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2 3 4 5 The design and fit out of an office requires consideration of several factors. Some of the main factors to consider include:  Acoustical privacy.

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5 5 The design and fit out of an office requires consideration of several factors. Some of the main factors to consider include:  Acoustical privacy  Fixed walls or open plan design  Visual privacy  Employees personalising their own space  Natural light or artificial lighting  Facilitating interpersonal contact

6 6 Office space tends to be influenced by:  Nature of work/tasks  Role/position of employee  Perceptions

7 There are numerous factors to consider when selecting office furniture. These factors include:  Body size of employee  Height of employee  Gender  Right or left-handedness  Tasks of employee  Layout of office  Office equipment – computers, printers, etc. 7

8 8 Some features are mandatory for a good chair regardless of how it is to be used:  Adjustability  Seat height range  Backrest  Seat depth  Stability

9 9 Comfortable and healthy sitting while working requires attention to the positioning one’s:  Hips  Knees  Ankles  Back  Arms  Elbows  Wrists

10 10 When sitting in front of a computer it is recommended:  Keeping elbows tucked in  Keep shoulders relaxed  Change body positions frequently  Alternate crossed legs  Avoid bending to the side  Avoid bending forward  Do not slouch  Do not sit for more than 50 minutes at a time

11 11 If a chair is too low or the desk/worktable too high a person could experience:  Disrupted blood circulation  Pressure on internal organs  Sitting discomfort  Back injury  Neck injury  Shoulder pain  Body tiredness

12 12 It is important to take breaks from the computer and/or desk. Some suggestions are:  Take a rest break of 10 minutes every hour  Take frequent short breaks  Do stretching exercises  Adapt the workload to take breaks

13 13 Working in a standing position on a regular basis and for long periods can cause:  Sore feet  Swelling of the legs  Varicose veins  General muscular fatigue  Low back pain  Stiff neck and shoulders  Tendons/ligaments damage  Joint problems

14 14 The following should be considered when designing a work area where the worker will be performing duties while standing:  Adjustable working tables/benches  Room to move around  Built-in foot rails or portable footrests  Elbow supports  Controls and tools within reach  A stool

15 15 Footwear should be chosen safety, support and comfort while working. Look for footwear that:  Do not change the shape of your foot  Have a firm grip for the heel  Allow freedom to move your toes  Have arch supports  Have shock-absorbing cushioned insole  Are not flat or with heels higher than 50 mm  Have the proper safety features if required  That is industry approved

16 16 Work area floors should:  Be clean  Have mats if surfaces are concrete or metal  Be level and non-slippery

17 17 RSI is caused by repetitive movements due to poor work design/processes. Prevention of RSI is possible if the worker/employee:  Mixes repetitive and non-repetitive activities  Has frequent breaks  Does simple and gentle exercises  Uses properly designed furniture  Redesign the work area

18 18 There are two types of lighting – natural and artificial. There are three basic types of lighting:  General  Localised-general  Local

19 19 There are four types of light fixtures known as:  Direct  Direct-indirect  Indirect  Shielded

20 20 ‘Indoor Air Quality’ is an increasingly important issue in the workplace environment. Poor air quality can be caused by:  Poor ventilation  Poor thermal controls  Humidity levels

21 21 Workplace air pollution can come from both internal and external sources. External sources include:  Pollen, dust, etc.  Vehicle exhaust  Odours from dumpsters/rubbish  Neighbouring industries  Construction

22 22 Internal sources:  Building components and furnishings  Smoking  Maintenance or remodelling activities  Cleaning chemicals  Unsanitary conditions and water damage  Emissions from office equipment  Fuels, paints, adhesives, etc.

23 23 Indoor air pollution can be prevented by:  Cleaning and maintain air conditioning systems  Supplying fresh outside air  Well ventilating areas  Office equipment should be cleaned/maintained  Reduce/eliminate air contaminates sources

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