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Promoting sustainable energy policy and practice

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting sustainable energy policy and practice"— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting sustainable energy policy and practice

2 About CSE Founded in 1979 and is one of the UK’s leading energy agencies Research & Analysis work has shaped local, regional and national programmes to alleviate fuel poverty Piloted the first telephone based energy advice service Wealth of experience of delivering fuel poverty alleviation projects - one stop shop approach

3 Warming Bristol Communities Project set up to tackle fuel poverty amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities (BAME) in Bristol Working with BAME community groups to train volunteers in the basics of energy advice Volunteers partner with CSE advisors to deliver face to face energy advice Working with a range of local agencies Advocate on behalf of the householder with the fuel supplier

4 WISH (Warmer Improved Somerset Homes) Project set up to alleviate fuel poverty amongst older people in rural Somerset Fund part-time case workers who are based in two Somerset Home Improvement Agencies Offer a ‘one-stop shop’ approach combining energy advice, benefits advice and home improvements Deliver home visits, presentations, events and training to other professionals Work with a range of other local agencies

5 Barriers Language and cultural barriers  Limited translation services by suppliers  Literature in other languages not readily available  Lack of understanding of call centre staff Lack of understanding of energy market  Householder’s limited of understanding of bill  Estimated vs actual  Payment options  Tariff options

6 Barriers Mistrust of suppliers  Suppliers have confusing telephone systems  Difficult to speak to the same advisor twice  Barriers for advisors speaking on behalf of clients  No additional assistance when moving into a new property Vulnerable householders experience multiple issues  Energy issues are often not in isolation  Householders respond to face to face advice from trusted sources

7 Case Study – Ms O Somali single parent, does not speak English Referred to Warming Bristol Communities by volunteer – Yusuf Moved into a privately rented property and was receiving final reminders for money owed and didn’t understand why WBC advisor and Yusuf completed a home visit Large amount of debt left from previous tenant Advisor contacted EDF who cleared debt Householder eligible for social tariff and duel fuel discount House was damp and un-insulated. Referred to Bristol Energy Efficiency Scheme for loft insulation

8 ANY QUESTIONS? Sarah Jeffrey 0117 9341 431

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