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Plateforme de Calcul pour les Sciences du Vivant Interdisciplinary activities V. Breton CNRS-IN2P3, LPC Clermont-Ferrand RECFA.

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Presentation on theme: "Plateforme de Calcul pour les Sciences du Vivant Interdisciplinary activities V. Breton CNRS-IN2P3, LPC Clermont-Ferrand RECFA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plateforme de Calcul pour les Sciences du Vivant Interdisciplinary activities V. Breton CNRS-IN2P3, LPC Clermont-Ferrand RECFA open day, May 12 2006 Credits: A. Billebaud, M. Farizon, J-M Fontbonne, S. Incerti, P. Le Dû, S. Leray, E. Suraud

2 Introduction Our core activity is to understand the universe at small and at cosmological distances Competences acquired to support core projects can benefit other scientific domains –Accelerators –Detectors –Computing We are called upon to contribute our scientific competence to other fields of science and to solve certain problems raised by the society Development of interdisciplinary research on two main fronts –Interface with life sciences (on the steps of Marie Curie) –Processing of nuclear wastes

3 Interdisciplinary research at IN2P3 IN2P3 Life sciences - Medical imaging - Hadron therapeutic cancer treatment - DNA Sequencing - Study of Low doses Chemistry - Radiochemistry - Detection of trace elements - Waste treatment MIPPU (mathematics, computer science, physics and universe) - Theoretical physics - Materials for detectors - Solid state physics - Behavior of irradiated materials - Aggregates - Telecommunications - Grids Social sciences - Dating - Risk Perception - History of sciences Engineering - Microelectronics - Highly stable lasers - Waste treatment Environment - Waste treatment - Oceanography - Low level radioactivity Sciences of the universe - Astrophysics and cosmology - Oceanography - Waste treatment - Low-level radioactivity - Dating

4 Physics and chemistry for nuclear energy and environment Nuclear energy is probably going to regain momentum in the close future –Awareness of the impact of fossil energy on greenhouse effect –Growing need of emerging countries –Limited reserves and foreseeable exhaustion of fossil energy –Limited capacity of renewable energies In this perspective, convincing answers must be found to issues related to –Waste management –Security –Non-proliferation New types of reactors, new methods for characterizing nuclear material are under study

5 Research activities at IN2P3 and DAPNIA Radiochemistry: Physics and Chemistry of radioactive materials produced in the present and future nuclear energy sector, in the environment (waste storage sites) and in medecine –Resources: 5 IN2P3 laboratories, 45 permanent staff + 30 non permanent staff Metrology: measurement and monitoring of radioactivity in the environment –Resources: 20 staff + 8 NP staff Study of physics and scenarios for future reactors –Resources: 15 staff + 8 NP staff Nuclear physics for future reactors and other applications –Resources: 27 staff + 16 NP staff

6 Organization of work and perspectives Organization of work –CNRS interdisciplinary program PACE (Nuclear Cycle Post Processing program) –CNRS Research Groups : PRACTIS, NOMADE, GEDEPEON –European FP6 projects: ACTINET6, IP-EUROTRANS, … –Collaboration with CEA and industry (EDF, ANDRA, FRAMATOME, COGEMA) Scientific prospects for the next 10 years: carry out upstream research in the electro-nuclear field –Acquisition of fundamental data (spallation, captures, fission) –Study hybrid systems for transmutation –Contribute to the study of innovating systems for the future nuclear energy

7 Interaction of particles with matter Interdisciplinary research on accelerators and ion beams Main research areas –Collision processes –Understanding energy deposit by polyatomic projectiles such as aggregates or molecules in solids –Simulation of particle interaction with materials –Experimental simulation of material aging under irradiation –Use of structural changes induced by ion and aggregate beams Resources: > 4 laboratories, ~ 34 staff in IN2P3 laboratories (20% of the french research community)

8 Organization of work and perspectives Organization of work –Natural collaboration with the scientific communities using accelerators and ion beams –Lack of organization around the different levels of interaction between particle and matter  Community of 170 researchers spread in 24 laboratories Perspectives –Creation of a Research Group (GDR) “fundamental research on particle – matter interaction” –Identified common topics of interest  Elementary collision processes  Fragmentation paths, energy and excitation transfer mechanisms in molecules and aggregates  Relaxation paths for materials under irradiation  Modeling of matter energy transfer and relaxation phases  Impact of different levels of disorder on biological, physical and chemical properties of materials

9 Life sciences Main research areas –Physical and chemical characterization of living organisms –Radiobiology –Radiotherapy –Medical and biological imaging –Informatics for life sciences Resources –10 laboratories (including CEA) –70 staff members (50 researchers, 20 technical staff) A significant scientific production –29 thesis, 65 papers, 14 patents Partners –Hospitals, universities, CEA (life science department), CNRS (life science, engineering departments), INSERM (national institute for medical research), FP6 European projects

10 Physical and chemical characterization of living organisms Tools: accelerators of light / polyatomic ions Techniques used: imaging, chemical analysis, local irradiation Resources: 4 laboratories, 13 staff + 11 NP staff 3 research areas –Characterization of interfaces between biomaterials and living tissues –Characterization of biomolecules for bacteriology and environment –Chemical exploration of cells to study exposure to nanoparticles and metals

11 Radiobiology Radiobiology is about characterizing and quantifying irradiation effects on biological systems Tools: 4 accelerator facilities (neutron, proton and ion beams) Resources: 4 laboratories, ~ 8 staff and 5 NP staff Research areas –Intermolecular dynamics under irradiation –Search for molecules or nano-objects increasing or inhibiting radio sensitivity –DNA lesions and genomic instabilities induced by irradiation –Irradiation of Intracellular targets –intra and extra cellular messaging after irradiation Direct and indirect impact of radiations on DNA

