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Maximum likelihood separation of spatially autocorrelated images using a Markov model Shahram Hosseini 1, Rima Guidara 1, Yannick Deville 1 and Christian.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximum likelihood separation of spatially autocorrelated images using a Markov model Shahram Hosseini 1, Rima Guidara 1, Yannick Deville 1 and Christian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximum likelihood separation of spatially autocorrelated images using a Markov model Shahram Hosseini 1, Rima Guidara 1, Yannick Deville 1 and Christian Jutten 2 1. Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT), Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées - Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3, 14 A. Edouard Belin, 31400 Toulouse, France. 2. Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux, UMR CNRS-INPG-UPS, 46 Avenue Félix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble, France

2 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France2 OUTLINE Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model - Second-order Markov random field - Score function estimation - Gradient-based optimisation algorithm Experimental results Conlusion

3 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France3 Problem statement Assumptions : Linear instantaneous mixture. K unknown independent source images, K observations, N=N 1 ×N 2 samples. Unknown mixing matrix A is invertible. Each source is spatially autocorrelated and can be modeled as a 2nd- order Markov random field. Goal: Compute B by a maximum likelihood (ML) approach. Mixing matrixSeparating matrix Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion

4 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France4 Motivations Maximum likelihood approach: provides an asymptotically efficient estimator (smallest error covariance matrix among unbiased estimators). Modeling the source images by Markov random fields: - Most of real images present a spatial autocorrelation within near pixels. - Spatial autocorrelation can make the estimation of the model possible where the basic blind source separation methods cannot estimate it (if image sources are Gaussian but spatially autocorrelated). - Markov random fields allow taking into account spatial autocorrelation without a priori assumption concerning the probability density of the sources.

5 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France5 ML approach (1)  Independence of sources  Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion  We denote the joint PDF of all the samples of all the components of the observation vector x.  Maximum likelihood estimate: whereis the joint PDF of all the samples of source s i

6 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France6 ML approach (2) Decomposition of the joint PDF of each source using Bayes rule  Many possible sweeping trajectories that preserve continuity and can exploit spatial autocorrelation within the image: (1)(2) (3) These different sweeping schemes being essentially equivalent, we chose the horizontal one.

7 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France7 ML approach (3)  Bayes rule decomposition resulting from a horizontal sweeping:  To simplify F, sources are modeled by second-order Markov random fields  Conditional PDF of a pixel given all remaining pixels of the image equals its conditional PDF given its 8 nearest neighbors.

8 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France8 ML approach (4)  is the set of the predecessors of a pixel in the sense of the horizontal sweeping trajectory. For a pixel not located on the boundary of the image, we obtain Denote If the image is quite large, pixels situated on the boundaries can be neglected. We can then write

9 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France9 ML approach (5) The initial joint PDF to be maximized: Taking the logarithm of C, dividing it by N and defining the spatial average operator the log-likelihood can finally be written as

10 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France10 ML approach (6) Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion Taking the derivative of L 1 with respect to the separating matrix B, we have  We define the conditional score function of the source s i with respect to the pixel by:

11 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France11  Denoting: - the column vector which has the conditional score fonctions of the K sources as components. - the K-dimensional vector of observations. we finally obtain ML approach (7) where

12 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France12 Estimation of score functions Conditional score fonctions must be estimated to solve our ML problem. They may be estimated only via reconstructed sources y i (n 1,n 2 ). We used the method proposed in [D.-T.Pham, IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing, Oct. 2004] - A non-parametric kernel density estimator using third-order cardinal spline kernels. - Estimation of joint entropies using a discrete Riemann sum. Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion No prior knowledge of the source distributions is needed. Good estimation of the conditional score functions.  Very time consuming, especially for large-size images.

13 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France13 An equivariant algorithm Initialize B=I. Repeat until convergence : - Compute estimated sources y=Bx. Normalize to unit power. - Estimate the conditional score functions - Compute the matrix - Update B Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion

14 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France14 OUTLINE Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach - Second-order Markov model - Score functions estimation - Gradient optimisation algorithm Experimental results Conclusion

15 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France15 Experimental results Comparison with two classical methods: 1. SOBI algorithm - A second-order method - Joint diagonalisation of covariance matrices evaluated at different lags.  Exploits autocorrelation but ignores possible non-Gaussianity 2. Pham-Garat algorithm - A maximum likelihood approach - Sources are supposed i.i.d  Exploits non-Gaussianity but ignores possible autocorrelation. Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion

16 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France16 Artificial data (1) Generate two autocorrelated images : 1. Generate two independent white and uniformly distributed noise images and. 2. Filter i.i.d noise images by 2 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion In this case, generated images perfectly satisfy the working hypotheses : source images are stationary and second-order Markov random fields.

17 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France17 Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) Mixing matrix : Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion  The mean of the SIR over 100 Monte Carlo simulations is computed and plotted as a function of the filter parameter ρ 22.

18 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France18 Artificial data (2)  Artificial data are generated by filtering i.i.d noise images by means of 2 Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters.  The source images are stationary but cannot be modeled by second-order Markov random fields.  The mean of the SIR over 100 Monte Carlo simulations is computed and plotted as a function of the selectivity of one of the filters.

19 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France19 Astrophysical images (1)  working hypotheses no longer true (non-stationary, non second-order Markov random field images)  Weak mixture :SIR=70 dB  Strong mixture: Separation failed because of bad initial estimation of conditional score functions (estimated sources highly different from actual sources). Problem statement A maximum likelihood approach using Markov model Experimental results Conlusion

20 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France20 SIR Markov: 70 dB Pham-Garat: 13 dB SOBI: 36 dB Solution : Initialize our method with a sub-optimal algorithm like SOBI to obtain a low mixture ratio.

21 MAXENT 2006, July 8-13, Paris-France21 To conclude… A quasi-optimal maximum likelihood method taking into account both non-Gaussianity and spatial autocorrelation is proposed. Good performance on artificial and real data has been achieved. Very time consuming : Solutions to reduce computational cost : - A parametric polynomial estimator of the conditional score functions - A modified equivariant Newton optimization algorithm

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