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The Great Migration and African American Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Migration and African American Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Migration and African American Culture

2 Great Migration > Social Patterns from rural areas to cities from the South to the North Appalachian whites Puerto Ricans African Americans

3 Great Migration > Motives immigration slows down because of WW I more work because of WW I more jobs for groups previously left out--women, rural migrants, racial minorities racial segregation and violence in the South sharecropping natural disasters such as floods and boll weevil infestations conscious choice on the part of migrants (many did not leave)

4 Great Migration > Railroad Routes

5 Great Migration > Painting by Jacob Lawrence, 1940


7 Great Migration > Blues Song “Times Is Getting Harder” Times is gettin’ harder, Money’s gettin’ scarce. Soon as I gather my cotton and corn, I’m bound to leave this place. White folks sittin’ in the parlor, Eatin’ that cake and food, Nigger’s way down to the kitchen, Squabblin’ over turnip greens. Times is gettin’ harder, Money’s gettin’ scarce. Soon as I gather my cotton and corn, I’m bound to leave this place. Me and my brother was out. Thought we’d have some fun. He stole three chickens. We began to run. Times is gettin’ harder, Money’s gettin’ scarce. Soon as I gather my cotton and corn I’m bound to leave this place.

8 1920s > Harlem Renaissance > Marcus Garvey’s Supporters Parade in Harlem

9 1920s > Harlem Renaissance > NAACP Anti-Lynching Ad in the New York Times

10 1920s > Harlem Renaissance > The Crisis Ad for Black Swan Records, 1923

11 1920s > Harlem Renaissance > The Crisis Cover, 1929

12 1920s > Harlem Renaissance > Zora Neale Hurston Photo by Carl Van Vechten

13 1920s > Leon “Bix” Beiderbecke, “Sorry,” 1928

14 1920s > Louis Armstrong, “Weather Bird,” 1928

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