12 Radiotherapy Radiotherapy is about using ionizing particles to kill cancerous cells Resources: 4 laboratories, 8 staff and 10 NP staff Research areas –Treatment planning –Development of accelerators for radiotherapy treatment –Quality control (beam dosimetry, on-line monitoring) Simulation of an electron accelerator using GATE

13 Medical and biological imaging Development of imaging systems based on technological expertise Resources: 10 laboratories, 35 staff + 20 NP staff Research areas cover imaging devices from molecule to man –In vitro imaging –In vivo imaging (PET, SPECT, MRI) –Multi-modal imaging –Per-operative imaging Highlight: creation of a laboratory dedicated to brain functional imaging –Location: Orsay –Joint IN2P3-CNRS Life Science Department laboratory Per-operative compact imager, IPN Orsay

14 Activities in medical imaging at IN2P3 and DAPNIA xTal LXe LXe SIC TOHR POCI AIF

15 Informatics for life sciences Resources: –7 laboratories –6 staff + 20 NP staff Research areas –Simulation for dosimetry and imaging (GATE) –Simulation for radiobiology (Geant4) –Grids for life sciences and healthcare Simulation Modeling Data handling and analysis Fundamental research in nuclear and particle physics Detectors GEANT4 GATE Grids Innovating technologies Nuclear Medecine Radiobiology Radiotherapy Life sciences Healthcare Medical and Biological imaging

16 Grid-enabled in silico drug discovery Goal: reduce time and cost to develop new drugs by selecting the best drug candidates –Particularly relevant to neglected and emerging diseases Strategy: deploy virtual screening on grids –Screening = selection of molecules active on a given protein target –Grid added value: access to huge computing resources Successful deployment on EGEE against malaria and bird flu –Malaria: 46 millions docking probabilities computed in 6 weeks in the summer 2005 –Bird flu: 100 CPU years to find new drugs against mutated neuraminidase N1 Role of IN2P3: coordination of the grid deployments Countries contributing to EGEE Biomedical Virtual Organization Number of malaria related jobs waiting and running on EGEE vs time

17 Organization of work at the interface with life sciences Interface with life sciences has been loosely structured in the last millennium –Local collaboration with hospitals or university groups –Transfer of expertise for technical developments Life sciences are moving into “big science” –Molecular biology experimental platforms produce very large volumes of data studied by international collaborations –Research equipments become national (NeuroSpin, Hadrontherapy centre) –Europe has developed large scale projects (NoE, IP) in FP6 Interface with life sciences is being structured –Appointment of “chargés de mission” at CEA-DAPNIA (P. Le Dû, P. Mangeot) and a scientific deputy director in charge of interdisciplinary activities at IN2P3 (E. Suraud) –Research Group (GDR) “Instrumentation and simulation for biomedical imaging” started in 2005 –Involvement in european projects (CELLION, MAESTRO, EGEE, Embrace, BioinfoGRID) –Bilateral collaborations with Germany, Austria, Korea,Taïwan, …

18 Scientific prospects for the next 10 years Objective 1: contribute to the next generation of FEL and to the R&D on the cold technology of the e+e- linear collider (TESLA) Objective 2: Contribute to the design and building of proton- and hadron-therapy centres Objective 3: Develop innovating imaging techniques in biology and medecine Objective 4: Contribute to emergence in France of multidisciplinary platforms based on ion beams for the irradiation and the modification of materials coupled with electron microscopes techniques or imaging systems From Quarks to cosmos, scientific prospects of the next 10 years for nuclear and high energy physics of the IN2P3-CNRS and the DAPNIA-DSM-CEA, November 2005

19 Highlight within objective 2 : the ETOILE project Goal: build a national centre for light- ion hadrontherapy in France Location: Lyon, Rhone-Alpes region Budget: –90M€ to build the centre –A routine flux of 1000 patients per year will be reached after 3 years with an operation cost of 15 M Euro. Status: approved by the french government in May 2005 Research areas involving IN2P3 laboratories: –design of an in-beam PET detector –simulation of the interaction of carbon ions with tissues –radiobiological studies on the radiosensitivity and tolerance of normal tissues and on the radioresistance of tumours Online PET at GSI hadrontherapy facility

20 Nanobeam High resolution analysis Tomography Localized irradiation Local induction of charges Microbeam Extracted beam Radiobiology Charpa Characterization and analysis Automatized line Atmospheric dusts  Physics line Production of neutrons Extracted beam Air analysis Archeological samples Highlight within objective 4: the AIFIRA platform AIFIRA Location: Bordeaux Budget: 2,8M€ Energy stability  E/E ~ 2.5 10-5 Spatial resolution up to 100 nm

21 Funding Funding is almost strictly going to projects –Staff recruited for project duration Regions are very supportive of infrastructures –Accelerators (AIFIRA, Etoile) –Grid infrastructures (Auvergrid) Newly created National Research Agency (ANR) supports multidisciplinary research projects –Several projects led by IN2P3 laboratories already supported –ANR will play a growing role as a funding agency for interdisciplinary activities European projects –IN2P3 involved in several European projects –Important resource for grid related activities

22 Conclusion Interdisciplinary activities involve a significant fraction of IN2P3 staff –Growing involvement of researchers and engineers –Growing budget (National Research Agency, European projects) Main interfaces –Physics and chemistry for nuclear energy and environment –Life sciences –But also interaction of particles with matter, … Perspectives –IN2P3 and CEA are ready to carry out upstream research in the electro-nuclear field  Nuclear energy is now part of nuclear physics program at IN2P3 –Structuring of interface with life sciences is underway  Etoile hadron therapy centre in Lyon and AIFIRA multidisciplinary platform in Bordeaux will be important centers of gravity for the future  Emergence of bioinformatics in relation to grids

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