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Infrared superconducting single-photon detectors

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1 Infrared superconducting single-photon detectors
Robert Hadfield Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Chandra Mouli Natarajan, Mike Tanner, John O’Connor Heriot-Watt University, UK Burm Baek, Marty Stevens, Sae Woo Nam NIST, USA Shigehito Miki, Zhen Wang, Masahide Sasaki NICT, Japan Sander Dorenbos, Val Zwiller TU Delft, The Netherlands Jonathan Habif, Chip Elliot BBN Technologies, USA Hiroke Takesue NTT, Japan Qiang Zhang, Yoshihisa Yamamoto Stanford, USA Alberto Peruzzo, Damien Bonneau, Mirko Lobino, Mark Thompson, Jeremy O’Brien U. Bristol, UK

2 Infrared superconducting single-photon detectors
Introduction to photon counting Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs): device concept and evolution. Applications of SNSPDs in quantum information science: measurements of quantum emitters, quantum key distribution, quantum waveguide circuits. Outlook: challenges and opportunities for this technology. Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

3 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011
What is a Photon? The term ‘Photon’ coined in 1926 following Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect. Quantum of electromagnetic radiation E=hn. Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

4 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011
What is a Photon? The term ‘Photon’ coined in 1926 following Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect. Quantum of electromagnetic radiation E=hn. Some prominent detractors: Willis Lamb ‘Anti-Photon’ Appl. Phys. B (1995) Indian Proverb: Six wise men went to see an elephant (though all of them were blind).. Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

5 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011
What is a Photon? The term ‘Photon’ coined in 1926 following Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect. Quantum of electromagnetic radiation E=hn. Some prominent detractors: Willis Lamb ‘Anti-Photon’ Appl. Phys. B (1995) The following definition appears to cut the Gordian Knot: ‘A photon is what a photodetector detects’ (Roy Glauber) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

6 Photon-counting detectors
Human eyes are sensitive down to the (few) photon level. Photomultipliers photocathode + dynode multiplication Semiconductor single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs) Superconductors numerous detector examples, including superconducting nanowires Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

7 Photon-counting detectors
Human eyes are sensitive down to the (few) photon level. Photomultipliers photocathode + dynode multiplication Semiconductor single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs) Superconductors numerous detector examples, including superconducting nanowires Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

8 Photon-counting detectors
Human eyes are sensitive down to the (few) photon level. Photomultipliers photocathode + dynode multiplication Semiconductor single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs) Superconductors numerous detector examples, including superconducting nanowires Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

9 Photon-counting detectors
Human eyes are sensitive down to the (few) photon level. Photomultipliers photocathode + dynode multiplication Semiconductor single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPADs) Superconductors numerous detector examples, including superconducting nanowires Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

10 Single-photon detectors & applications
Astronomy Applications Life Sciences FLIM/FRET Quantum Optics Free space comms and LIDAR IC Testing Quantum cryptography in fibre Atmospheric Sensing Wavelength Photomultipliers IR PMTs Detectors Si SPADs InGaAs SPADs Superconducting detectors Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

11 Characteristics of single-photon detectors
High quantum detection efficiency at wavelength of interest. Probability of noise-triggered ‘dark counts’ low. Time between detection of photon and generation of electrical signal should be constant – low jitter. Short recovery time (‘dead time’). Ability to resolve photon number. Review article: Hadfield RH ‘Single-photon detectors for optical quantum information applications’ Nature Photonics 3 (12) 696 (2009) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

12 Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SSPDs or SNSPDs)
Key Properties: Wide spectral range (visible – mid IR) Free running (no gating required) Low dark counts Low timing jitter Short recovery time Gol’tsman et al Applied Physics Letters (2001) Considerable scope for further improvements! Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

13 Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector
Bias Current Incident Photon Hot spot (R > 0) T~ 4K Bias Current R > 0 Bias Current R = 0 → Voltage Drop = 0 Bias Current Current density above critical Hot spot (R > 0) Sapphire substrate 100 nm 3.5 nm NbN Gol’tsman et al., Applied Physics Letters 79, 705 (2001) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

14 Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector
T~ 4K Bias Current Reduced R > 0 → Voltage Pulse Out Sapphire substrate Hotspot Growth NbN V(t) Gol’tsman et al., Applied Physics Letters 79, 705 (2001) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

15 Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector
Bias current suppressed Bias Current Sapphire substrate NbN V(t) Recovery: Hotspot shrinks as heat is dissipated into substrate Current builds up limited by inductance of nanowire Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

