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ARA PACIS AUGUSTAE Historical Relief and Roman Mythmaking.

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Presentation on theme: "ARA PACIS AUGUSTAE Historical Relief and Roman Mythmaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARA PACIS AUGUSTAE Historical Relief and Roman Mythmaking

2 Facts about the ARA PACIS Altar of Augustan Peace Located in the Campus Martius, Rome Decreed by the Senate to celebrate Augustus’ return from Spain and Gaul Foundation stone laid on 4th July 13 BCE Dedicated by the Senate in honor of Augustus’ creation of the Pax Romana in 30 January 9 BCE (Livia’s birthday) Part of a complete architectural program with the Mausoleum of Augustus, his ustrinum, an obelisk that acted as the central arm of a sundial One of the great Roman historical reliefs; others include Trajan’s column, arch of Septimius Severus in Leptis Magna.

3 Res Gestae Divi Augusti The Accomplishments and Achievements of the Divine Augustus Res Gestae 12 “On my return from Spain and Gaul, after successfully restoring law and order to these provinces, the Senate decided under the consulship of Tiberius Nero and Publius Quintilius to consecrate the Ara Pacis Augustae on the Campus Marius in honor of my return, at which officials, priests, and Vestal Virgins should offer an annual sacrifice. ”

4 Plan of Ara Pacis Augustae The building is a marble precinct wall that surrounds a grand and elaborate altar, on a high podium. Doors face east and west - symbolic of the extent of empire Shadow of sundial on Augustus’ birthday

5 Decorative Scheme I Mythology East side –Pax (Venus or Tellus) –Roma –Sun rises on new Roman Empire West side –Aeneas –Romulus and Remus –Sun sets on legendary hero- founders History North side –senators –priests –piety South side –imperial family –Augustus, Agrippa –family

6 Decorative Scheme II Exterior lower half exuberant floral motif combination of extraordinary flowers and fruits vegetation climbing the walls Apollo symbolism Interior relief –garlands of an abundance of fruits, leaves, and flowers –bucrania of sacrificed cows –imitation of rustic shrine Altar –Sacrifice –Vestal virgins

7 West Side: Aeneas Sacrificing as in Aeneid III.389 White sow, 30 piglets Temple to Penates in background Iulus (aka Ascanius) - gens Julius Camilli, attendants at the sacrifice

8 Aeneas Sacrificing

9 West Side: Romulus and Remus Very fragmentary Faustulus Mars - fig tree, woodpecker Suckling of twins at wolf

10 East Side:Venus, Tellus, Pax Controversial identification of female figure Her crown of corn and pomegranate Cupidesque babies in lap Reclining cow, sheep Aurae –swan –sea monster

11 PAX ROMANA Images of abundance, fertility, fecundity, pastoralism, golden age

12 North Side: Religious Personnel Camilli acerra, pitcher others might be priests Four priestly colleges: pontifices, augures, XV viri sacris faciundis, VII viri epulones. Leading in Julia and Lucius Caesar (b. 12 BCE)

13 Senators Heavily restored; IDs invalid Mixture of piety and politics

14 South Side: Julio-Claudian Family Moving from East to West More fragmentary on west side Recognizable portraits

15 Augustus and the Flamines Augustus. Partially destroyed. Not marked out. Primus inter pares. Princeps. 4 Flamines: galena, laena.

16 Julio-Claudians I: Marcus Agrippa Gaius Caesar (b. 20 BCE) Ludus Troiae (Vergil, Aen. V.556 - 559) Livia, Tiberius, Antonia Minor, Drusus.

17 Agrippa, Gaius Caesar, Livia, Tiberius, Antonia Minor, Germanicus, Drusus, Antonia Maior, Gnaeus Lucius Ahenobarbus

18 Julio-Claudians II: The Children Germanicus Antonia Maior –Domitia –Gnaeus

19 Exterior Frieze Vine tendrils develop into volutes Mix of acanthus flower, ivy, vine leaves and grapes Hidden frogs, birds, lizards, snakes in the grass Allusion to the saeclum aureum, Golden Age. (Vergil, Eclogue IV) Deliberate branching and balancing to reflect Julio- Claudian family.

20 Swan Swan is Apollo’s bird Symbolism validates Augustus’ reign

21 Hidden Animals Bird and lizard Lizard and snake attacking nest of birds. Anguis in herbis Snake in the grass

22 Interior Swags Imitation of rustic shrine Bucrania - skulls of sacrificed cattle Swags –each one is different –grapes, figs, apples, pears, olives, plums, pine cones, and pomegranates - and vegetation - oak, ivy, laurel, and poppies

23 Altar Ends of the altar are scrolls supported by griffins (winged lions) Sacrifice Vestal Virgins Enactment in stone of yearly sacrifice to Pax Romana

24 Conclusions Symbolic themes: family, piety, peace, fertility and abundance First relief with presence of children Setting up of a dynasty Placing it and justifying it with mythological precedents

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