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SFI-4.1 Brian Von Herzen, Ph.D. Xilinx Consultant,

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1 SFI-4.1 Brian Von Herzen, Ph.D. Xilinx Consultant,

2 OIF Electrical Interfaces  What are the OIF Electrical Interfaces? SPI-5 SFI-5 SPI-4.2 SPI-4.1 SFI-4 SPI-3

3 SFI-4  SFI-4 (OC-192 SERDES-Framer Interface) OIF-PLL-02.0 Proposal for a common electrical interface between SONET framer and serializer/deserializer parts for OC-192 interfaces)

4 System Packet Interface Level 5 (SPI-5): OC-768 System Interface for Physical and Link Layer Devices  SPI-5 connects Physical to Link Layer Devices Fabric interface chips (FIC) Traffic managers Network processing element (NPE’s)

5 SPI-5 Signals  The SPI-5 interface uses clock forwarding between PHY Link Layer Devices Up to 3.125 Gbps 16 lanes 50 gigabits per sec OC-768 with 25% overspeed

6 SFI-5  SERDES Framer Interface Level 5 (SFI-5): Implementation Agreement for 40Gb/s  Interface for Physical Layer Devices

7 SPI-4.2  System Packet Interface Level 4 (SPI-4) Phase 2: OC-192 System Interface for Physical and Link Layer Devices

8 SPI-4.2 Interface for Physical and Link Layer Devices  Uses 16 lanes at 622 Mbps or faster

9 SPI-4.1  System Physical Interface Level 4 (SPI-4) Phase 1:  A System Interface for Interconnection Between: Physical and Link Layer, Peer-to-Peer Entities Operating at 10 Gbps (OC-192).  64 Data Signals at  200 MHz

10 SPI-3  System Packet Interface Level 3 (SPI-3): OC-48 System Interface for Physical and Link Layer Devices

11 OIF Electrical Standards Benefits  Enables “Best-In-Class” selection of devices that interoperate SERDES FEC Framers Traffic Management Fabric Interfaces  System vendors can choose their favorite feature sets and mix and match components as needed

12 OIF Electrical Standards Benefits (continued)  With interoperable standards, vendors can Mix and Match “best of breed” components Minimize the engineering to connect components Reduce time to market Enable customization using programmable logic for key components

13 System Design Example  A systems vendor wanting to build an OC-768 switch with OIF standards can select: A customized traffic manager from FPGA Vendor X A framer from ASSP vendor Y A SERDES module from Optical Vendor Z Optical Vendor Z ASSP Vendor Y FPGA Vendor X

14 OIF Electrical Standards Silicon Solutions  A variety of Silicon implementation solutions are available, including:  ASSP + FPGA  ASIC  System vendors do not get locked in to a proprietary solution  OIF-compliant chips interoperate effectively to enable “best of breed” system solutions

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