16 Evolution of SNSPD design
Efficient optical coupling is a challenge: Practical detection efficiency = coupling efficiency x intrinsic quantum efficiency => Increase active area Verevkin APL 2002 Meander 100 nm wide wire, ~10 mm x 10 mm area Gol’tsman APL 2001 100 nm wide wire, ~5 mm long Single wire Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

17 Evolution of SNSPD design
Next step: Practical detection efficiency = coupling efficiency x intrinsic quantum efficiency => Boost absorption to increase intrinsic QE Verevkin APL 2002 Meander 100 nm wide wire, ~10 mm x 10 mm area Optical Cavity nanowire mirror Light substrate Rosfjord OX 2006 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

18 Evolution of SNSPD design
Single wire Meander Increase coupling Optical Cavity Increase absorption Practical detection efficiency low Max intrinsic efficiency ~20% at 1550 nm Best reported intrinsic efficiency 57% at 1550 nm Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

19 Other developments in SNSPD design
Photon number resolution with spatial multiplexing (SINPHONIA, MIT) Dichovy et al Nature Photonics 2008 Dauler et al J. Modern Optics 2009 SNSPDs on Si substrates (Delft) Detector embedded in waveguide (MIT, Yale, TUe) Dorenbos et al APL 2008 Hu IEEE Trans Appl. Supercon. 2009; Sprengers arXiv ; Pernice arXiv Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

20 Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector system
High efficiency SNSPDs from TU Delft Tanner et al Applied Physics Letters (2010) 4 or more fiber-coupled SNSPDs can be implemented into a practical, closed-cycle refrigerator system Hadfield et al Optics Express 13 (26) (2005) SNSPD system at Heriot-Watt Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

21 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector system: practical performance Tanner et al Applied Physics Letters (2010) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

22 Quantum information science with single photons
Quantum systems can be used to encode and manipulate information. QIST promises dramatic improvements in secure communications metrology, and computation. In principle many candidate quantum systems (trapped ions, spins in semiconductor quantum dots, superconducting circuits..) Optical photon makes an ideal ‘flying qubit’ Photons have low decoherence even at room temperature, easy to route and manipulate |0 +|1 e.g. polarization of photon

23 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011
Superconducting single-photon photon detectors for quantum information science Faithful detection of single photons is a key challenge. Hadfield Nature Photonics 3 (12) 696 (2009) Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SSPDs or SNSPDs) have are an important emerging photon-counting technology. SNSPDs have an important role in new QIS applications: Characterization of quantum emitters Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Operation of quantum waveguide circuits Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

24 Characterization of quantum emitters
Ti:Sapphire Laser 1 ps, 780 nm Fast Photodiode Start TAC/MCA Timing Electronics BS 82 MHz Mono- chromator @ 935 nm Fiber Stop SSPD Dichroic BS Sample Sample InGaAs/GaAs QW, Room Temp Cryostat Instrument Responses Decays Stevens et al Applied Physics Letters (2006)

25 Quantum dot single-photon sources for quantum information science applications
Self-assembled quantum dots in III-V semiconductor are a promising source of single photons for optical QIS. Michler et al Nature (2001) Single photon emission is verified by g(2)(0) measurement. These measurements were on emitters at l ~900 nm; SNSPDs would also enable measurements on telecom wavelength single-photon sources Hadfield et al Optics Express (2005) Hadfield et al Journal of Applied Physics (2007)

26 Long wavelength characterization of quantum emitters using SNSPDs
Si single photon avalanche photodiodes do not work at l>1 mm. SNSPDs can be used for characterization of long wavelength emitters. InGaAs grown on InP lDetect = 1650 nm Stevens et al Applied Physics Letters (2006) These measurements were carried out on semiconductor single-photon emitters; this technique would be equally applicable to studies of single photon emission from diamond defect centers, FLIM and FRET for single molecules and singlet oxygen detection. Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

27 Quantum Key Distribution
(Bennett & Brassard, 1984) hn Alice Bob Eve R. Liechtenstein Quantum Key Distribution is a method for two parties (‘Alice’ and ‘Bob’) to create a ‘key’ for encrypting subsequent messages. Information encoded on single photons via phase or polarization Any attempted eavesdropping introduces errors and is therefore detectable. Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011 27

28 Robert Hadfield - Heriot-Watt Quantum Photonics Workshop
Quantum Key Distribution – range limitations Above a certain error rate (QBER) threshold, secure key can no longer be generated. There are two contributions to the error rate (QBER): QBER total = QBER interferometer + QBER dark counts Fixed ~1% Dark count rate / Sifted bit rate As the transmission distance increases, the number of detected bits falls, so the error rate rises, causing the secret bit rate to eventually fall to zero. Log(Key Rate) Distance Sifted Secret Distance QBER 11 % Robert Hadfield - Heriot-Watt Quantum Photonics Workshop

