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UT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science FEARLESS engineering BigSecret: A Secure Data Management Framework for Key-Value Stores.

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Presentation on theme: "UT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science FEARLESS engineering BigSecret: A Secure Data Management Framework for Key-Value Stores."— Presentation transcript:

1 UT DALLAS Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science FEARLESS engineering BigSecret: A Secure Data Management Framework for Key-Value Stores Erman Pattuk Murat Kantarcioglu Vaibhav Khadilkar Huseyin Ulusoy Sharad Mehrotra (Univ. of California at Irvine)

2 FEARLESS engineering Introduction Increasing amount of internet usage –Number of active users –Number of transactions per unit time –Size of the stored data –A new concept: BigData Existing techniques failed to satisfy new requirements To cope with BigData, Key-Value Stores emerge as a popular option –Efficiency and Scalability

3 FEARLESS engineering Introduction Amazon SimpleDB Google BigTable Microsoft Azure … KeyValue pattuk_erman:bank1919381 pattuk_erman:ssn1928319 ulusoy_huseyin:bank4476861 ulusoy_huseyin:ssn1148793

4 FEARLESS engineering Proposed Framework: BigSecret Public Private Amazon SimpleDB Google BigTable Microsoft Azure … BigSecret Dept 1 Dept 2

5 FEARLESS engineering Outline Partitioning data among multiple cloud providers Storing data on a provider, while protecting efficiency and privacy Querying outsourced data Experiments

6 FEARLESS engineering Data and Workload Sharing BigSecret Data Owner Provider-1 Provider-2 Provider-3 Constraints

7 FEARLESS engineering Constraints in Partitioning BigSecret Provider-1 Provider-2 Provider-N … Monetary Cost < 10 Security Disclosure < 5% Optimize Execution Time 10% Data 20% Workload 20% Data 10% Workload 15% Data 13% Workload

8 FEARLESS engineering Storing Data in Secure Form Transform data using Encryption Models

9 FEARLESS engineering Query Execution BigSecret Provider-1 GET: “John” – “traits” – “height” GET: A12C04 – BF2139 – 51231D RESULT: 1295DC10 RESULT: “170 cm”

10 FEARLESS engineering Experiments Performed experiments using Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark Created tables consisting of 1,2,4,8,16, and 32 Millions of rows –Each row has 10 Key-Value entries of 100B Created 3 different workloads –1K queries for single-cloud experiments –100K queries for multi-cloud experiments

11 FEARLESS engineering Single-Cloud Experiments Workload – 1 (Get intensive)

12 FEARLESS engineering Single-Cloud Experiments Workload – 2 (Put intensive)

13 FEARLESS engineering Single-Cloud Experiments Workload – 3 (Scan intensive)

14 FEARLESS engineering Multi-Cloud Experiments Provider Properties Provider 1Provider 2 StoragePlaintextModel-1 Risk weight10.7 SpeedFastSlow Monetary cost$700$3700 Sensitivity disclosure risk %100%70

15 FEARLESS engineering Multi-Cloud Experiments Workload – 3 (Scan intensive)

16 FEARLESS engineering Conclusion If Scan is needed, Model-1 can be used –Otherwise, it’s not so efficient –May use other techniques to support Scan Model-2 and 3 perform well with minor overhead We plan to add support for other Key-Value stores BigSecret is open source –

17 FEARLESS engineering Q&A Thank You

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