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Philip Markle Environmental Scientist

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1 Philip Markle Environmental Scientist
The Test for Significant Toxicity (TST) – A “New” Hypothesis Testing Approach for Aquatic Bioassay Testing Philip Markle Environmental Scientist

2 History of the TST June 2010 – EPA released WET TST guidance
Also referred as: Bioequivalence Testing Alternative Null Hypothesis Testing Accepted for FDA drug trials and evaluations Originally proposed for use in toxicity testing in 1995 (Erickson and McDonald) Recently proposed for CA’s WET Policy

3 Limitations of the TST It is still a statistical hypothesis test
Not very useful for comparing results spatially or temporally Pass/Fail test, provides no information on magnitude Requires knowledge/use of a “threshold” response – “b” or bioequivalence factor Probably (and debatably) best suited for regulatory purposes

4 Statistical Hypothesis Testing 101
Statistical speaking; You can’t “prove” anything with a hypothesis test – we only “disprove” The “White Swan” Parable:

5 Statistical Hypothesis Testing 101
You can’t prove that “all swans are white” If we see 10,000 white swans and no non-white swans, we fail reject our hypothesis In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we then assume the hypothesis is true

6 “Proving” with Statistics
However, after observing just one non-white swan, we can then confidently reject or disprove our hypothesis that all swans are white

7 Statistical Hypothesis Testing - Background
Null or “Initial” Hypothesis (Ho) Mean(sample)  Mean(control) Conduct statistical analyses to try to reject this hypothesis If unable to reject, we assume the null or “Initial” hypothesis is correct Type I and Type II error

8 Type I and Type II Errors
Type I Error Probability of rejecting when the null or “Initial” hypothesis when it is “true” Controlled directly by setting alpha () Type II Error Probability of accepting the null or “Initial” hypothesis when it is “false” Also called “power” () Controlled indirectly

9 Standard Hypothesis Testing (NOEC)
With the NOEC: The initial hypothesis is mean (sample)  mean (control) In other words, the sample is non-toxic! If we don’t/can’t “prove” this to be incorrect statistically, we assume it is true Type I error = Identifying a non-toxic sample as toxic

10 TST Hypothesis With the TST: The hypothesis is
mean(effluent) =/< * mean(control) In other words, the sample is toxic! If we don’t/can’t “prove” this to be incorrect statistically, we assume it is true – we assume the sample is toxic Type I error = Identifying a toxic sample as non-toxic

11 Bioequivalence Factor (b)
In the EPA Guidance Set as an unacceptable or “toxic” threshold For Chronic: B = 0.75 = 25% Effect For Acute B = 0.80 = 20% Effect

12 Regulatory Management Decisions (RMDs)
Setting the Type I Error Rate–alpha () How frequent will you reject the Ho when it is true? EPA desires that no more than 25% of the tests with a 25% effect or more are identified as “non-toxic” Alpha () is then set at 0.05 to 0.25, depending on the test

13 Test/Species-Specific Alpha

14 Why the Different Alphas?
EPA’s Second Regulatory Management Decision No more than 5% of tests with effects less than 10% should be identified as toxic Type II Error Rate – not really a “false positive” Alpha adjusted down until no more than 5% of tests with effects less than 10% were identified as “toxic” Monte Carlo simulations

15 TST Equation (Welch’s t-test)
t (calculated) < t (table/critical) = toxic t (calculated) > t (table/critical) = non-toxic

16 Factors That Impact Ability to Statistically Reject the Hypothesis
Magnitude of Effect Number of Replicates Within Test Variability

17 TST Equation (Welch’s t-test)
All tests (100%) with an effect of 25% will be identified as “toxic” The greater the within test variability, the harder or less likely it will be to identify a sample as being statistically different (non-toxic). The more replication, the more likely it will be to identify a sample as being statistically different (non-toxic).

18 Effect of Variability: Standard t-test

19 Example: TST test

20 Controllable Factors That Impact Ability to Statistically Reject the Hypothesis
Variability The greater the within test variability, the harder or less likely it will be to identify a sample as being statistically different. For the “regular” hypothesis test Less frequent identification of “toxicity” For the TST Less frequent identification of “no toxicity” Replication

21 Procedures That May Reduce Variability
Maximize Mean Response CV = S.D. / Mean From EPA Test of Significant Toxicity (TST) Document EPA 833-R

22 Impact of Control Mean At the 10th Percentile (17.7) - a 25% effect is reduction of 4.4 neonates At the 50th Percentile (25.5) - a 25% effect is reduction of 6.4 neonates At the 95th Percentile (35.6) - a 25% effect is reduction of 8.9 neonates

23 Procedures That May Increase Mean Response
Dilution Water Selection Match sample condition as much as possible Food Supplements, Combinations Specifically allowed ( ) Feeding Rates Twice or three times per day Amount of food

24 Fathead Minnow Feeding Rate Example

25 Impact of Growth on CV

26 Procedures That May Decrease Variability
Set Internal Control CV Criteria

27 Procedures That May Decrease Variability
Set Internal Control Mean Criteria

28 Statistical and Non-statistical Error
False Determinations of Toxicity

29 Dose Response Evaluation
Eliminating multiple concentrations may limit ability to evaluate spurious results.

30 Conclusions Same limitations as any hypothesis test
Implications associated with variability and “power” shifted Not a magical “black box” You need to be aware of the impact variability, QA/QC, and test design may have May be useful for regulation NPDES Permits Possible use for remediation goals?

31 Questions? Contact info:

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