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HURRICANE STRUCTURE Dr. Richard M. Yablonsky University of Rhode Island/GSO Hurricane Webinar Series 2012 28 February 2012, 7:00pm EST.

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Presentation on theme: "HURRICANE STRUCTURE Dr. Richard M. Yablonsky University of Rhode Island/GSO Hurricane Webinar Series 2012 28 February 2012, 7:00pm EST."— Presentation transcript:

1 HURRICANE STRUCTURE Dr. Richard M. Yablonsky University of Rhode Island/GSO Hurricane Webinar Series 2012 28 February 2012, 7:00pm EST

2 WHAT IS THIS??? Image courtesy of < 1 mile

3 WHAT IS THIS??? Image courtesy of The Andover, KS TORNADO of April 26, 1991 (Wind ≈ 250 mph) This is NOT a hurricane!!! This is NOT a hurricane!!! < 1 mile

4 WHAT IS THIS??? Image courtesy of < 1 mile ~ 10 miles

5 WHAT IS THIS??? Image courtesy of A thunderstorm near Ardmore, OK This is NOT a hurricane! < 1 mile ~ 10 miles

6 OK Rich… so you have lectured us on what a hurricane IS NOT. Please stop teasing and tell us what a hurricane IS!

7 Definitions from United States National Hurricane Center Hurricane: “A tropical cyclone in which the maximum sustained surface wind is 74 mph or more” (NHC).OK, but what is a tropical cyclone?

8 Definitions from United States National Hurricane Center Hurricane: “A tropical cyclone in which the maximum sustained surface wind is 74 mph or more” (NHC).OK, but what is a tropical cyclone? Tropical cyclone: “A warm-core, non-frontal, synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organized deep convection and a closed surface wind circulation about a well- defined center” (NHC).WHAT??? 

9 Hurricane Ivan on September 9, 2004 ~ 250 miles Image courtesy of NOAA

10 Hurricane Ivan on September 9, 2004 ~ 250 miles Image courtesy of NOAA A thunderstorm in one of Ivan’s spiral bands

11 Hurricane Ivan on September 9, 2004 ~ 250 miles Eye (No Wind) Image courtesy of NOAA A thunderstorm in one of Ivan’s spiral bands

12 Hurricane Ivan on September 9, 2004 ~ 250 miles Eyewall: Region of strongest winds Eye (No Wind) Image courtesy of NOAA A thunderstorm in one of Ivan’s spiral bands

13 What about SIZE ? Courtesy of Brian Kabat US Air Force Academy 100 mi SIZE ≠ INTENSITY!

14 What about SIZE ? Courtesy of Brian Kabat US Air Force Academy 100 mi 200 mi SIZE ≠ INTENSITY!

15 09/13/04 1200Z 09L IVAN 09/13/04 1315Z GOES - 12 VIS What about SIZE ? Courtesy of Brian Kabat US Air Force Academy 100 mi 250 mi 200 mi SIZE ≠ INTENSITY!

16 09/13/04 1200Z 09L IVAN 09/13/04 1315Z GOES - 12 VIS What about SIZE ? Courtesy of Brian Kabat US Air Force Academy 100 mi 250 mi 200 mi 150 mph (Category 4) 140 mph (Category 4) 160 mph (Category 5) SIZE ≠ INTENSITY!

17 Largest & Smallest Tropical Cyclones

18 What about eyes? Here is Wilma…

19 And here is Isabel!

20 Vertical slice through a hurricane

21 Wind speed distribution

22 Hurricane’s Secondary Circulation

23 Convection in the Atmosphere COLD COOL WARM Image courtesy of

24 Convection in the Atmosphere COLD COOL WARM HOT Image courtesy of

25 Convection in the Atmosphere COLD COOL WARM HOT COLD WARM Image courtesy of Image courtesy of The hot air parcel rises… just like in a hot air balloon!

26 Hurricanes are fueled by the ocean URI team focus: Understanding & modeling hurricane-ocean interaction

27 Tropical vs. Extratropical Cyclones

28 Extratropical Transition

29 Definitions from United States National Hurricane Center Hurricane: “A tropical cyclone in which the maximum sustained surface wind is 74 mph or more” (NHC).Rich, you said that already! Tropical cyclone: “A warm-core, non-frontal, synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organized deep convection and a closed surface wind circulation about a well- defined center” (NHC).I think I get it now!

30 Hurricanes: Science and Society Learn more at:

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