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Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 PCC Treasurer core training Matthew Hall Finance Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 PCC Treasurer core training Matthew Hall Finance Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 PCC Treasurer core training Matthew Hall Finance Manager

2 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 The Treasurer The responsibility for both raising and spending money to meet the PCC’s responsibilities lies with the PCC The Treasurer implements their decisions The Treasurer provides financial leadership

3 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Special considerations Handling cash Collection records Bank accounts Bank signatories Payments Investments

4 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Main duties Carry out financial decisions of PCC Record financial transactions Help with PCC’s financial obligations Prepare annual financial statements Draft annual budget Advise PCC on financial position

5 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Accounting & Reporting 2 options for producing annual accounts –Receipts & payments –Accruals Accruals basis, if gross income is over £250,000 Must be accompanied by a Trustees’ Report

6 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 External scrutiny Gross income under £250,000 –Independent examiner Gross income over £250,000 –Qualified independent examiner Gross income over £500,000 –Full audit

7 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Charity Commission registration Gross income under £100,000 –Excepted from registration with Charity Commission Gross income over £100,000 –Register with Charity Commission Dispensation available for one-offs

8 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Fund accounting Common to PCC accounting Know and clearly identify your funds –Unrestricted –Designated –Restricted –Endowment

9 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Reserves Decide where your reserves will be invested Develop a policy on the level of reserves and why they are needed Review periodically

10 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Return of Parish Finance Issued by Archbishops’ Council Restatement of PCC financial statements Enter online (with statistics for mission)

11 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Key dates Year end – 31 st December Annual report and accounts to Diocesan Office – within 28 days of APCM (30 th April) Return of Parish Finance – 30 th May Charity Commission Annual Return – 31 st October

12 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Other matters of interest…

13 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Charity Status Unless already registered…PCCs are ‘excepted’ charities In accordance the Parochial Church Council (Powers) Measure 1956, the PCC is not required to be incorporated but has the status of a body corporate with perpetual succession, but without a common seal

14 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Gift Aid & GASDS Encourage Gift Aid Keep records Maximise Gift Aid Higher rate tax payers Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme Consider online / mobile giving

15 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme Makes grants towards the VAT incurred in making repairs and carrying out alterations to listed buildings mainly used for public worship See

16 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 New SORP Statement of recommended practice The framework for charity accounting FRS102

17 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 New SORP Some minor changes to SOFA Slight changes to trustees report Year ended 31 st December 2015 Watch this space …

18 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Employing staff PAYE (pay as you earn) RTI (real time information) No longer special arrangement for Local Religious Centres (LRCs) Consider what constitutes ‘employment’

19 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Auto-enrolment Know your staging date Know who to enrol Choice a pension provider Complete declaration and maintain records Know your ongoing responsibilities Re-enrolment

20 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Auto-enrolment – choice of schemes TWO suggestions –CEPB Pension Builder 2014 –NEST You can choose an alternative

21 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Auto-enrolment – contributions Date Employer minimum contribution Total minimum contribution Employer's staging date to 30 September 2017 1%2% 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2018 2%5% 1 October 2018 onwards 3%8%

22 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Fees for occasional offices Fees split between DBF and PCC DBF fees legally payable Monthly returns (and payment) to Diocesan Finance Team BDBF pays retired clergy / SSMs

23 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Resources Parish Resources website ( HMRC website PCC Accountability book Charity Commission website Charity Tax Map ACAT

24 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Diocesan Finance Team Matthew Hall FCA Natalie Wright Andy Webb ACMA Kelly Rutter

25 Diocese of Bristol | Parish Officer Training 2014 Thank you!

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