a podiatrist since I hurt my foot.

25 Podiatrist (Noun) one who treats disorders of the feet

26 I need to get a pedometer to discover how far I walk everyday.

27 Pedometer (Noun) an instrument for measuring the distance one covers on foot

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