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Serious fun in Computer Science Paul Curzon & Peter McOwan 1.

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1 Serious fun in Computer Science Paul Curzon & Peter McOwan 1

2 1 There is a crisis…  UK wide Computer Science applications have been falling by around 10% a year for several years Why?  It’s geeky, uninteresting, too easy, too mathematical, too hard, just for boys, and who wants a career on a help desk anyway…  …but its none of those!  UK wide Computer Science applications have been falling by around 10% a year for several years Why?  It’s geeky, uninteresting, too easy, too mathematical, too hard, just for boys, and who wants a career on a help desk anyway…  …but its none of those!

3 1 All hope is gone?!?

4 1 What are we doing?  All the standard stuff + …  Putting the FUN back into the subject  Focus on selling the subject NOT QMUL  So that our passion for the subject and our enthusiasm comes across.  Driven by the way we teach  Combination of “Live Shows” and cs4fn  All the standard stuff + …  Putting the FUN back into the subject  Focus on selling the subject NOT QMUL  So that our passion for the subject and our enthusiasm comes across.  Driven by the way we teach  Combination of “Live Shows” and cs4fn

5 1 Finding Ways to Bridge the School-University Gap  We need ways to convince people the subject is exciting…base it on our passion  We need to show people what the subject is about…  Show what subjects they will study at University, (hard when they know nothing about it)  …and that it is not just school “ICT”  All based around core idea of “its fun”  Combination of “Live Shows” and cs4fn  Special area of cs4fn called the “Fundamentals”  We need ways to convince people the subject is exciting…base it on our passion  We need to show people what the subject is about…  Show what subjects they will study at University, (hard when they know nothing about it)  …and that it is not just school “ICT”  All based around core idea of “its fun”  Combination of “Live Shows” and cs4fn  Special area of cs4fn called the “Fundamentals”

6 1 cs4fn: Computer Science for Fun  A free magazine and webzine  On Computer Science Research (not just ours)  Launched June 2005  For “kids” of all ages (focus 14ish +)  Support: EPSRC, ARM, Microsoft, Intel, BCS, FutureLab, Equalitec, …  A free magazine and webzine  On Computer Science Research (not just ours)  Launched June 2005  For “kids” of all ages (focus 14ish +)  Support: EPSRC, ARM, Microsoft, Intel, BCS, FutureLab, Equalitec, …

7 1 cs4fn: A Research Webzine  Not just a magazine, not just a website  Distributed free to 3000+ schools and individuals who ask  Given as a freebie at schools talks and exhibitions  ~75 000 visits/month  Not just a magazine, not just a website  Distributed free to 3000+ schools and individuals who ask  Given as a freebie at schools talks and exhibitions  ~75 000 visits/month

8 1 Research to Kids? The latest magazine issue includes write-ups of research seminars on  Prof Jon Crowcroft’s work on DTNs  Prof Yvonne Rogers work on Ubicomp Also  Bristol Mediascapes  Swarm computing  Fran Allen and female computer Professionals It also covers some really serious CS  Theory: P=NP?  Practice: CS research into keeping babies alive The latest magazine issue includes write-ups of research seminars on  Prof Jon Crowcroft’s work on DTNs  Prof Yvonne Rogers work on Ubicomp Also  Bristol Mediascapes  Swarm computing  Fran Allen and female computer Professionals It also covers some really serious CS  Theory: P=NP?  Practice: CS research into keeping babies alive

9 1 What do Teachers / Kids say?  “…fantastic - will do wonders for making Computer Science more accessible for my 6th formers"  “absolutely brilliant … just what we need to turn more kids on to computer science”  “fantastic initiative!…wish I’d found out about it earlier”  “brilliant magazine…!”  “Your magazine really rockz.”  “Your website is fantastic.”  “Cool Site.”  “This magazine…It's simply awesome”.  “…fantastic - will do wonders for making Computer Science more accessible for my 6th formers"  “absolutely brilliant … just what we need to turn more kids on to computer science”  “fantastic initiative!…wish I’d found out about it earlier”  “brilliant magazine…!”  “Your magazine really rockz.”  “Your website is fantastic.”  “Cool Site.”  “This magazine…It's simply awesome”.

10 1 cs4fn: Fundamentals  When I changed from Maths to Computer Science I had no idea what I was letting myself in for  Fundamentals fixes that  Fun, irreverent, introduction to core CS topics using interactive cs4fn material  Based on live show material  When I changed from Maths to Computer Science I had no idea what I was letting myself in for  Fundamentals fixes that  Fun, irreverent, introduction to core CS topics using interactive cs4fn material  Based on live show material

11 1 Projects  Fundamentals uses real student project profiles to give an overview of where it all could lead.  …real people, who went on to get real jobs.  …showing the results of what you can do is a good way to get girls interested in such a “techie” subject.  Fundamentals uses real student project profiles to give an overview of where it all could lead.  …real people, who went on to get real jobs.  …showing the results of what you can do is a good way to get girls interested in such a “techie” subject.

