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Stewart Reid – SSEPD Louise Thomason – Hjaltland Housing Association Working together with communities Domestic demand response in Shetland.

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Presentation on theme: "Stewart Reid – SSEPD Louise Thomason – Hjaltland Housing Association Working together with communities Domestic demand response in Shetland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stewart Reid – SSEPD Louise Thomason – Hjaltland Housing Association Working together with communities Domestic demand response in Shetland

2 NINES Domestic Energy Storage Overview 750 homes with smart thermal stores and water cylinders 7MW connected load 45MWh storage capacity Frequency Responsive

3 RENEWABLE ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM RF Mesh Multidirectional Home Area Network GPRS Quantum Hub Broadband Airwave “Tetra”

4 The 6 Home Trial Dimplex prototype devices installed during the Tier 1 trial to inform subsequent decisions More about people than technology

5 Louise Thomason NINES Development Officer

6 Scope  My role as development officer  Hjaltland Housing association  The 6 home trial and impact  Benefits of DDSM  Project learning and wider roll out

7 Development officer: my role  Assist in coordinating the project  Liaise with tenants  Develop education for users  Monitor, progress and deal with tenant concerns  Publicise and promote the project

8  Over 620 houses  Real life setting for trial  A “friendly face” Hjaltland Housing Association Ltd.

9 6 Home Trial: the tenants  Six homes identified  Personal visit to explain project  £100 ex-gratia payment

10 Managing communication  Coordinated by development officer  Small numbers: telephone calls and letters  Pass key system for access

11 Tenant feedback “Definitely a positive experience” “Now we’ve got a greater degree of input in how we use the heating to meet our needs” “We’ve got a better heating system out of it, more hot water and it’s been interesting” “There are more options for heating the house and it’s just very user friendly” “I’d definitely recommend it to a friend”

12 Trial heaters: user problems  Tenant’s felt settings too complicated  Didn’t encourage adapting to suit their needs  ‘Clunky’ design

13 New design: Quantum heater  Simplified design  Settings “fool proof”  More streamlined outer casing

14 Impact of system  Enhanced controllability  Increased hot water availability  Economical form of heating  Tenancy changes presented challenges

15 DDSM Trial: Benefits for HHA  Value for money heating + greater comfort for tenant  Low installation costs  System helps towards SAP ratings - “future proof” homes  Raises profile of association as forward thinking and “green”

16 Energy Storage Portfolio Management  Real requirement to understand portfolio risk management in storage and DSM  Stakeholder motivations diversity  Stakeholder Funding Source / Sector diversity  Technology Risk Diversity  Policy impact diversity  Hedged against new technologies

17 What next: Learning and managing portfolio risk  Local authority withdrawn from NINES project  234 social houses still to benefit  Potential for private home owners to participate  Challenges: engaging customers at the right level

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