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1 This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. C2-Sense Architecture overview R. Périnelle 26 / 09 / 2014

2 1 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. Reminders /01/ To customize the footer, go to the menu "Insert / Slide Number", customize the footer and confirm with "Apply to All" CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT

3 2 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. C2-SENSE REMINDERS 1/X : INTEROPERABILITY  Interoperability is a matter of  Interconnecting heterogeneous systems or applications  Making them communicate  Making them understand each other  Making them work together…  … for the same goals  This leads to  Physical interoperability (network interconnection)  Protocol interoperability (communication)  Syntax (messages) and semantic (interpretation) interoperability  Procedures interoperability  Common goal CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT

4 3 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. C2-SENSE REMINDERS 2/X : FIRST NETWORK ARCHITECTURES  A long time ago, systems were alone: one framework per company, no communication from one company to another  Then the networks arrived, and the distributed architecture arrived too  More applications  Needs for consistency checks or for multi application (or multi databases) report building  Quickly, a solution is found: federated architecture  Heimbigner, D., McLeod, D.: A federated architecture for information management. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems (TOIS), Vol. 3, No. 3, p.253-278, juillet 1985  Case 1: use database synchronization tools  Case 2: use federal database, filled from requests to other databases, usually read- only  BUT: no reproductible & efficient process to build that, and usually read-only, and not distributed CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT

5 4 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. C2-SENSE REMINDER 3/X: MEDIATION ARCHITECTURE  Next step: mediation architecture  Wiederhold, G.: Mediators in the architecture of future information systems. IEEE Computer Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 3, 38­49, mars 1992  The basic idea is to have adapters and mediators between applications  Mediations may use ontologies to translate models from one application to another  I3 Architecture (Hull, R., King, R.: Reference architecture for the intelligent integration of information. Rapport technique (ARPA), 1995. is an example of such architecture  Coordination mediators accept queries and sequences them, translate them for other mediators  Management mediators discover dynamically new mediators, and configure them  Semantic integration and transformation mediators translate from one ontology to another, manipulates ontologies, split queries into many elementary queries that can be dispatched to spetialized services  Functionnal mediators are value added services  Adapters ensure the connection to the applications and take care of physical, protocole and syntaxic adaptation CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT

6 5 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. C2-SENSE REMINDER 4/X: OSI VS INTEROPERABILITY LAYERS  OSI (or IP) layers and Interoperability layers are not the same  First layers are common:  Physical (Ethernet…)  Protocol (IP, TCP or UDP, HTTP or FTP or …)  Then OSI continues with applications while Interoperability deals with mediators CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT

7 6 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. C2-SENSE REMINDER 5/X: MULTI COMPANY IMPACT  Today issue is beyond multi application interoperability: it is multi organization interoperability  Networks are heterogeneous (not all IP based!)  Networks are closed (for security concerns), then direct access to an application is more difficult  Use of DMZ for incoming messages/requests  Use of proxies for outgoing requests, usually blocking all except the port 80  Finding a common goal is also a matter or human relations (compared to a central decision)  Use of HTTP based communications (SOAP, REST, …) CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT

8 7 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. C2-Sense architecture /02/ CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT

9 8 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. CONFIDENTIEL / DATE / DIRECTION C2-SENSE ARCHITECTURAL FRAMEWORK 4/X Procedural Knowledge Knowledge data Ontology data Data Adapter Content Connector Data model ToPhysAdapter transformed Sem. Content

10 9 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. CONFIDENTIEL / DATE / DIRECTION OGC est pris en compte par SMV il a été dès le départ à la base de l'architecture de SMV, il s'agit notamment de standards sur: - des web services WMS, WCS, WFS,… - de formats de données: GML, CityGML, KML, GeoPackage - de la représentation : SLD - localisation, observation, transformation de coordonnées … C2-SENSE ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS1/X SUPPORTED BY SAGEM Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) Health standarts Health Level Seven ® International JC3IEDM

11 10 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. Organisation B Web Service Organisation B Web Service Phy Adapter Organisation A Web Service Organisation A Web Service C2-SENSE ARCHITECTURAL FRAMEWORK 1/X CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT Open Interface Organisation AOrganisation B Content Connector Data Integrator and Adapter Content Connector Data Integrator and Adapter C2 Sense Data Bus Infrastructure and Network Organisation dependent interface TO BE DEFINED API TO BE DEFINED Services TO BE DEFINED Handles protocol Converts proprietary messages to standards API TO BE DEFINED Data model WS Container Phy Adapter

12 11 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. Organisation A Web Service Organisation A Web Service C2-SENSE ARCHITECTURAL FRAMEWORK 2/X CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT Open Interface Organisation A Content / Semantic mediator Services TO BE DEFINED XXX mediator Defining input and output of modules is usually done prior to defining internal design. Converts messages from accepted standards to other accepted standards WS Container C2 Sense Data Bus Infrastructure and Network Content Connector Data Integrator and Adapter Data model Sensor mediator Phy Adapter