29 Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors
in Quantum Key Distribution Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors: benefits for QKD in optical fibre: - Single-photon sensitivity at 1550 nm - Low dark counts - Low timing jitter - Gaussian instrument response function =>Long distances =>High bit rates Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011 29

30 First QKD demonstration with SNSPDs in the DARPA quantum network
A collaboration between NIST and BBN Technologies (Jonathan Habif, Chip Elliot) sponsored by the DARPA QuIST programme. First prototype SNSPD system delivered to BBN end 2005. Clock rate 3.3 MHz Bob 42.5 km spool Alice (behind) Bit rate (bits/s) 25 km spool Link loss (dB) SNSPD Closed-cycle system Hadfield et al Applied Physics Letters (2006)

31 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011
World record result for long distance QKD in optical fiber using SNSPDs Demonstration carried out end 2006 in Yamamoto lab, Stanford University (Stanford/NTT/NIST) 10 GHz clocked QKD system at l= 1550 nm using superconducting detectors 10 GHz 1 GHz Takesue et al Nature Photonics (2007) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011 31

32 New directions in QKD: ground to space
Vision of European Space Agency SpaceQUEST topical team (led by Prof. Anton Zeilinger, University of Vienna): QKD from the International Space Station (ISS). Photon flux Microlens array Cavity enhanced nanowire pixels Role for SNSPDs? R Ursin et al Europhysics News 40 (3) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

33 Quantum waveguide circuits
Jeremy O’Brien, University of Bristol Optical waveguide circuits can be used to replace conventional optics. Politi et al Science (2008) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

34 Operating quantum waveguide circuits with SNSPDs
with Jeremy O’Brien, University of Bristol, UK CW laser, 402nm, 60mW μm actuator SNSPDs Waveguide Circuit BiBO PMF SMF Filter TCSPC Card a b c d 804nm photon pairs Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

35 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011
Operating quantum waveguide circuits with SNSPDs: initial experiments at l=805 nm First generation quantum waveguide circuits: silica on silicon waveguides, downconversion pair source at l=850 nm (as used in Politi et al Science (2008)) SNSPDs replace Si SPADs Demonstrations: -Two photon interference (Hong-Ou-Mandel dip) -Tuned two phonon interference with resistive phase shift -CNOT gate F=90.4% VSNSPD % Natarajan et al Applied Physics Letters (2010) Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

36 Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011
Operating quantum waveguide circuits with SNSPDs: migrating to telecom wavelengths First generation quantum waveguide circuits: silica on silicon waveguides, downconversion pair source at l=850 nm and Si SPAD detectors Politi et al Science (2008) A much wider range of high performance waveguide components (compact low loss waveguides, high speed switches and modulators) SNSPDs allow operation of next generation quantum waveguide circuits at 1550 nm. Recent reports show that SNSPDs can also be integrated on-chip with the waveguide. This is crucial for the scalabilty of circuits in demanding applications such as optical quantum computing. Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

37 Heralded source with fast lithium niobate switch
Switching efficiency MZI driven with a 4 ns rising time pulse Bonneau et al Fast path and polarization manipulation of telecom wavelength single photons in lithium niobate waveguide devices arXiv (2011)

38 Fast switching of quantum interference
b c d Signal generator Counting logic C1 C2 SPDC q =p/2 q = 0 C2 C1 Counting logic with toggle between two separate counters Square waves 4MHz Interleaved measurement. Both curves taken at the same time. Bonneau et al Fast path and polarization manipulation of telecom wavelength single photons in lithium niobate waveguide devices arXiv (2011)

39 Infrared superconducting single-photon detectors Outlook
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) offer very good practical performance at telecom wavelengths and have successfully been used in challenging quantum information science experiments. Prospects and challenges for SNSPD development: Achieving high efficiency at mid IR wavelengths Reducing the timing jitter Increasing the active area Integrating devices on-chip with optical and electrical elements (optical waveguide circuits, readout electronics) Potential breakthroughs: Large area single photon detectors/detector arrays with high efficiency, picosecond timing resolution and gigahertz count rates from UV to mid IR wavelengths Adoption in new application areas: quantum communications and computing, LiDAR, astronomy, life sciences, integrated circuit testing Robert Hadfield – RIT Detector Virtual Workshop 2011

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