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Good Practice Award for Mathematical Sciences HoDoMS Annual Conference 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Practice Award for Mathematical Sciences HoDoMS Annual Conference 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Practice Award for Mathematical Sciences HoDoMS Annual Conference 2009

2 Good Practice Award Over 40% of undergraduates in Mathematical Sciences are female. Only 4% of professors in Mathematical Sciences are female. Similar picture in other STEM areas in the UK.

3 Proportion of women 2006/07 figures from UKRC (originally from HESA). Note: Figures for non-STEM UG/PG are approximate.

4 Good Practice Award A number of schemes to improve the culture in science departments exist: IoP Project Juno RSC scheme Athena SWAN Charter

5 Good Practice Award LMS WiM Committee/HoDoMS joint initiative Learning from experience of IoP/RSC/Athena Equivalence with Athena SWAN Steering Committee: Dr Cathy Hobbs (Chair), Prof Peter Clarkson, Prof Jeremy Levesley, Prof Andy Osbaldestin, Dr Gwyneth Stallard.

6 Five principles of good practice: 1.A framework to deliver equality of opportunity and reward. 2.Appointment, promotion and selection processes that encourage all. 3.Support and encouragement of career progression. 4.A culture that is open, inclusive and transparent. 5.Flexible approaches for a working life.

7 Benefits to becoming GPA supporter/champion Department shows it has a working culture in which all can achieve their full potential. Recruitment and retention of staff (and students). Engaging all in process. Institutional steer - equivalence with Athena SWAN.

8 GPA: Procedure Initially Department becomes a supporter (letter to indicate this). Department assesses own position against the 5 principles – must have senior support and engage with department. RSC checklist a useful starting point. Department writes a report and action plan.

9 GPA Procedure Report and action plan submitted – also nominate a panel member. Panel assigned from pool to visit Department – small cost to cover travel expenses etc paid by Department. Panel uses report, action plan and evidence from visit to determine champion status. Department expected to keep status up to date.

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