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Vehicle Flow.

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Presentation on theme: "Vehicle Flow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vehicle Flow

2 Homework Ch 5 # 1, 2, 4, 7, 9

3 Vehicle Flow How do vehicles operate in the system capacity speed
headway density

4 Time Space Diagrams Show vehicle location vs. Time one way or two way
any type of transportation system used to find siding placement progression minimum headways Throughput


6 Vehicle Following Spacing needed for stopping

7 Deceleration 3 types of deceleration Initial spacing
Normal dn = 8fps^2 Emergency de = 24fps^2 Instantaneous Initial spacing S = vd +v^2/2df –v^2/2dl +NL +x0 Safest spacing when lead vehicle decelerates instantaneously and following vehicle brakes at normal deceleration

8 Example What is the safe initial spacing between two vehicles traveling 40 mph if the lead vehicle uses an emergency deceleration of 24 fps^2 and the following vehicle normally decelerates at 8 fps^2? PR time = 1.5 sec, vehicle length = 20 feet, x0 = 4 feet

9 Flow Concepts 4 variables volume speed density headway

10 Volume # of vehicles passing a given point in a given unit time
q = n/T cars per hour does not tell you anything about speed or density

11 Speed 2 types Space Mean Speed Time Mean Speed
distance divided by time useful in determining vehicle flow characteristics Time Mean Speed Spot speeds Radar gun not useful except for tickets

12 Example Si = 2 miles, i = 1 - 4 v1 = 42 mph, v2 = 39 mph, v3 = 47 mph, v4 = 50 mph Average V = 44.5 mph m1 = 3.1 min, m2 = 2.8 min, m3 = 3.3 min, m4 = 3.0 min Average = 39.5 mph What is the difference, is it significant?

13 Density Concentration vehicles per unit length cars/mile

14 Headway Time or distance between two vehicles
h = 1/q gives the time headway h = 1/k gives distance headway which is more useful?

15 Relationships q=uk Important points basic relationship jam density
jam speed max volume

16 Relationships

17 Relationships

18 Relationships

19 Relationships Shape of curves what do they tell us?

20 Example The u-k relationship is u + 2.6 = 0.001(k – 240)^2
Find umax, jam density, and max capacity

21 Shock waves Happens when traffic is forced to change speed either slowing down or speeding up shockwave Can move either forward or backward usw = (qb – qa)/(kb – ka) a, b are 2 points of interest If shockwave is + => heading in direction of flow If shockwave is 0 => stationary If shockwave is - => moving against flow

22 Example A line of traffic, moving at 30 mph and a concentration of 50 veh/mi is stopped for 30 sec at a red light. Calculate the velocity and direction of the stopping wave, the length of the line of cars stopped during the 30 sec of red, and the number of cars stopped during the 30 sec of red. Assume a jam capacity of 250 veh/mi

23 Control of Vehicle Flows
Control vehicles minimize accidents maximize effectiveness transit airports roadways Channelization most common control

24 Control of Vehicle Flows
Speed limits Control on Links signage lane width number of lanes headway rules

25 Headway Rules RR - uses block system

26 Headway Rules Aircraft Airports 1 aircraft on runway at any time
separation distances 2.5 miles between aircraft 10 miles horizontal / 2000 ft vertical in air Control based on aircraft location Ground control for aircraft not on runway

27 Capacity Capacity based on mode # of vehicles per hour
# of passengers per hour arrivals, departures per hour

28 Highways Capacity varies by road type All use Level of Service
Freeways no controls, Intersections traffic control 2 lane & 4 lane roads lead vehicle All use Level of Service

29 Determining Capacity Based on Roadway geometrics and traffic conditions For Freeways can determine ideal conditions and from that a maximum capacity

30 Peak Hour Factor Measures demand peaking

31 Level of Service LOS can be based on 6 LOS A - F delay per vehicle
speed service flow 6 LOS A - F A is best F is worst

32 Freeway Capacity LOS based on
density speed v/c For an LOS can find Maximum Service Flow (MSF)

33 MSF MSF = qmax*(v/c) - ideal conditions SF = q = qmax*N*fw*FHV
Table for heavy vehicle factors Table for width factors

34 Capacity Restrictions
Non recurring Recurring

35 Example Ch 4 # 14

36 Pedestrians LOS based on speed flow rate v/c ratio

37 Bike LOS Based on amount of hindrance

38 Airports Capacity depends on landside and airside
LOS is based on delay and total time Why are airports becoming shopping malls?

39 Rail Mass transit AMTRAK LOS based on pass/seat, space/ pass,
both peak and off peak AMTRAK LOS based on wait time, comfort, pass/seat

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