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Snake River below Swan Falls (Ramp gage) Snake River near Murphy Carl Rundberg Pete Vidmar.

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Presentation on theme: "Snake River below Swan Falls (Ramp gage) Snake River near Murphy Carl Rundberg Pete Vidmar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snake River below Swan Falls (Ramp gage) Snake River near Murphy Carl Rundberg Pete Vidmar

2 Gage Locations Swan Falls Dam Snake Riv blw Swan Falls Snake River near Murphy

3 Rating curve development Snake River below Swan Falls Rating curve development –Calibrated with142 measurements –Measurements made during steady state conditions to remove travel time –Measurements over wide range of time 1995 to 2013 –Range in flows from 4,370 cfs to 40,300 cfs

4 Control features Snake River near Murphy: –Rock riffle ~300yds downstream of gage. –Riffle no longer controls when aquatic growth is in channel. –Aquatic vegetation grows rapidly during warm season with low flows Snake River below Swan Falls: –Rock riffle control regardless of season

5 Snake River near Murphy: Rating curve Shifting

6 Snake River near Murphy Rating zoomed: seasonal trends Shifting up to ~1 ft due to aquatic vegetation

7 Snake River below Swan Falls Rating

8 Snake River below Swan Falls Rating Zoomed: small random scatter

9 Murphy discharge up to 31% from rating Ramp discharge only 6% from rating

10 % change in flow due to shifts

11 Shifts in feet over time

12 % difference

13 Summary… Snake River near Murphy –Aquatic growth causes shifting – Shifts > 0.90 ft –% difference from rating > 30% –Change in flow between measurements can be as much as + -15% Snake River below Swan Falls –No apparent aquatic growth –Shifts scatter up to 0.3ft (likely due to gage calibration) –% difference from rating < 6% –Change in flow between measurements generally+ - 5% –Some of these inaccuracies are due to different standard of calibration and less precise measuring equipment at the gage.

14 Potential Velocity Index Site Swan Falls Dam Snake Riv blw Swan Falls Snake River near Murphy Potential Velocity Index Site

15 Potential Velocity Index Site



18 Snake River below CJ Strike

19 Site specific conditions on the Snake River below CJ Strike Interference from aquatic vegetation Aeration caused by: – spillway –vacuum breaker operations at the power plant

20 Possible alternatives to the current gage Reverting back to a stage-discharge rating Moving the gage location downstream Utilizing the Winter-Kennedy turbine flow meters Some combination of these options

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