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CS774. Markov Random Field : Theory and Application Lecture 04 Kyomin Jung KAIST Sep 15 2009.

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1 CS774. Markov Random Field : Theory and Application Lecture 04 Kyomin Jung KAIST Sep 15 2009

2 Basic Idea of Belief Propagation (BP) Let be the marginal prob. of the MRF on the subtree rooted at j, and so on. i j k … …

3 Belief Propagation (BP) ijk

4 i j ∏ Belief at node i at time t: NiNi For t>n, and

5 Properties of BP (and MP) Exact for trees  Each node separates Graph into 2 disjoint components On a tree, the BP algorithm converges in time proportional to diameter of the graph – at most linear For general Graphs  Exact inference is NP-hard  Constant Approximate inference is hard

6 Loopy Belief Propagation Approaches for general graphs  Exact Inference Computation tree based approach (for graph with large girth) Junction Tree algorithm (for bounded tree width graph) Graph cut algorithm (for submodular MRF)  Approximate Inference Loopy BP Sampling based algorithm Graph decomposition based approximation

7 Loopy Belief Propagation If BP is used on graphs with loops, messages may circulate indefinitely Empirically, a good approximation is still achievable  Stop after fixed # of iterations  Stop when no significant change in beliefs  If solution is not oscillatory but converges, it usually is a good approximation Example: LDPC Codes

8 Fixed point of BP Messages of BP at time t forms a dimensional real vector. Let M(t) be this vector. If we normalize, the output of BP(marginal probabilities) is the same. BP algorithm is a continuous function that maps M(t) to M(t+1).  BP: Hence, by Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem, BP has at least one fixed point. (since the domain is a convex, compact set)

9 Fixed point of BP Now important questions are  “Is there a unique fixed point ?”  “Does BP converges to a fixed point ?”  “If it does, how fast ?” Studying these questions are of current research topics.  Ex, studying them for restricted class of MRF (ex graphs with large girth)  Studying relations of BP fixed point with other values (ex Minima of the Bethe Free energy)

10 Girth of a Graph For a graph G=(V,E), the girth of G is the length of a shortest cycle contained in G. If G has girth, and bounded degree, and the MRF satisfies exponential (spatial) correlation decay, then BP computes good approximation of the solution.  Proof: By considering computation tree of BP  It can be used to design a system based on MRF Ex: LDPC code

11 Computation Tree of BP Graph G Computation tree of G at x1

12 (Temporal) Decay of correlations in Markov chains A Markov chain with transition matrix satisfies decay of correlation (mixes) if and only if it is aperiodic (Spatial) Decay of correlations Same thing, but time is replaced by a “spatial” distance Correlation Decay

13 A sequence of spatially (graph) related random variables exhibits a correlation decay(long-range independence), if when is large Principle motivation - statistical phyisics. Uniqueness of Gibbs measures on infinite lattices, Dobrushin [60s]. Correlation Decay

14 Weitz [05]. Independent sets - graph Goldberg, Martin & Paterson [05]. Coloring. General graphs Jonasson [01]. Coloring. Regular trees is the maximum vertex degree of G. in the independent set is the weight for each vertex. (i.e. weight for an independent set of size I is ) q in the coloring problem is the number of possible colors. What is known about correlation decay ?

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