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Children at Leehurst Swan celebrated ‘Dyslexia Awareness Week’ last week. Each department focussed on a dyslexia-friendly activity. Children in the Prep.

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Presentation on theme: "Children at Leehurst Swan celebrated ‘Dyslexia Awareness Week’ last week. Each department focussed on a dyslexia-friendly activity. Children in the Prep."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children at Leehurst Swan celebrated ‘Dyslexia Awareness Week’ last week. Each department focussed on a dyslexia-friendly activity. Children in the Prep enjoyed finding alternatives to written recording during ‘No Pens Day Wednesday’. Children in Pre-Prep found out more about language during a ‘Letters and Sounds day’. Pupils in the senior school learned that dyslexia is not a barrier to success by finding out more about dyslexic celebrities. The senior teachers also introduced a range of dyslexia-friendly strategies into their teaching. Pupils throughout the school commented on how much they enjoyed the range of activities. And, of course, dyslexia-friendly teaching is good teaching for everyone!

2 Pupils in Year 4 found out that Fred Astaire had Dyslexia !

3 Pupils in Year 1 practised writing their letters in sand.

4 Year 3 pupils performed their poems

5 Mrs Smith’s class retold the sort of ‘The Iron Man’ using story boards

6 Year 4 learned about triangles…and found a different way of making them

7 And in Year 5’s French lesson, the Eiffel Tower was recreated!

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