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Primary Care & Population Health Scholars Program Anthony J. Viera, MD, MPH UNC School of Medicine Gillings School of Global Public Health Director, PCPH.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Care & Population Health Scholars Program Anthony J. Viera, MD, MPH UNC School of Medicine Gillings School of Global Public Health Director, PCPH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Care & Population Health Scholars Program Anthony J. Viera, MD, MPH UNC School of Medicine Gillings School of Global Public Health Director, PCPH Scholars Program Director, MD-MPH Program

2 PCPH Scholars Current 1 st -year student planning a career in primary care (general medicine, general pediatrics, family medicine) Why? – Keep your passion for primary care going and develop scholarly pursuits – Learn how to work to improve the health of people by going beyond the clinic walls – Develop greater understanding of health policy

3 PCPH Scholars Program Evening cross-cutting seminars (small group, discussion-based) Scholarly writing project to be published Mentors and opportunities to mentor Travel funds for meetings Strongly encouraged: MPH year after 1 st clinical phase (with early application)

4 Evening seminars (examples) The Affordable Care Act – Intro and Updates Health Disparities Health Communication and Health Literacy Healthcare Quality: Defining and Measuring It? Why Are Health Care Costs so High, and What is the Physician’s Role? ACO’s, PCMHs, and other Alphabet Soup Leadership in Medicine

5 Publications and projects Clinical synopsis to publish in Evidence Based Practice Other summer projects – as long as end- product (poster or publication) With opportunity for funding / stipend Can apply for summer research funding

6 PCPH Scholars Program Evening cross-cutting seminars (small group, discussion-based) Scholarly writing project to be published Mentors and opportunities to mentor Travel funds for meetings Strongly encouraged: MPH year after 1 st clinical phase (with early application) Your own office! (shared only among Scholars)


8 Current Scholars 11 this past year Several wrote an evidence-based synopsis on topic of interest that will be published Others did original research – One submitted two papers and an abstract ($) – Other with ongoing data collection ($) A few did both

9 Second year Finish evening seminars in fall Workshop in spring – Leadership – Teaching

10 PCPH Scholars Current 1 st -year student planning a career in primary care (general medicine, general pediatrics, family medicine) Can still do Asheville (or similar) program

11 Applying is easy… Up to two-page personal statement explaining your intended career path and what you hope to get out of the Scholars program. Send as an attachment with a cover email to: Interviews will be arranged at least one member of our selection committee DEADLINE: January 2015

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