12 1 Shows: Old rope and toilet roll… The Elf computer  We don’t touch computers that much in our talks…I never do teaching programming  …a Blue Peter / Terry Pratchett approach to CS  It emphasizes computation not computers  Helps overcome confusion with IT as no IT in sight  It’s much more fun …  Tangibles (ie toilet roll) get over the invisibility problem of abstract computation  One of the most popular ie rated “useful” things I do in lectures  We don’t touch computers that much in our talks…I never do teaching programming  …a Blue Peter / Terry Pratchett approach to CS  It emphasizes computation not computers  Helps overcome confusion with IT as no IT in sight  It’s much more fun …  Tangibles (ie toilet roll) get over the invisibility problem of abstract computation  One of the most popular ie rated “useful” things I do in lectures

13 1 Programming: Lecture 1… I have a piece of paper that is more intelligent than anyone in this room …

14 1 What is it about?  That is all a computer program is.  Leads to discussion of algorithms, why we need programming languages and Artificial Intelligence  That is all a computer program is.  Leads to discussion of algorithms, why we need programming languages and Artificial Intelligence

15 1 The Computer Science Magic Show  To introduce logic and proof we have a computer magician.  Also do a three hour magic show with real tricks  After each trick the challenge: –How was it done –What is the CS link?  To introduce logic and proof we have a computer magician.  Also do a three hour magic show with real tricks  After each trick the challenge: –How was it done –What is the CS link?

16 1 Could you write a book if you had locked-in syndrome?  Jean-Dominique Bauby did… “one of the greatest books of the century”  Describing what his life was like with locked-in syndrome  How did he do it?  How might he have done it if he’d known some computer science?  Jean-Dominique Bauby did… “one of the greatest books of the century”  Describing what his life was like with locked-in syndrome  How did he do it?  How might he have done it if he’d known some computer science?

17 1 RED RED + RED BLACK BLACK+ BLACK Card#1 Card#2 SNAP Neuron! 2 2 1

18 1 Human design versus AI Evolution Survival of the fittest

19 1 Human Error SpaceInvaders  My research area is formal methods and HCI  SpaceInvaders is a Kids version of the expts we are running to investigate the causes of human error  Research based on it won a best research paper award  My research area is formal methods and HCI  SpaceInvaders is a Kids version of the expts we are running to investigate the causes of human error  Research based on it won a best research paper award

20 1 Bridging the Gap  By tackling serious topics in a fun way we are able to make the subject accessible, getting at some very deep computer science  If the readers of cs4fn do decide to do Computer Science they will be prepared  They will know a lot about the topics of study without realizing it  If they do another subject they will have still learnt lots of useful stuff  By tackling serious topics in a fun way we are able to make the subject accessible, getting at some very deep computer science  If the readers of cs4fn do decide to do Computer Science they will be prepared  They will know a lot about the topics of study without realizing it  If they do another subject they will have still learnt lots of useful stuff

21 1 Computer Science is naturally fun  CS is full of games and puzzles used for real fun –Patience is just a sort algorithm game, –Cross references are encryption, –Sudoku is logical proof, –Chinese Rings is Gray code and Interface design –P=NP is an equation about puzzles  Even Dr Seuss wrote a book for 5-year olds on a core computer science topic: recursion!  CS is full of games and puzzles used for real fun –Patience is just a sort algorithm game, –Cross references are encryption, –Sudoku is logical proof, –Chinese Rings is Gray code and Interface design –P=NP is an equation about puzzles  Even Dr Seuss wrote a book for 5-year olds on a core computer science topic: recursion!

22 1 cs4fn is glue  It gives a tangible vehicle for pulling together a whole range of different initiatives  Each then can feed off and reinforce the others –Talks, Workshops, Exhibitions –Widening Participation, Accessibility –Topic Portals supporting modules –Actual research  It gives a tangible vehicle for pulling together a whole range of different initiatives  Each then can feed off and reinforce the others –Talks, Workshops, Exhibitions –Widening Participation, Accessibility –Topic Portals supporting modules –Actual research

23 1 cs4fn : Join the fun  If CS excites you why not join in the fun?  Sponsor us, write, donate images, tell us your stories, encourage us to write up your keynotes,… –Following academics from Bristol, Swansea, Herts, Reading, Cambridge, UCL, Sheffield, Glasgow, OU, Edinburgh…  We are also looking to build a network of regional champions who partner us on cs4fn, using it in their own outreach –With Dundee, Edinburgh, Bristol, North Carolina, Sienna College…  The EPSRC grant is explicitly about turning cs4fn into a national campaign and funds the base cost of the magazine - individual universities pay run on costs (<20p per copy)  Share the ways you make CS fun  If CS excites you why not join in the fun?  Sponsor us, write, donate images, tell us your stories, encourage us to write up your keynotes,… –Following academics from Bristol, Swansea, Herts, Reading, Cambridge, UCL, Sheffield, Glasgow, OU, Edinburgh…  We are also looking to build a network of regional champions who partner us on cs4fn, using it in their own outreach –With Dundee, Edinburgh, Bristol, North Carolina, Sienna College…  The EPSRC grant is explicitly about turning cs4fn into a national campaign and funds the base cost of the magazine - individual universities pay run on costs (<20p per copy)  Share the ways you make CS fun

24 1 My aim is to do this UK-wide …and have fun at the same time Please help me, help you.

25 1 Questions?

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