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Smart Class Group Process and Technology in Classroom *Teresa Slaughte r Von Rippon *Amanda Shimkin *Sara Cohen *Nayun Ha.

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Class Group Process and Technology in Classroom *Teresa Slaughte r Von Rippon *Amanda Shimkin *Sara Cohen *Nayun Ha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Class Group Process and Technology in Classroom *Teresa Slaughte r Von Rippon *Amanda Shimkin *Sara Cohen *Nayun Ha

2 Presentation Agenda *Introduction *Computer Evolution *Methodology *Group Platform Goals *Process *Planning Ideas *Conclusion *Group Platform *Correlation between music, dance and technology.

3 Computer Evolution * Below we have assembled a picture line of the evolution of computers. What we grew up with and what are students now have in terms of technology is much different! The Origin al Work Station Comput er with Tower Laptop Comput er Mac Classic

4 Music and Dance Technology *Goals: *To explore the relationship between music and dance. *To use technology to aid this exploration. *To use technology to edit sound and video. *To explore how meaning changes with sound and video editing. *To create and teach a lesson based upon the above information.

5 Process and Planning 1. Brainstorm as a group about different specialty areas and how to combine them using technology. 2. Searched and viewed “Swan Lake” on 3. Record the audio to Swan Lake using Audacity music editing program. 4. Edited the original music to Swan Lake using techniques like: tempo and speed change, pitch change, wahwah, inversion, fade in/out. 5. Used audacity to edit music then played edited versions with youtube video of Swan Lake. 6. Discussed how technology did or did not effect the meaning of Swan Lake. 7. Brainstorm lesson planning. 8. Using power point we displayed the following: *Technology Techniques *How to use technology in our lesson plans

6 The Project *Pull up youtube video of Swan Lake Edited Version 1 Edited Version 2 Edited Version 3

7 Teaching Points *How does altering music affect the meaning of the dance? *Be on the same technological playing field as our students. *After editing music is the composer still the same? *Compare and contrast the meaning of Swan Lake before and after the music editing. *What effects can music editing have on the original piece or video? *We want students to be able to use technology in our subject areas. *We as educators need to use technology to enhance our own teaching abilities (i.e. altering music to see what elements of music students can recognize like, tempo, dynamics, etc.).

8 Conclusion *When beginning the creative process involved in our group project we came to the conclusion that we had all become much more computer literate since the beginning of this course. *We also came to the conclusion that we needed to be able to incorporate this knowledge into our classrooms in each of our individual disciplines. *We worked together to connect music and dance through technology. *Our group wanted to leave you with ideas of how to incorporate technology into actual lesson plans ( Teaching Points). *Lastly through our group process we realized that we can indeed use technology in a lesson plan sense but we also need to use technology for its own sake of keeping up with this technologically savvy world!

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