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CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 The State of the Research Networking World Thom Stone May 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 The State of the Research Networking World Thom Stone May 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 The State of the Research Networking World Thom Stone May 2002

2 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Topics Technology and HPRENs Areas –North America –Europe –Asia –South America –Africa

3 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Technology Updates Wide area Ethernet –Resilient Packet Ring –Gig-E and 10 Gig Ethernet connections over wavelengths (SURFNET had a little Lambda) New NREN “Distributed StarTAP” StarLIGHT The “great technology dying” Western Europe and Asia/Pacific march ahead, South America takes some steps, Africa lags

4 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Beating the Standards Europe rolling out 10 Gig Ethernet over the wide area, Canada switches Lambda and US follows ATM and SONET are becoming passé Resilient Packet Ring Standard (RPR- 802.17) brings protection, fast convergence RPR is IP centric Pure Lambda switching is next

5 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002

6 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 New NREN Backbone Up and Working OC-12 ATM core with some OC-3 tail circuits Connected to StarLIGHT (optical) in Chicago for international peering NREN and NPN share bandwidth - NREN for Network Research, NPN for application prototyping. Three-tier HPREN model (NISN, NPN, NREN)

7 HQ ARC/NGIX-West JPL GRC MSFC NGIX-Chi NASA WAN Testbed GSFC NGIX-East Future sites (dashed lines) NREN Sites OC-12ATM Hybrid Ground Station (35 Mbps) Office of the Future Grand Challenge Applications Earth Sciences Spacecraft NREN Network Architecture

8 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Distributed StarTAP Allow for Non-US networks to terminate at coastal locations and use “International Transit Service” (ITN) to proxy peer via Abilene to STARTAP Thai network (UNINET) lands at L.A.,South American networks (AMPATH) land in Miami Abilene does not allow for FEDNET peering to ITN sites

9 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 International HPRENs

10 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 StarLIGHT New optical peering point in Chicago Experimental optical switching Very high speed connections—Gig-E or higher Will carry transit from StarTAP

11 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 The Technology/Telecom Slump Global Crossing gone and other IRCs in danger. Do not know how this will affect AMPATH or other transoceanic connections Fiber switching, advanced routing, Wide/Metro area Ethernet companies all go into bankruptcy. Many established companies in trouble or pulling back

12 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 CAnet*4 the Optical Avatar Canarie is the leader in all optical networks and switching DWDM backbone New protocols such as Optical Border Gateway Protocol Provide transit for other networks

13 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Europe Does Gig TERENA - GEANT supercedes 10-155. 10 Gig-E Lambda backbone for Europe Dutch SURFNET lights the Atlantic –10 Gig-E IP over Lambda terrestrial backbone –Connection to StarTAP at 622 Mb/sec (OC-12) –Dual connection to StarLIGHT at GIG-E speed Teleglobe and Global Crossing

14 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 SuperJanet - Rule Britannica Last month bought up two 2.5 Gig (OC-48 POS) links to US. Abilene, ESNET share one. Also OC-48 POS to GEANT

15 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Eastern Europe Attempts HPRENS CEENET Central and Eastern European Networking Association –26 Country networks –Low-speed connections to the outside –Russia - FASTnet connected to StarTAP at OC-3 (Jan. 2002)

16 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Asia Pacific AARNET –Current ATM backbone, going to 10 G-E in the near future –Dual 155 Mb/sec (OC-3) SONET links to the US APAN –Dual OC-12 circuits to Chicago. One POS one ATM Singapore (SINGAREN) – ATM National backbone 27 Mb/sec ATM to ABILENE/StarTAP Malaysia (TEMAN) –ATM backbone -Satellite Link to US networks Thailand (UNINET) –ATM backbone- 17 Mb/sec connection to Abilene ITN at L.A.

17 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 More Asia Pacific Philippine Research, Education, Government Information Network (PREGINET) –ATM network In planning- Connects now via APAN CERNET- China Research and Education Network- OC-48 POS backbone connects to other China Academic networks Networks for HK, Taiwan, Korea, etc.

18 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 AMPATH - HPRENS for South America Florida International University, Global Crossing, Cisco team to bring High Speed connectivity to networks in South America DS-3 ATM links, routers in a ring around South America Eleven connections now up What will the demise of Global Crossing do?

19 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002

20 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Africa Bleak Outlook UNEP satellite based network decommissioned this year National Library of Medicine network being redesigned Uninet, the South African network has no external connectivity The UN is going to hold sessions concerning the lack of Internet resources in Africa

21 CEOS Support for IUG 2003, Sapporo, Japan May 2002 HPREN Status, CEOS NS May 2002 Conclusion High-speed connections are here. Applications and protocols may not be ready for them. TCP performance is limited on single flows. The current economic downturn could have a negative impact in the next period. New technologies may not emerge as fast as they have in the past. The problem of the “have not” areas must be addressed.

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