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Significant Weather Operations Protecting Our People.

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1 Significant Weather Operations Protecting Our People

2 References MOO 5523 King County Wind Storm Operations MOO 5802 Flood Response Operations Valley Communications Policy 745 B.C. Peden Safety Reminder Regarding Tree Removal. City of Auburn Public Works Call-Out List City of Pacific Public Works Callout Procedures Metz Manual 6.4.15 Ladder Operations in Windy Conditions Landslide and Mudflow Safety Tips, Janet Liebsch,, Erik Cottle, City of Auburn Street and Vegetation Manager Bill Burkhart, City of Pacific Public Works Jimmy Greis, City of Algona Public Works Steve Stocker, APD Commander Scott Loper, Puget Sound Energy Operations Superintendent (localized weather stations in the Auburn area)

3 Forecasts and Observations VRFA Intranet National Weather Service Local media

4 High Call Volume Procedures Coordinated with Valley Com Non-Emergent incidents downloaded to Station 31 Printer Communication plan developed AFD Admin Simplex Nextel VHF No field communication with Valley Com for non-emergent incidents

5 High Wind Operations Sustained Surface Winds: 45 M.P.H. or more for 10 minutes or longer High Winds: 30 M.P.H. or more and may include other factors Review MOO 5523 May dictate suspension of non-emergent incidents All units return to shelter High Call Volume Procedures All personnel evaluate their safety and notify supervisor

6 Ladder 31 Aerial Operations Winds up to 18 M.P.H. ~ No restrictions Winds up to 27 M.P.H. Jacks fully extended Slope not to exceed 7 degrees. Winds up to 37 M.P.H Add guy ropes (combined with above) Winds up to 49 M.P.H. Restrict extension to 82 feet (combined with above) Winds Exceeding 49 M.P.H. ~ Terminate aerial operations!

7 Trees Consider use of tow strap to drag tree clear of roadway 10 inches or less in diameter Not leaning, on the ground, stable, will not roll Opening roads for emergency responses Multiple cuts are not advised Safe work zones Look outs Call police for traffic Notify appropriate public works department Notify B.C. for closures, injuries, property damage, environmental damage Monitor and isolate if tree is a hazard to public safety Typically a function of public works and utilities

8 Landslides and Mudflows Approach and park safely Establish Lookouts and Safety Zones Listen for sounds of a secondary slide Avoid operations in “spoils” Police for traffic Consider TRT response Initiate road closure Notify public works Notify B.C. Isolate and monitor if public safety could be compromised

9 Power Lines Always “live” Approach and park safely Lookouts and Safety Zones Isolate hazard area Police for traffic Notify PSE Notify B.C. for road closures, injuries, property and environmental damage

10 Snow Station Captains Assure personnel are prepared Apparatus have tire chains Station snow removal equipment and deicer “Prepare to Chain” Captain or B.C. makes the call Chain-up when the snow sticks in your area May chain-up reserve apparatus B.C.s can contact police supervisor to assist with weather observations.

11 Flooding Refer to MOO 5802 VRFA Intranet

12 Police Response May staff additional units Response to minor MVAs may be limited Consider contacting police supervisor for coordination

13 City of Auburn Public Works Dispatch through Valley Com or “After Hours Call-Out List” For wind events, typically staffs three trucks with six “tree trained” personnel Notify for any landslide, tree, or vegetation issue Notify through Valley Com for petroleum spills Snow ~ Six sand trucks and two deicers, all equipped with plows.

14 City of Pacific Public Works During normal business hours, contact via Valley Com After hours ~ Direct Valley Com to contact the “On Call” Public Works crew member using the “On-Call” list. Provide Public works with as much information possible Provide I.C. phone number for follow-up. If you are making the call, use the pager 253-333-4522 If no response, use the list and dial the city issued cell for any member Response may take up to 30 minutes. It may be advisable to contact Pacific Police If no response, call Public Works Director Jay Bennett 253-250-2074

15 City of Pacific Continued Six members in Public Works all qualified for tree removal Two snowplows and one sander

16 City of Algona Public Works Contact through Valley Com during normal business hours After-hours, go through Valley Com or call the “after-hours” phone 206-999- 2323 Four personnel in Public Works, three “tree qualified” One snowplow

17 Puget Sound Energy For all emergency responses contact through Valley Com 1-800-245-7875 In all of South King County, eight crews with four to five personnel per crew “After-hours” Electrical has 12 responders are available with an average response time of 40 minutes, not to exceed 55 minutes “After-hours” Gas has 20 responders For predicted weather events PSE will increase staffing Communicate a need for an expedited response

18 Be Safe Out There!

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