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 English Binders & Writers Notebook plus writing utensils ready to go.  Back Packs and large purses placed in blue area by door.  Homework out and ready.

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Presentation on theme: " English Binders & Writers Notebook plus writing utensils ready to go.  Back Packs and large purses placed in blue area by door.  Homework out and ready."— Presentation transcript:

1  English Binders & Writers Notebook plus writing utensils ready to go.  Back Packs and large purses placed in blue area by door.  Homework out and ready to go. KEEP IT AT DESK

2 A Monument for September 11 The paragraph below tells about a building that’s especially important in September. Can you find and mark ten errors in the paragraph? You might look for errors of capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or grammar. One World Trade was made to be the talest building in New York city in 2012. It is a monument to help us remember those who lost there lives on september 11 2001. One World Trade stands 1,776 feet high in honnor of the year America claimed it’s independence. People form all over the world visit the bilding every year (7 minutes) © 2012 by Education World®. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only.

3 Reading Objective Students will be able to continue practicing annotating and using SOAPSTone for “A Sound of Thunder” focusing on plot. Writing Objective Students will be able to create a story of their own choosing.

4 AGENDA Warm Up: Editing Sheet (7 minutes) Editing Activity: Partner (10 minutes) Read: “A Sound of Thunder” (35 minutes) completing SOAPSTone bookmark Writer’s Notebook: Write a story using plot created or create new plot outline and begin new story. (35 minutes) HW: Finish any work that has not been completed, including “A Sound of Thunder”

5 * Go through homework together and see if you both came up with the same editing mistakes?

6 * Annotate “Sound of Thunder” * Fill out SOAPSTone with Plot chart

7 * P-Preview (Mark titles, headings, etc. Think what genre the selection is.) * L-Look Up words you don’t know. Circle them as you read. * U-Underline (Main or important ideas, topic sentences, etc.) * S-Summarize (every couple of paragraphs and, especially, at the end) * D-Diction (what words does the author use: slang, formal, contractions) * Images (what images sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, feelings does author create) * Details (which details does the author include (connotative) and/or omit (denotative). * Language (Formal, Personal, Intimate, Colloquial-helps to determine audience) * Sentence Structure (Simple/compound/complex/com pound-complex sentences. Funky punctuation. Sentences short or long)

8 * Write a story using one of your plot outlines as a guide.(35 Minutes) Writers Notebook:

9  Any Homework-SUBMIT INTO BOX  Library Orientation-Will need to check out Fiction OR have me approve.

10  Keep backpacks and purses with you  Any Homework-SUBMIT INTO BOX  Library Orientation-Will need to check out Fiction OR have me approve.

11 * If you have failed or want to raise your grade you must come to tutoring to rework, correct or revise the major work. Tutoring Hours M,T,TH,F 8am or afternoon by appt.

12 * If failing a class will be assigned to Thursday Night Library. If in athletics or in band, you will not be playing that night. * Talon: Go straight to 4 th /8 th or class that has given you Talon. Once in Talon: no out entire Talon time. No restroom, no water, no out. If in Talon tutoring show 4 th /8 th period teacher at beginning of class. No pass=Referral * OCT. 4=UIL Eligibility * Agenda’s still available in Freshmen D100 office

13  English Binders, Writers Notebook and Fiction Book plus writing utensils ready to go.  Back Packs and large purses placed in blue area by door.

14 National Football League (NFL) teams do a lot to get ready for the knew foot ball season that begin each fall. In april, the league holds a draft where teams pick player’s. Over the summer, the players practis and train. then starting in September, each team spends the next 17 week playing games. The season ends with playoffs and the championship game. Do you have a favorit football team you will watch this year.

15 * Answer Key * National Football League (NFL) teams do a lot to get ready for the new football season that begins each fall. In April, the league holds a draft where teams pick players. Over the summer, the players practice and train. Then starting in September, each team spends the next 17 weeks playing games. The season ends with playoffs and the championship game. Do you have a favorite football team you will watch this year?

16 * If failing a class will be assigned to Thursday Night Library. If in athletics or in band, you will not be playing that night. * Talon: Go straight to 4 th /8 th or class that has given you Talon. Once in Talon: no out entire Talon time. No restroom, no water, no out. If in Talon tutoring show 4 th /8 th period teacher at beginning of class. No pass=Referral * OCT. 4=UIL Eligibility * Agenda’s still available in Freshmen D100 office

17 * If you have failed or want to raise your grade you must come to tutoring to rework, correct or revise the major work. Tutoring Hours M,T,TH,F 8am or afternoon by appt.

18 Reading Objective Students will read a fiction novel of choice and learn the three levels of questioning to “Cinderella” then apply that to their own novel. Writing Objective Students will be able to create a story of their own choosing.

19 AGENDA Warm Up: Editing Sheet (5 minutes) Writer’s Notebook: Write a story using plot created or create new plot outline and begin new story. (30 minutes) Read: Fiction Novel of Choice(35 minutes) ML: Three Levels of Questioning with “Cinderella” (20 minutes) I will be checking Binders and Writers Notebook today! HW: None

20 The Three Levels of Questions: (AKA The Cinderella exercise)

21 Level I: Recall The answer is in the text; explicit, fact (fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied) What were Cinderella's slippers made out of? How did Cinderella get to the ball?

22 Level II: Analysis/Inference Students make interpretations based upon details from the text. (The act or process of deriving conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true) Implicit or what is implied; analysis, ask how and why, reading between the lines, hidden meaning. (understood though not directly expressed) Why does Cinderella's stepmother care whether or not she goes to the ball? Why did everything turn back the way it was except the glass slipper? Why don't the step sisters like Cinderella?

23 Level III: Synthesis Go beyond the text and inquire into the value, importance and application of the information presented. Does a woman's salvation always lie with a man? What does it mean to live happily ever after? Does good always overcome evil?

24 Your Turn! Homework: Write 3 questions on ________________________, 1 from each level of questioning.

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