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Faster than the Speed of Sound Ian McElwee 2005. What is the Sound Barrier? The sound barrier is not a faded out place, it’s actually just a speed where.

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Presentation on theme: "Faster than the Speed of Sound Ian McElwee 2005. What is the Sound Barrier? The sound barrier is not a faded out place, it’s actually just a speed where."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faster than the Speed of Sound Ian McElwee 2005

2 What is the Sound Barrier? The sound barrier is not a faded out place, it’s actually just a speed where you are going faster than the speed sound travels.

3 How fast is breaking the Sound Barrier? Normally sound travels around 700 mph. If a plane is going 1400 mph, then it is going mach 2.

4 What are Shock Waves? Shock waves look like a hump, and are a change in pressure. When you are able to see them, they are carrying air or dust.

5 More Shock waves

6 What is a Sonic Boom? A sonic boom is just a sound made when shock waves (are also called wakes) build up and pass over you.

7 What is a wake? A wake is a smaller wave made from any object going through a fluid (liquid or air).

8 What does a sonic boom sound like? A sonic boom sounds like a boom, bang, or crack, depending on how the wakes move.

9 What objects make a sonic boom? Some objects that make a sonic boom are whips, guns, and cannons.

10 What is a condensation cloud? A condensation cloud looks, and acts like any cloud but is made by rapidly cooled air.

11 More Condensation clouds

12 Lift-Induced Clouds Lift-Induced clouds are made when water vapor is rapidly cooled when the plane is lifting off.

13 Prandtl- Glauert Singularity These clouds are cone shaped and can be found near or at the speed of sound.

14 Fastest Plane The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is more than 30 years old, it’s max speed is 2200 mph, that’s more than 3 times the speed of sound.

15 Fastest Boat The Spirit of Australia, is owned by Ken Warby and its record is 317.6 mph. He is currently working on another fast boat.

16 Fastest Car 50 years after Chuck Yegar broke the sound barrier, the ThrustSCC did. It’s record speed is 763.168 mph. This car is owned by Andy Green of London England.

17 More Supersonic cars

18 The X-1 Aircraft On October 14 1947, Chuck Yegar flew the X-1, the first plane to break the sound barrier. Today the X- 1 is in the Smithsonian.

19 About the Author Hi I’m Ian McElwee and I’m 13. I lived in Mystic CT. for 4 years when I moved to Clemmons. I like the Simpson’s, Disney, Muppets, and I LOVE ROLLERCOASTERS! My goal in life is to ride all the roller coasters I can.

20 What the Author likes

21 Bibliography Cramer, M.S. “Sonic Boom, Sound Barrier, and Condensation Clouds.” 1998. M.S Cramer. April 26, 2005.

22 Bibliography “What causes a sonic boom.” 1998. HSW. 4/26/05. NOVA. “Faster than Sound.” 1997. WGBH and PBS. 4/26/05.

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