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Interhealth South America Kristyn Swan Amy Sparks Jessica Waters.

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Presentation on theme: "Interhealth South America Kristyn Swan Amy Sparks Jessica Waters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interhealth South America Kristyn Swan Amy Sparks Jessica Waters

2 Overview Spanish instruction – Beginner – Intermediate/advanced Clinical work – Health brigades – Clinic shadowing Traditional health practices

3 Quito -1-2 days public health introduction -Two health brigades -1 week shadowing in clinic -Spanish instruction -Homestay

4 Quito

5 Otavalo -1 week -Hostel accommodations -2 health brigades -Visit to Jambi Huasi & local hospital -Traditional healing ceremonies -Visit local craftsman -Spanish instruction -Otavalo market

6 Otavalo


8 Yachana Lodge -Stay at Yachana EcoLodge -Three health brigades -Traditional healing ceremonies -Blow-dart & cooking lessons -It’s the rainforest.

9 Yachana Lodge

10 Budget 2010 Program cost: $1950 Plan ticket: $950 Allow $500-750 spending in Ecuador – All meals included except lunches – Buying gifts (Otavalo market) – Weekend trips Total: Approx $3500

11 Credit FMME 225 Advisor: Martha Carlough 6 credits (equivalent to 4 weeks in 4 th year) Requirements: – Program evaluation – Presentation, blog, or paper Funding Personal Financial Aid Grants?

12 For Fun


14 Questions? Don Wedemeyer, MD Or email us – Kristyn: Amy: Jess:

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