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Sample-based Planning for Continuous Action Markov Decision Processes Ari Weinstein.

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Presentation on theme: "Sample-based Planning for Continuous Action Markov Decision Processes Ari Weinstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sample-based Planning for Continuous Action Markov Decision Processes Ari Weinstein Chris Mansley Michael L. Littman Rutgers Laboratory for Real-Life Reinforcement Learning

2 Motivation Sample-based planning: – Planning cost independent of size of state – Sometimes MDP too large Continuous Action MDPs: – Common setting, but few RL algorithms exist – Imagine riding in a car where gas and brakes are on/off switches If we have, or can learn dynamics for continuous action domains, how do we plan in it?

3 Sample-based planning for finite MDPs Don’t care about regions far away Requires generative model – Ask for a for any anytime Sparse sampling [Kearns et al. 1999] – PAC-style guarantees – Too expensive Monte-Carlo tree search – Weaker theoretical guarantees (generally) – In practice, more useful

4 Sparse Sampling [Kearns et al. 1999] ε-optimal planner Cost independent of |S|, but exponential in ε and 1-γ For γ=0.9, ε=0.1, Rmax=1: – C=8x10^12, H=101

5 Monte-Carlo Tree [DAG] Search Possible trajectories (rollouts) through an MDP can be encoded by a DAG – Layered in depths with all states in each depth – Edges contain actions, rewards Explore DAG so high value action is taken

6 Instance of Monte-Carlo tree search Leverages bandit literature – Places a bandit agent similar to UCB1 at each in rollout tree [Auer et al. 2002] (only illustrated at root) Action selection according to: Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees (UCT) [Kocsis, Szepesvári. 2006]

7 Continuous action spaces Most canonical RL domains are continuous action MDPs – why ignore it? – Hillcar, pole balancing, acrobot, double integrator, robotics… Coarse discretization is not good enough – Infinite regret – Want to focus samples in optimal region

8 Hierarchical Optimistic Optimization (HOO) [Bubeck et al. 2008] Partition action space similar to a KD-tree – Keep track of rewards for each subtree Blue is the bandit, red is the decomposition of HOO tree – Thickness represents estimated reward Tree grows deeper and builds estimates at high resolution where reward is highest

9 HOO continued Exploration bonuses for number of samples and size of each subregion – Regions with large volume and few samples are unknown, vice versa Pull arm in region according to maximal Has optimal regret, independent of action dimension

10 HOOT [Weinstein, Mansley, Littman. 2010] Hierarchical Optimistic Optimization applied to Trees Ideas follow from UCT Instead of UCB, places a HOO agent at each in rollout tree – Results in continuous action planning

11 Benefits of HOOT Planning cost independent of state size Continuous action planning Adaptive partitioning of action space allows for more efficient tree search – Fewer samples wasted on suboptimal actions Good performance in high dimensional action spaces Good horizon depth

12 Experiments D-double integrator, D-link swimmer Number of samples to generative model fixed to 2048, 8192 per planning step, respectively Since both are discrete state planners, state dimension has coarse discretization of 20 divisions per dimension

13 D-Double Integrator [Santamaría et al. 2006] Object with position and velocity. Control acceleration. Reward is -(p 2 +a 2 ) Consequence of poor action discretization Explosion in finite actions causes failure

14 D-link Swimmer [Tassa et al. 2006] Swim head from start to goal For D links, there are D-1 actions and 2D+4 states – 5 continuous action and 16 continuous state dimensions in most complex – Difficult to get good coverage with standard RL methods With more dimensions, UCT fails while HOOT improves significantly

15 In the interest of full disclosure Bad (undirected) exploration Theoretical analysis difficult (nonstationarity) Degenerate behavior due to vMin, vMax scaling UCT also has these problems

16 Conclusions HOOT is a planner that operates directly in continuous action spaces – Local solutions of MDP mean costs independent of state size – No action discretization tuning Coarse discretization not good enough even in simple MDPs, even when tuned Coarse discretization explodes in high dimensions, making planning almost impossible Future work: – HOOT for continuous state spaces – Using optimiziers in place of max for continuous action RL algorithms of other forms

17 References Kocsis, L. and Szepesvári, C. Bandit based Monte-Carlo planning. In Machine Learning: ECML 2006, 2006. Auer, P., Fischer, P., and Cesa-Bianchi, N. Finite-time analysis of the multi-armed bandit problem. Machine Learning, 47, 2002 Kearns M., Mansour S., Ng A., A Sparse Sampling Algorithm for Near-Optimal Planning in Large MDPs, IJCAI 99 Bubeck S., Munos R., Stoltz G., Szepesvári C., Online Optimization in X-Armed Bandits, NIPS 08 Santamar í a, Juan C., Sutton, R., and Ram, Ashwin. Ex- periments with reinforcement learning in problems with continuous state and action spaces. In Adaptive Behavior 6, 1998. Tassa, Yuval, Erez, Tom, and Smart, William D. Receding horizon differential dynamic programming. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21. 2007.

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