13 12 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. Organisation A Web Service Organisation A Web Service C2-SENSE ARCHITECTURAL FRAMEWORK 3/X CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT Open Interface Organisation A Web Service Creator Too Bindersl Wrappers Glue Code & Wizard Generation Web Service Creator Too Bindersl Wrappers Glue Code & Wizard Generation C2 Sense Network Defining mediators should be done prior to defining management/generation tools WS Creator tool, generates: WS classes Starts service, Container glue code for all components WS Container Content Connector Data Integrator and Adapter Data model Phy Adapter XXX mediator Uses ontologies Semantic Knowledge Operational rules and procedures Bind proprietary data Compile connectors specification Bind data from C2Sense models Use interface definition Proprietary data Optional: define traffic classes over IP/MPLS 3rd party template glue code

14 13 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. Organisation A Web Service Organisation A Web Service C2-SENSE ARCHITECTURE 4/X : MEDIATOR TREE CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT Organisation A Sémantic mediator Profile Execution Engine Organisation BOrganisation C Organisation B Web Service Organisation B Web Service Registry of Emergency Web Services Organisation C Web Service Organisation C Web Service Profile Repository Sémantic mediator Emergency Map Tool Sensor Management Tool Profile Monitoring Tool Profile Definition Tool Security and Privacy Tool Profile Specialization Tool SLA/OLA Negotiation tool Web Service Creator Tool GIS Server

15 14 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. C2-SENSE PROFILES : HOMONYMS IN C2-SENSE  A profile is a compliance form to a set of standards  For each standard or standard item as output, indicates:  Compliant ( C ) : item/rule is respected/provided  Non compliant (NC) : item/rule is not provided  For each standard or standard item as input, indicates:  Mandatory (M) : this application will not work if this is not provided  Optional (O) : this application would take advantage of this  Nor required (NR) : this application doesn’t care about this  A profile is a procedure  Defined by Profile Definition/Specialization Tool  Executed by Profile Execution Engine CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT Referenced in DOW Annex I, WT2, list of deliverables D3.1 to D3.5 Referenced in DOW Annex I, WT3

16 15 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. SAGEM framework related to C2 - SENSE /02/ CONFIDENTIAL / DATE / DEPARTMENT

17 16 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. SAGEM mapping solutions  SMV: ‘Sagem Map Viewer’  Geographical Information System library developed for several SAGEM products (Felin Soldier system, Helicopter mission planning, C4i systems, UAVs, …)  Developed by SAGEM in order to address multiple platform:  from desktop PC (Windows & Linux)  to mobile/embedded devices (Android / Linux)  Optimized 2D & 3D hardware acceleration  Can operate:  offline and can use many dataset format natively  or online with shared geographical datasets with OGC standards: ‒ OGC/WMS: Raster / Images datasets ‒ OGC/WCS: Elevation data & temporal datasets ‒ OGC/WFS: Vector datasets  Uses open source software / not tied to any proprietary solution

18 17 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. SAGEM SMV’s features  Provides:  Geographical dataset integration facilities:  Many raster/vector format accessed via GDAL/OGR library (100+/50+ drivers)  Integrated dataset shared with OGC Webservices  SML (Sagem Map Loader) : graphical tool to manage data integration  SMW (Sagem Map Workshop) : create and add georeference information to images  Customized layout representation for vector integration ‒ NATO’s vector datasets : MAP from 0 to 2i levels & MGCP ‒ Aeronautical dataset (ARINC 424 / Jeppesen) ‒ OpenStreetMap  2D & 3D OGC client map viewer with enhanced terrain visualization  On-the-fly heterogeneous data reprojection  Adaptative rotation/zoom and automatic layer selection  Terrain dynamic shading & colored elevation  Multiple layer blending & color adjustement  Customized symbol drawings (NATO’s APP6 / Geosym STD 89045)  Geographical calculation: route, line of sight, radio signal range, distance, coordinate conversion  Real-time 3d video draping ( UAV’s georeferenced streams )

19 18 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. SMV data workflow SMV Mapserver SMV Client SMV Client SMV Client RASTER VECTOR TERRAIN Import manager Server Configuration EXTERNAL DATASET OGC Web Services WMS WCS WFS SMV data cache UPDATE NETWORK SMV data cache SMV data cache SERVER CLIENTS SML GUI

20 19 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. ORTAC Web Service CONFIDENTIEL / DATE / DIRECTION For each FR/US battalion and recce:  Find: Units Course of Action Corresponding consistent Schedule  Subject to: Ennemy Course of Action Friendly coordination constraints  Cost function: Effects, Mission duration, Security Solve and optimise joint mission plan :

21 20 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. Tactic, Techniques and Procedures ORTAC Web Service Architecture CONFIDENTIEL / DATE / DIRECTION SICStus Prolog Connector Jasper Web Service Middleware Application Server (Servlet / HTTP) ORTAC Web Service ORTAC Kernel Mission Planning and Scheduling Models Mission Planning and Scheduling Models Solving Algorithm Knowledge base and models Ontology Interoperable Data Model Third Party applications

22 21 / This document and the information therein are the property of Sagem, They must not be copied or communicated to a third party without the prior written authorization of Sagem. ORTAC Web Service Message Exchange pattern CONFIDENTIEL / DATE / DIRECTION 2 pattern to invoke ORTAC :Reactive pattern (on demand) and Proactive pattern ORTAC WS TITAN/WOS Route Report Request Route Report Response Route Computation Reactive mode Ping Connect (Register) Publish (Spot Report) Proactive mode Route Computation updates Submit (Route Report Response) UDDI Server UDDI Registration

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