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Dementia: Our Housing Challenge Dementia Innovation Challenge Amy Swan 24 April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Dementia: Our Housing Challenge Dementia Innovation Challenge Amy Swan 24 April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dementia: Our Housing Challenge Dementia Innovation Challenge Amy Swan 24 April 2013

2 Where is housing? Housing associations are the primary providers of housing based care and support for vulnerable adults. Around 50% of housing associations provide care and support services.

3 Poor housing equals poor health. The NHS currently spends £600 million each year treating people due to severe hazards in poor housing, mainly from falls-related injuries.

4 The design of someone’s home makes all the difference. For people with dementia, early provision of support that uses the home as a delivery channel for services can a decrease institutionalisation by 22%.

5 Housing with care and support helps people retain their independence. £1.7bn of capital investment in specialist housing delivered an annual net benefit to the exchequer of £639m.

6 Dementia: Our Housing Challenge People with dementia occupy 40% of hospital beds. Only 21% of people with dementia have their dementia diagnosed before hospital admission. 60% of people with dementia enter hospital from their own home, but just 36% return home after discharge.

7 Preventing health emergencies and hospital admission Care and Repair Leeds – Minor adaptations and hospital discharge Reminiscence library ‘Dementia proofing’ and retrofitting ‘If only I had known…’ – information and advice on housing options to older people with dementia in hospital

8 Delaying a move to residential care Irwell Valley Housing Association – Shore Green Dementia-friendly design Design minimises confusion Promotes a culture of dignity and independence

9 Facilitating early diagnosis and early intervention Riverside Housing Association LiveTime service, health checks for tenants and older people in the community. Dementia awareness training of staff Diagnosis and support packages

10 Working with housing organisations 1. Understand the routes people take through local services 2. Build on the expertise and infrastructure in the housing sector 3.Put housing into care pathways

11 Contact details Dementia: Our Housing Challenge Amy Swan 020 7067 1090

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